blob: 137393ec78e97e16056687503543848d7c0e260f [file] [log] [blame]
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<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/iteration_helpers.html">
'use strict';
tr.exportTo('pi.m', function() {
function StreamingReducer(reducingTargetConstructor) {
this.reducingTargetConstructor = reducingTargetConstructor;
this.reducingTargetsByKey_ = {};
StreamingReducer.prototype = {
push: function(key, value) {
var reducingTarget = this.reducingTargetsByKey_[key];
if (reducingTarget === undefined) {
reducingTarget = new this.reducingTargetConstructor(key, value);
this.reducingTargetsByKey_[key] = reducingTarget;
reducingTarget.push(key, value);
finalizeAndIterResults: function(outputFunc, opt_this) {
for (var key in this.reducingTargetsByKey_) {
var reducingTarget = this.reducingTargetsByKey_[key];
var resultValue = reducingTarget.finalizeAndGetResult(key);, key, resultValue);
finalizeAndGetResults: function() {
var res = [];
this.finalizeAndIterResults(function(key, value) {
res.push({key: key, value: value});
return res;
return {
StreamingReducer: StreamingReducer