blob: de91b79200ca68eb5a75bb88d13d5bb5c4f752b8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import csv
from telemetry.internal.results import output_formatter
from telemetry.value import scalar
class CsvPivotTableOutputFormatter(output_formatter.OutputFormatter):
"""Output the results as CSV suitable for reading into a spreadsheet.
This will write a header row, and one row for each value. Each value row
contains the value and unit, identifies the value (story_set, page, name), and
(optionally) data from --output-trace-tag. This format matches what
spreadsheet programs expect as input for a "pivot table".
A trace tag (--output-trace-tag) can be used to tag each value, to allow
easy combination of the resulting CSVs from several runs.
If the trace_tag contains a comma, it will be written as several
comma-separated values.
This class only processes scalar values.
FIELDS = ['story_set', 'page', 'name', 'value', 'units', 'run_index']
def __init__(self, output_stream, trace_tag=''):
super(CsvPivotTableOutputFormatter, self).__init__(output_stream)
self._trace_tag = trace_tag
def Format(self, page_test_results):
csv_writer = csv.writer(self.output_stream)
# Observe trace_tag. Use comma to split up the trace tag.
tag_values = self._trace_tag.split(',')
tag_values = [x for x in tag_values if x] # filter empty list entries
tag_headers = ['trace_tag_%d' % i for i in range(len(tag_values))]
# Write header.
csv_writer.writerow(self.FIELDS + tag_headers)
# Write all values. Each row contains a value + page-level metadata.
for run in page_test_results.all_page_runs:
run_index = page_test_results.all_page_runs.index(run)
page_dict = {
'page': run.story.display_name,
'story_set': run.story.page_set.Name(),
'run_index': run_index,
for value in run.values:
if isinstance(value, scalar.ScalarValue):
value_dict = {
'value': value.value,
'units': value.units,
[value_dict[field] for field in self.FIELDS] + tag_values)