blob: bb37bfa07b2d9087ecff365dceb91a6dadfac3c2 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2012 The Closure Linter Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Pass that scans for goog.scope aliases and lint/usage errors."""
# Allow non-Google copyright
# pylint: disable=g-bad-file-header
__author__ = (' (Nathan Naze)')
from closure_linter import ecmametadatapass
from closure_linter import errors
from closure_linter import javascripttokens
from closure_linter import scopeutil
from closure_linter import tokenutil
from closure_linter.common import error
# TODO(nnaze): Create a Pass interface and move this class, EcmaMetaDataPass,
# and related classes onto it.
def _GetAliasForIdentifier(identifier, alias_map):
"""Returns the aliased_symbol name for an identifier.
Example usage:
>>> alias_map = {'MyClass': ''}
>>> _GetAliasForIdentifier('MyClass.prototype.action', alias_map)
>>> _GetAliasForIdentifier('MyClass.prototype.action', {})
identifier: The identifier.
alias_map: A dictionary mapping a symbol to an alias.
The aliased symbol name or None if not found.
ns = identifier.split('.', 1)[0]
aliased_symbol = alias_map.get(ns)
if aliased_symbol:
return aliased_symbol + identifier[len(ns):]
def _SetTypeAlias(js_type, alias_map):
"""Updates the alias for identifiers in a type.
js_type: A typeannotation.TypeAnnotation instance.
alias_map: A dictionary mapping a symbol to an alias.
aliased_symbol = _GetAliasForIdentifier(js_type.identifier, alias_map)
if aliased_symbol:
js_type.alias = aliased_symbol
for sub_type in js_type.IterTypes():
_SetTypeAlias(sub_type, alias_map)
class AliasPass(object):
"""Pass to identify goog.scope() usages.
Identifies goog.scope() usages and finds lint/usage errors. Notes any
aliases of symbols in Closurized namespaces (that is, reassignments
such as "var MyClass =;") and annotates identifiers
when they're using an alias (so they may be expanded to the full symbol
later -- that "MyClass.prototype.action" refers to
"" when expanded.).
def __init__(self, closurized_namespaces=None, error_handler=None):
"""Creates a new pass.
closurized_namespaces: A set of Closurized namespaces (e.g. 'goog').
error_handler: An error handler to report lint errors to.
self._error_handler = error_handler
# If we have namespaces, freeze the set.
if closurized_namespaces:
closurized_namespaces = frozenset(closurized_namespaces)
self._closurized_namespaces = closurized_namespaces
def Process(self, start_token):
"""Runs the pass on a token stream.
start_token: The first token in the stream.
if start_token is None:
# TODO(nnaze): Add more goog.scope usage checks.
# If we have closurized namespaces, identify aliased identifiers.
if self._closurized_namespaces:
context = start_token.metadata.context
root_context = context.GetRoot()
def _CheckGoogScopeCalls(self, start_token):
"""Check goog.scope calls for lint/usage errors."""
def IsScopeToken(token):
return (token.type is javascripttokens.JavaScriptTokenType.IDENTIFIER and
token.string == 'goog.scope')
# Find all the goog.scope tokens in the file
scope_tokens = [t for t in start_token if IsScopeToken(t)]
for token in scope_tokens:
scope_context = token.metadata.context
if not (scope_context.type == ecmametadatapass.EcmaContext.STATEMENT and
scope_context.parent.type == ecmametadatapass.EcmaContext.ROOT):
'goog.scope call not in global scope', token))
# There should be only one goog.scope reference. Register errors for
# every instance after the first.
for token in scope_tokens[1:]:
'More than one goog.scope call in file.', token))
def _MaybeReportError(self, err):
"""Report an error to the handler (if registered)."""
if self._error_handler:
def _YieldAllContexts(cls, context):
"""Yields all contexts that are contained by the given context."""
yield context
for child_context in context.children:
for descendent_child in cls._YieldAllContexts(child_context):
yield descendent_child
def _IsTokenInParentBlock(token, parent_block):
"""Determines whether the given token is contained by the given block.
token: A token
parent_block: An EcmaContext.
Whether the token is in a context that is or is a child of the given
parent_block context.
context = token.metadata.context
while context:
if context is parent_block:
return True
context = context.parent
return False
def _ProcessRootContext(self, root_context):
"""Processes all goog.scope blocks under the root context."""
assert root_context.type is ecmametadatapass.EcmaContext.ROOT
# Process aliases in statements in the root scope for goog.module-style
# aliases.
global_alias_map = {}
for context in root_context.children:
if context.type == ecmametadatapass.EcmaContext.STATEMENT:
for statement_child in context.children:
if statement_child.type == ecmametadatapass.EcmaContext.VAR:
match = scopeutil.MatchModuleAlias(statement_child)
if match:
# goog.require aliases cannot use further aliases, the symbol is
# the second part of match, directly.
symbol = match[1]
if scopeutil.IsInClosurizedNamespace(symbol,
global_alias_map[match[0]] = symbol
# Process each block to find aliases.
for context in root_context.children:
self._ProcessBlock(context, global_alias_map)
def _ProcessBlock(self, context, global_alias_map):
"""Scans a goog.scope block to find aliases and mark alias tokens."""
alias_map = global_alias_map.copy()
# Iterate over every token in the context. Each token points to one
# context, but multiple tokens may point to the same context. We only want
# to check each context once, so keep track of those we've seen.
seen_contexts = set()
token = context.start_token
while token and self._IsTokenInParentBlock(token, context):
token_context = token.metadata.context if token.metadata else None
# Check to see if this token is an alias.
if token_context and token_context not in seen_contexts:
# If this is a alias statement in the goog.scope block.
if (token_context.type == ecmametadatapass.EcmaContext.VAR and
match = scopeutil.MatchAlias(token_context)
# If this is an alias, remember it in the map.
if match:
alias, symbol = match
symbol = _GetAliasForIdentifier(symbol, alias_map) or symbol
if scopeutil.IsInClosurizedNamespace(symbol,
alias_map[alias] = symbol
# If this token is an identifier that matches an alias,
# mark the token as an alias to the original symbol.
if (token.type is javascripttokens.JavaScriptTokenType.SIMPLE_LVALUE or
token.type is javascripttokens.JavaScriptTokenType.IDENTIFIER):
identifier = tokenutil.GetIdentifierForToken(token)
if identifier:
aliased_symbol = _GetAliasForIdentifier(identifier, alias_map)
if aliased_symbol:
token.metadata.aliased_symbol = aliased_symbol
elif token.type == javascripttokens.JavaScriptTokenType.DOC_FLAG:
flag = token.attached_object
if flag and flag.HasType() and flag.jstype:
_SetTypeAlias(flag.jstype, alias_map)
token = # Get next token