blob: e8c0af22406e701ea8aa1aa2d7112fcb31774730 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import posixpath
import re
from telemetry.timeline import event as timeline_event
class MmapCategory(object):
def __init__(self, name, file_pattern, children=None):
"""A (sub)category for classifying memory maps.
name: A string to identify the category.
file_pattern: A regex pattern, the category will aggregate memory usage
for all mapped files matching this pattern.
children: A list of MmapCategory objects, used to sub-categorize memory
""" = name
self._file_pattern = re.compile(file_pattern) if file_pattern else None
self._children = list(children) if children else None
def DefaultCategory(cls):
"""An implicit 'Others' match-all category with no children."""
if cls._DEFAULT_CATEGORY is None:
cls._DEFAULT_CATEGORY = cls('Others', None)
def Match(self, mapped_file):
"""Test whether a mapped file matches this category."""
return (self._file_pattern is None
or bool(
def GetMatchingChild(self, mapped_file):
"""Get the first matching sub-category for a given mapped file.
Returns None if the category has no children, or the DefaultCategory if
it does have children but none of them match.
if not self._children:
return None
for child in self._children:
if child.Match(mapped_file):
return child
return type(self).DefaultCategory()
ROOT_CATEGORY = MmapCategory('/', None, [
MmapCategory('Android', r'^\/dev\/ashmem(?!\/libc malloc)', [
MmapCategory('Java runtime', r'^\/dev\/ashmem\/dalvik-', [
MmapCategory('Spaces', r'\/dalvik-(alloc|main|large'
r' object|non moving|zygote) space', [
MmapCategory('Normal', r'\/dalvik-(alloc|main)'),
MmapCategory('Large', r'\/dalvik-large object'),
MmapCategory('Zygote', r'\/dalvik-zygote'),
MmapCategory('Non-moving', r'\/dalvik-non moving')
MmapCategory('Linear Alloc', r'\/dalvik-LinearAlloc'),
MmapCategory('Indirect Reference Table', r'\/dalvik-indirect.ref'),
MmapCategory('Cache', r'\/dalvik-jit-code-cache'),
MmapCategory('Accounting', None)
MmapCategory('Cursor', r'\/CursorWindow'),
MmapCategory('Ashmem', None)
MmapCategory('Native heap',
r'^((\[heap\])|(\[anon:)|(\/dev\/ashmem\/libc malloc)|$)'),
MmapCategory('Stack', r'^\[stack'),
r'\.((((so)|(jar)|(apk)|(ttf)|(odex)|(oat)|(art))$)|(dex))', [
MmapCategory('so', r'\.so$'),
MmapCategory('jar', r'\.jar$'),
MmapCategory('apk', r'\.apk$'),
MmapCategory('ttf', r'\.ttf$'),
MmapCategory('dex', r'\.((dex)|(odex$))'),
MmapCategory('oat', r'\.oat$'),
MmapCategory('art', r'\.art$'),
MmapCategory('Devices', r'(^\/dev\/)|(anon_inode:dmabuf)', [
MmapCategory('GPU', r'\/((nv)|(mali)|(kgsl))'),
MmapCategory('DMA', r'anon_inode:dmabuf'),
MmapCategory('Discounted tracing overhead',
r'\[discounted tracing overhead\]')
# Map long descriptive attribute names, as understood by MemoryBucket.GetValue,
# to the short keys used by events in raw json traces.
'proportional_resident': 'pss',
'private_dirty_resident': 'pd',
'private_clean_resident': 'pc',
'shared_dirty_resident': 'sd',
'shared_clean_resident': 'sc',
'swapped': 'sw'}
# Map of {memory_key: (category_path, discount_tracing), ...}.
# When discount_tracing is True, we have to discount the resident_size of the
# tracing allocator to get the correct value for that key.
'mmaps_overall_pss': ('/.proportional_resident', True),
'mmaps_private_dirty' : ('/.private_dirty_resident', True),
'mmaps_java_heap': ('/Android/Java runtime/Spaces.proportional_resident',
'mmaps_ashmem': ('/Android/Ashmem.proportional_resident', False),
'mmaps_native_heap': ('/Native heap.proportional_resident', True)}
class MemoryBucket(object):
"""Simple object to hold and aggregate memory values."""
def __init__(self):
self._bucket = dict.fromkeys(BUCKET_ATTRS.iterkeys(), 0)
def __repr__(self):
values = ', '.join('%s=%d' % (src_key, self._bucket[dst_key])
for dst_key, src_key
in sorted(BUCKET_ATTRS.iteritems()))
return '%s[%s]' % (type(self).__name__, values)
def AddRegion(self, byte_stats):
for dst_key, src_key in BUCKET_ATTRS.iteritems():
self._bucket[dst_key] += int(byte_stats.get(src_key, '0'), 16)
def GetValue(self, name):
return self._bucket[name]
class ProcessMemoryDumpEvent(timeline_event.TimelineEvent):
"""A memory dump event belonging to a single timeline.Process object.
