blob: d20bcbcc1957638335bcf579957c64e0af96c9ca [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
from telemetry.core import cros_interface
from telemetry.core import platform
from telemetry.core import util
from telemetry.internal import forwarders
from telemetry.internal.forwarders import cros_forwarder
from telemetry.internal.platform import cros_device
from telemetry.internal.platform import linux_based_platform_backend
from telemetry.internal.platform.power_monitor import cros_power_monitor
from telemetry.internal.util import ps_util
class CrosPlatformBackend(
def __init__(self, device=None):
super(CrosPlatformBackend, self).__init__(device)
if device and not device.is_local:
self._cri = cros_interface.CrOSInterface(
device.host_name, device.ssh_port, device.ssh_identity)
self._cri = cros_interface.CrOSInterface()
self._powermonitor = cros_power_monitor.CrosPowerMonitor(self)
def IsPlatformBackendForHost(cls):
return util.IsRunningOnCrosDevice()
def SupportsDevice(cls, device):
return isinstance(device, cros_device.CrOSDevice)
def CreatePlatformForDevice(cls, device, finder_options):
assert cls.SupportsDevice(device)
return platform.Platform(CrosPlatformBackend(device))
def cri(self):
return self._cri
def forwarder_factory(self):
if not self._forwarder_factory:
self._forwarder_factory = cros_forwarder.CrOsForwarderFactory(self._cri)
return self._forwarder_factory
def GetRemotePort(self, port):
if self._cri.local:
return port
return self._cri.GetRemotePort()
def GetWprPortPairs(self):
"""Return suitable port pairs to be used for web page replay."""
default_local_ports = super(CrosPlatformBackend, self).GetWprPortPairs(
return forwarders.PortPairs.Zip(
def IsThermallyThrottled(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def HasBeenThermallyThrottled(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def RunCommand(self, args):
if not isinstance(args, list):
args = [args]
stdout, stderr = self._cri.RunCmdOnDevice(args)
if stderr:
raise IOError('Failed to run: cmd = %s, stderr = %s' %
(str(args), stderr))
return stdout
def GetFileContents(self, filename):
return self.RunCommand(['cat', filename])
except AssertionError:
return ''
def GetPsOutput(self, columns, pid=None):
return ps_util.GetPsOutputWithPlatformBackend(self, columns, pid)
def ParseCStateSample(sample):
sample_stats = {}
for cpu in sample:
values = sample[cpu].splitlines()
# There are three values per state after excluding the single time value.
num_states = (len(values) - 1) / 3
names = values[:num_states]
times = values[num_states:2 * num_states]
latencies = values[2 * num_states:]
# The last line in the sample contains the time.
cstates = {'C0': int(values[-1]) * 10 ** 6}
for i, state in enumerate(names):
if names[i] == 'POLL' and not int(latencies[i]):
# C0 state. Kernel stats aren't right, so calculate by
# subtracting all other states from total time (using epoch
# timer since we calculate differences in the end anyway).
# NOTE: Only x86 lists C0 under cpuidle, ARM does not.
cstates['C0'] -= int(times[i])
if names[i] == '<null>':
# Kernel race condition that can happen while a new C-state gets
# added (e.g. AC->battery). Don't know the 'name' of the state
# yet, but its 'time' would be 0 anyway.
cstates[state] = int(times[i])
sample_stats[cpu] = cstates
return sample_stats
def GetOSName(self):
return 'chromeos'
def GetOSVersionName(self):
return '' # TODO: Implement this.
def GetChildPids(self, pid):
"""Returns a list of child pids of |pid|."""
all_process_info = self._cri.ListProcesses()
processes = [(curr_pid, curr_ppid, curr_state)
for curr_pid, _, curr_ppid, curr_state in all_process_info]
return ps_util.GetChildPids(processes, pid)
def GetCommandLine(self, pid):
procs = self._cri.ListProcesses()
return next((proc[1] for proc in procs if proc[0] == pid), None)
def CanFlushIndividualFilesFromSystemCache(self):
return True
def FlushEntireSystemCache(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def FlushSystemCacheForDirectory(self, directory):
flush_command = (
self.RunCommand(['chmod', '+x', flush_command])
self.RunCommand([flush_command, '--recurse', directory])
def CanMonitorPower(self):
return self._powermonitor.CanMonitorPower()
def StartMonitoringPower(self, browser):
def StopMonitoringPower(self):
return self._powermonitor.StopMonitoringPower()
def PathExists(self, path, timeout=None, retries=None):
if timeout or retries:
'PathExists: params timeout and retries are not support on CrOS.')
return self._cri.FileExistsOnDevice(path)