blob: 85e5d30b681341c31ecaa69572280152cdf29109 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import collections
import logging
import os
import re
from telemetry.internal.platform import power_monitor
from telemetry import decorators
CPU_PATH = '/sys/devices/system/cpu/'
class SysfsPowerMonitor(power_monitor.PowerMonitor):
"""PowerMonitor that relies on sysfs to monitor CPU statistics on several
different platforms.
# TODO(rnephew):
# Convert all platforms to use standalone power monitors.
def __init__(self, linux_based_platform_backend, standalone=False):
linux_based_platform_backend: A LinuxBasedPlatformBackend object.
standalone: If it is not wrapping another monitor, set to True.
_cpus: A list of the CPUs on the target device.
_end_time: The time the test stopped monitoring power.
_final_cstate: The c-state residency times after the test.
_final_freq: The CPU frequency times after the test.
_initial_cstate: The c-state residency times before the test.
_initial_freq: The CPU frequency times before the test.
_platform: A LinuxBasedPlatformBackend object associated with the
target platform.
_start_time: The time the test started monitoring power.
super(SysfsPowerMonitor, self).__init__()
self._cpus = None
self._final_cstate = None
self._final_freq = None
self._initial_cstate = None
self._initial_freq = None
self._platform = linux_based_platform_backend
self._standalone = standalone
def CanMonitorPower(self):
return bool(self._platform.RunCommand(
'if [ -e %s ]; then echo true; fi' % CPU_PATH))
def StartMonitoringPower(self, browser):
del browser # unused
if self.CanMonitorPower():
self._cpus = filter( # pylint: disable=deprecated-lambda
lambda x: re.match(r'^cpu[0-9]+', x),
self._platform.RunCommand('ls %s' % CPU_PATH).split())
self._initial_freq = self.GetCpuFreq()
self._initial_cstate = self.GetCpuState()
def StopMonitoringPower(self):
out = {}
if SysfsPowerMonitor.CanMonitorPower(self):
self._final_freq = self.GetCpuFreq()
self._final_cstate = self.GetCpuState()
frequencies = SysfsPowerMonitor.ComputeCpuStats(
cstates = SysfsPowerMonitor.ComputeCpuStats(
for cpu in frequencies:
out[cpu] = {'frequency_percent': frequencies.get(cpu)}
out[cpu] = {'cstate_residency_percent': cstates.get(cpu)}
if self._standalone:
return self.CombineResults(out, {})
return out
self._initial_cstate = None
self._initial_freq = None
def GetCpuState(self):
"""Retrieve CPU c-state residency times from the device.
Dictionary containing c-state residency times for each CPU.
stats = {}
for cpu in self._cpus:
cpu_idle_path = os.path.join(CPU_PATH, cpu, 'cpuidle')
if not self._platform.PathExists(cpu_idle_path):
'Cannot read cpu c-state residency times for %s due to %s not exist'
% (cpu, cpu_idle_path))
cpu_state_path = os.path.join(cpu_idle_path, 'state*')
output = self._platform.RunCommand(
'cat %s %s %s; date +%%s' % (
os.path.join(cpu_state_path, 'name'),
os.path.join(cpu_state_path, 'time'),
os.path.join(cpu_state_path, 'latency')))
stats[cpu] = re.sub('\n\n+', '\n', output)
return stats
def GetCpuFreq(self):
"""Retrieve CPU frequency times from the device.
Dictionary containing frequency times for each CPU.
stats = {}
for cpu in self._cpus:
cpu_freq_path = os.path.join(
CPU_PATH, cpu, 'cpufreq/stats/time_in_state')
if not self._platform.PathExists(cpu_freq_path):
'Cannot read cpu frequency times for %s due to %s not existing'
% (cpu, cpu_freq_path))
stats[cpu] = None
stats[cpu] = self._platform.GetFileContents(cpu_freq_path)
except Exception as e:
'Cannot read cpu frequency times in %s due to error: %s' %
(cpu_freq_path, e.message))
stats[cpu] = None
return stats
def ParseFreqSample(sample):
"""Parse a single frequency sample.
sample: The single sample of frequency data to be parsed.
A dictionary associating a frequency with a time.
sample_stats = {}
for cpu in sample:
frequencies = {}
if sample[cpu] is None:
sample_stats[cpu] = None
for line in sample[cpu].splitlines():
pair = line.split()
freq = int(pair[0]) * 10 ** 3
timeunits = int(pair[1])
if freq in frequencies:
frequencies[freq] += timeunits
frequencies[freq] = timeunits
sample_stats[cpu] = frequencies
return sample_stats
def ComputeCpuStats(initial, final):
"""Parse the CPU c-state and frequency values saved during monitoring.
initial: The parsed dictionary of initial statistics to be converted
into percentages.
final: The parsed dictionary of final statistics to be converted
into percentages.
Dictionary containing percentages for each CPU as well as an average
across all CPUs.
cpu_stats = {}
# Each core might have different states or frequencies, so keep track of
# the total time in a state or frequency and how many cores report a time.
cumulative_times = collections.defaultdict(lambda: (0, 0))
for cpu in initial:
current_cpu = {}
total = 0
if not initial[cpu] or not final[cpu]:
cpu_stats[cpu] = collections.defaultdict(int)
for state in initial[cpu]:
current_cpu[state] = final[cpu][state] - initial[cpu][state]
total += current_cpu[state]
if total == 0:
# Somehow it's possible for initial and final to have the same sum,
# but a different distribution, making total == 0.
cpu_stats[cpu] = collections.defaultdict(int)
for state in current_cpu:
current_cpu[state] /= (float(total) / 100.0)
# Calculate the average c-state residency across all CPUs.
time, count = cumulative_times[state]
cumulative_times[state] = (time + current_cpu[state], count + 1)
cpu_stats[cpu] = current_cpu
average = {}
for state in cumulative_times:
time, count = cumulative_times[state]
average[state] = time / float(count)
cpu_stats['platform_info'] = average
return cpu_stats
def CombineResults(cpu_stats, power_stats):
"""Add frequency and c-state residency data to the power data.
cpu_stats: Dictionary containing CPU statistics.
power_stats: Dictionary containing power statistics.
Dictionary in the format returned by StopMonitoringPower.
if not cpu_stats:
return power_stats
if 'component_utilization' not in power_stats:
power_stats['component_utilization'] = {}
if 'platform_info' in cpu_stats:
if 'platform_info' not in power_stats:
power_stats['platform_info'] = {}
del cpu_stats['platform_info']
for cpu in cpu_stats:
power_stats['component_utilization'][cpu] = cpu_stats[cpu]
return power_stats