It's a subclass of telemetry's TimelineEvent so it can be included in
the stream of events contained in timeline.model objects, and have its
timing correlated with that of other events in the model.
process: The Process object associated with the memory dump.
dump_events: A list of dump events of the process with the same dump id.
dump_id: A string to identify events belonging to the same global dump.
process: The timeline.Process object that owns this memory dump event.
has_mmaps: True if the memory dump has mmaps information. If False then
GetMemoryUsage will report all zeros.
def __init__(self, process, dump_events):
assert dump_events
start_time = min(event['ts'] for event in dump_events) / 1000.0
duration = max(event['ts'] for event in dump_events) / 1000.0 - start_time
super(ProcessMemoryDumpEvent, self).__init__('memory', 'memory_dump',
start_time, duration)
self.process = process
self.dump_id = dump_events[0]['id']
allocator_dumps = {}
vm_regions = []
for event in dump_events:
assert (event['ph'] == 'v' and == event['pid'] and
self.dump_id == event['id'])
except KeyError:
pass # It's ok if any of those keys are not present.
value = event['args']['dumps']['process_mmaps']['vm_regions']
assert not vm_regions
vm_regions = value
except KeyError:
pass # It's ok if any of those keys are not present.
self._allocators = {}
parent_path = ''
parent_has_size = False
for allocator_name, size_values in sorted(allocator_dumps.iteritems()):
if ((allocator_name.startswith(parent_path) and parent_has_size) or
parent_path = allocator_name + '/'
parent_has_size = 'size' in size_values['attrs']
name_parts = allocator_name.split('/')
allocator_name = name_parts[0]
# For 'gpu/android_memtrack/*' we want to keep track of individual
# components. E.g. 'gpu/android_memtrack/gl' will be stored as
# 'android_memtrack_gl' in the allocators dict.
if (len(name_parts) == 3 and allocator_name == 'gpu' and
name_parts[1] == 'android_memtrack'):
allocator_name = '_'.join(name_parts[1:3])
allocator = self._allocators.setdefault(allocator_name, {})
for size_key, size_value in size_values['attrs'].iteritems():
if size_value['units'] == 'bytes':
allocator[size_key] = (allocator.get(size_key, 0)
+ int(size_value['value'], 16))
# we need to discount tracing from malloc size.
self._allocators['malloc']['size'] -= self._allocators['tracing']['size']
except KeyError:
pass # It's ok if any of those keys are not present.
self.has_mmaps = bool(vm_regions)
self._buckets = {}
for vm_region in vm_regions:
def process_name(self):
def _AddRegion(self, vm_region):
path = ''
category = ROOT_CATEGORY
while category:
path = posixpath.join(path,
mapped_file = vm_region['mf']
category = category.GetMatchingChild(mapped_file)
def __repr__(self):
values = ['pid=%d' %]
for key, value in sorted(self.GetMemoryUsage().iteritems()):
values.append('%s=%d' % (key, value))
values = ', '.join(values)
return '%s[%s]' % (type(self).__name__, values)
def GetMemoryBucket(self, path):
"""Return the MemoryBucket associated with a category path.
An empty bucket will be created if the path does not already exist.
path: A string with path in the classification tree, e.g.
'/Android/Java runtime/Cache'. Note: no trailing slash, except for
the root path '/'.
if not path in self._buckets:
self._buckets[path] = MemoryBucket()
return self._buckets[path]
def GetMemoryValue(self, category_path, discount_tracing=False):
"""Return a specific value from within a MemoryBucket.
category_path: A string composed of a path in the classification tree,
followed by a '.', followed by a specific bucket value, e.g.
'/Android/Java runtime/Cache.private_dirty_resident'.
discount_tracing: A boolean indicating whether the returned value should
be discounted by the resident size of the tracing allocator.
path, name = category_path.rsplit('.', 1)
value = self.GetMemoryBucket(path).GetValue(name)
if discount_tracing and 'tracing' in self._allocators:
value -= self._allocators['tracing'].get('resident_size', 0)
return value
def GetMemoryUsage(self):
"""Get a dictionary with the memory usage of this process."""
usage = {}
for name, values in self._allocators.iteritems():
# If you wish to track more attributes here, make sure they are correctly
# calculated by the ProcessMemoryDumpEvent method. All dumps whose parent
# has "size" attribute are ignored to avoid double counting. So, the
# other attributes are totals of only top level dumps.
if 'size' in values:
usage['allocator_%s' % name] = values['size']
if 'allocated_objects_size' in values:
usage['allocated_objects_%s' % name] = values['allocated_objects_size']
if 'memtrack_pss' in values:
usage[name] = values['memtrack_pss']
if self.has_mmaps:
usage.update((key, self.GetMemoryValue(*value))
for key, value in MMAPS_METRICS.iteritems())
return usage
class GlobalMemoryDump(object):
"""Object to aggregate individual process dumps with the same dump id.
process_dumps: A sequence of ProcessMemoryDumpEvent objects, all sharing
the same global dump id.
dump_id: A string identifying this dump.
has_mmaps: True if the memory dump has mmaps information. If False then
GetMemoryUsage will report all zeros.
def __init__(self, process_dumps):
assert process_dumps
# Keep dumps sorted in chronological order.
self._process_dumps = sorted(process_dumps, key=lambda dump: dump.start)
# All process dump events should have the same dump id.
dump_ids = set(dump.dump_id for dump in self._process_dumps)
assert len(dump_ids) == 1
self.dump_id = dump_ids.pop()
# Either all processes have mmaps or none of them do.
have_mmaps = set(dump.has_mmaps for dump in self._process_dumps)
assert len(have_mmaps) == 1
self.has_mmaps = have_mmaps.pop()
def start(self):
return self._process_dumps[0].start
def end(self):
return max(dump.end for dump in self._process_dumps)
def duration(self):
return self.end - self.start
def pids(self):
return set( for d in self._process_dumps)
def IterProcessMemoryDumps(self):
return iter(self._process_dumps)
def CountProcessMemoryDumps(self):
return len(self._process_dumps)
def __repr__(self):
values = ['id=%s' % self.dump_id]
for key, value in sorted(self.GetMemoryUsage().iteritems()):
values.append('%s=%d' % (key, value))
values = ', '.join(values)
return '%s[%s]' % (type(self).__name__, values)
def GetMemoryUsage(self):
"""Get the aggregated memory usage over all processes in this dump."""
result = {}
for dump in self._process_dumps:
for key, value in dump.GetMemoryUsage().iteritems():
result[key] = result.get(key, 0) + value
return result