blob: db74861202b662a59918da8557b9bf0fc0ae3bfd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import json
import unittest
import webapp2
import webtest
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from dashboard import report
from dashboard import testing_common
from dashboard import update_test_suites
from dashboard.models import page_state
class ReportTest(testing_common.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(ReportTest, self).setUp()
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication(
[('/report', report.ReportHandler),
('/update_test_suites', update_test_suites.UpdateTestSuitesHandler)])
self.testapp = webtest.TestApp(app)
def _AddTestSuites(self):
"""Adds sample data and sets the list of test suites."""
# Mock out some data for a test.
masters = [
bots = [
tests = {
'scrolling_benchmark': {
'a_first_listed_test': {},
'average_commit_time': {
'': {},
'': {},
'average_commit_time_ref': {},
'dromaeo': {},
testing_common.AddTests(masters, bots, tests)
for m in masters:
for b in bots:
for t in tests:
t = ndb.Key('Master', m, 'Bot', b, 'Test', t).get()
t.description = 'This should show up'
# Before the test suites data gets generated, the cached test suites
# data must be updated.'/update_test_suites')
def testPost_ContainsTestSuites(self):
# We expect to have this JavaScript in the rendered HTML.
expected_suites = {
'scrolling_benchmark': {
'mas': {
'ChromiumPerf': {
'chromium-rel-win7-gpu-ati': False,
'linux-release': False,
'ChromiumGPU': {
'chromium-rel-win7-gpu-ati': False,
'linux-release': False,
'des': 'This should show up',
'dromaeo': {
'mas': {
'ChromiumPerf': {
'chromium-rel-win7-gpu-ati': False,
'linux-release': False,
'ChromiumGPU': {
'chromium-rel-win7-gpu-ati': False,
'linux-release': False,
'des': 'This should show up',
response ='/report')
actual_suites = self.GetJsonValue(response, 'test_suites')
self.assertEqual(expected_suites, actual_suites)
def testGet(self):
response = self.testapp.get('/report')
self.assertEqual('text/html', response.content_type)
self.assertIn('Chrome Performance Dashboard', response.body)
def testGet_OldUri(self):
expected_state = {
'charts': [
[['ChromiumGPU/linux/scrolling/num_layers', ['num_layers']]],
[['ChromiumGPU/win/scrolling/num_layers', ['num_layers']]],
response = self.testapp.get(
# We expect to get a URL redirect with an sid.
location = response.headers.get('location')
self.assertIn('sid=', location)
state_id = location.split('sid=')[1]
state = ndb.Key(page_state.PageState, state_id).get()
self.assertEqual(json.dumps(expected_state, separators=(',', ':')),
def testGet_OldUriMissingTestParam(self):
response = self.testapp.get(
location = response.headers.get('location')
states = page_state.PageState.query().fetch()
self.assertEqual(0, len(states))
def testGet_OldUriMissingSubTest(self):
expected_state = {
'charts': [
response = self.testapp.get(
# We expect to get a URL redirect with an sid.
location = response.headers.get('location')
self.assertIn('sid=', location)
state_id = location.split('sid=')[1]
state = ndb.Key(page_state.PageState, state_id).get()
self.assertEqual(json.dumps(expected_state, separators=(',', ':')),
def testGet_OldUriWithRevisionParams(self):
response = self.testapp.get(
location = response.headers.get('location')
self.assertIn('sid=', location)
self.assertIn('start_rev=1234', location)
self.assertIn('end_rev=5678', location)
def testGet_OldUriWithNestedSubtestAndMissingSubTestParam(self):
expected_state = {
'charts': [
response = self.testapp.get(
# We expect to get a URL redirect with an sid.
location = response.headers.get('location')
self.assertIn('sid=', location)
state_id = location.split('sid=')[1]
state = ndb.Key(page_state.PageState, state_id).get()
self.assertEqual(json.dumps(expected_state, separators=(',', ':')),
if __name__ == '__main__':