blob: 6674da545a1fd09d9c2589afb9435857c7ae871a [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
<link rel="import" href="/dashboard/elements/quick-log.html">
<link rel="import" href="/dashboard/static/testing_common.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
'use strict';
tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
var testOptions = {
tearDown: function() {
test('instantiate basic', function() {
var quickLog = document.createElement('quick-log');
var params = {
'namespace': 'test_namespace',
'name': 'test_name',
'size': 100,
'xsrf_token': 'undefined'
var mockResponse = [
'message': 'Second sample message.',
'id': 'abc-124',
'timestamp': 1454030606,
'message': 'First sample message.',
'id': 'abc-123',
'timestamp': 1454030605,
var query = ('/get_logs?' + testing_common.paramString(params));
testing_common.addXhrMock(query, JSON.stringify(mockResponse));
quickLog.initialize('A label', 'test_namespace', 'test_name');
}, testOptions);
test('logs added on initializing.', function() {
var quickLog = document.createElement('quick-log');
var params = {
'namespace': 'test_namespace',
'name': 'test_name',
'size': 100,
'xsrf_token': 'undefined'
var mockResponse = [
'message': 'Second sample message.',
'id': 'abc-124',
'timestamp': 1454030606,
'message': 'First sample message.',
'id': 'abc-123',
'timestamp': 1454030605,
var query = ('/get_logs?' + testing_common.paramString(params));
testing_common.addXhrMock(query, JSON.stringify(mockResponse));
quickLog.initialize('A label', 'test_namespace', 'test_name');
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
function check() {
assert.equal(2, quickLog.logList.length);
setTimeout(check, 10);
}, testOptions);
test('new logs are added and duplicates are removed.', function() {
var quickLog = document.createElement('quick-log');
quickLog.initialize('A label', 'test_namespace', 'test_name');
var params = {
'namespace': 'test_namespace',
'name': 'test_name',
'size': 100,
'xsrf_token': 'undefined',
'after_timestamp': '1454030606'
var sampleLogs = [
'message': 'Second message.',
'id': 'abc-124',
'timestamp': 1454030606,
'message': 'First message.',
'id': 'abc-123',
'timestamp': 1454030605,
var newSampleLogs = [
'message': 'Updated first message.',
'id': 'abc-123',
'timestamp': 1454030608,
'message': 'Third message.',
'id': 'abc-125',
'timestamp': 1454030607,
var query = ('/get_logs?' + testing_common.paramString(params));
testing_common.addXhrMock(query, JSON.stringify(newSampleLogs));
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
function check() {
assert.equal(3, quickLog.logList.length);
assert.equal('Updated first message.', quickLog.logList[0].message);
assert.equal('Third message.', quickLog.logList[1].message);
assert.equal('Second message.', quickLog.logList[2].message);
setTimeout(check, 10);
}, testOptions);