blob: fb28c9c2e256d5610910311f2b04ac59d4bb0d72 [file] [log] [blame]
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Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
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<link rel="import" href="/base/statistics.html">
<link rel="import" href="/base/sorted_array_utils.html">
<link rel="import" href="/model/frame.html">
<link rel="import" href="/base/range_utils.html">
'use strict';
* @fileoverview Class for managing android-specific model meta data,
* such as rendering apps, and frames rendered.
tr.exportTo('tr.e.audits', function() {
var Frame = tr.model.Frame;
var Statistics = tr.b.Statistics;
'performTraversals': true,
'Choreographer#doFrame': true
var THREAD_SYNC_NAME = 'syncFrameState';
function getSlicesForThreadTimeRanges(threadTimeRanges) {
var ret = [];
threadTimeRanges.forEach(function(threadTimeRange) {
var slices = [];
function(slice) { slices.push(slice); },
threadTimeRange.start, threadTimeRange.end);
ret.push.apply(ret, slices);
return ret;
function makeFrame(threadTimeRanges, surfaceFlinger) {
var args = {};
if (surfaceFlinger && surfaceFlinger.hasVsyncs) {
var start = Statistics.min(threadTimeRanges,
function(threadTimeRanges) { return threadTimeRanges.start; });
args['deadline'] = surfaceFlinger.getFrameDeadline(start);
args['frameKickoff'] = surfaceFlinger.getFrameKickoff(start);
var events = getSlicesForThreadTimeRanges(threadTimeRanges);
return new Frame(events, threadTimeRanges, args);
function findOverlappingDrawFrame(renderThread, time) {
if (!renderThread)
return undefined;
var slices = renderThread.sliceGroup.slices;
for (var i = 0; i < slices.length; i++) {
var slice = slices[i];
if (slice.title == RENDER_THREAD_DRAW_NAME &&
slice.start <= time &&
time <= slice.end) {
return slice;
return undefined;
* Builds an array of {start, end} ranges grouping common work of a frame
* that occurs just before performTraversals().
* Only necessary before Choreographer#doFrame tracing existed.
function getPreTraversalWorkRanges(uiThread) {
if (!uiThread)
return [];
// gather all frame work that occurs outside of performTraversals
var preFrameEvents = [];
uiThread.sliceGroup.slices.forEach(function(slice) {
if (slice.title == 'obtainView' ||
slice.title == 'setupListItem' ||
slice.title == 'deliverInputEvent' ||
slice.title == 'RV Scroll')
uiThread.asyncSliceGroup.slices.forEach(function(slice) {
if (slice.title == 'deliverInputEvent')
return tr.e.audits.mergeExplicitRanges(preFrameEvents, 3, function(events) {
return {
start: events[0].start,
end: events[events.length - 1].end
function getFrameStartTime(traversalStart, preTraversalWorkRanges) {
var preTraversalWorkRange = tr.b.findClosestIntervalInSortedIntervals(
function(range) { return range.start },
function(range) { return range.end },
if (preTraversalWorkRange)
return preTraversalWorkRange.start;
return traversalStart;
function getUiThreadDrivenFrames(app) {
if (!app.uiThread)
return [];
var preTraversalWorkRanges = getPreTraversalWorkRanges(app.uiThread);
var frames = [];
app.uiThread.sliceGroup.slices.forEach(function(slice) {
if (!(slice.title in UI_THREAD_DRAW_NAMES)) {
var threadTimeRanges = [];
var uiThreadTimeRange = {
thread: app.uiThread,
start: getFrameStartTime(slice.start, preTraversalWorkRanges),
end: slice.end
// on SDK 21+ devices with RenderThread,
// account for time taken on RenderThread
var rtDrawSlice = findOverlappingDrawFrame(
app.renderThread, slice.end);
if (rtDrawSlice) {
var rtSyncSlice = rtDrawSlice.findDescendentSlice(THREAD_SYNC_NAME);
if (rtSyncSlice) {
// Generally, the UI thread is only on the critical path
// until the start of sync.
uiThreadTimeRange.end = Math.min(uiThreadTimeRange.end,
thread: app.renderThread,
start: rtDrawSlice.start,
end: rtDrawSlice.end
frames.push(makeFrame(threadTimeRanges, app.surfaceFlinger));
return frames;
function getRenderThreadDrivenFrames(app) {
if (!app.renderThread)
return [];
var frames = [];
.forEach(function(slice) {
var threadTimeRanges = [{
thread: app.renderThread,
start: slice.start,
end: slice.end
frames.push(makeFrame(threadTimeRanges, app.surfaceFlinger));
return frames;
function hasUiDraw(uiThread) {
var slices = uiThread.sliceGroup.slices;
for (var i = 0; i < slices.length; i++) {
if (slices[i].title in UI_THREAD_DRAW_NAMES) {
return uiThread;
return undefined;
function getInputSamples(process) {
var samples = undefined;
for (var counterName in process.counters) {
if (/^android\.aq\:pending/.test(counterName) &&
process.counters[counterName].numSeries == 1) {
samples = process.counters[counterName].series[0].samples;
if (!samples)
return [];
// output rising edges only, since those are user inputs
var inputSamples = [];
var lastValue = 0;
samples.forEach(function(sample) {
if (sample.value > lastValue) {
lastValue = sample.value;
return inputSamples;
function getAnimationAsyncSlices(uiThread) {
if (!uiThread)
return [];
var slices = [];
uiThread.asyncSliceGroup.iterateAllEvents(function(slice) {
if (/^animator\:/.test(slice.title))
return slices;
* Model for Android App specific data.
* @constructor
function AndroidApp(process, uiThread, renderThread, surfaceFlinger) {
this.process = process;
this.uiThread = uiThread;
this.renderThread = renderThread;
this.surfaceFlinger = surfaceFlinger;
this.frames_ = undefined;
this.inputs_ = undefined;
AndroidApp.createForProcessIfPossible = function(process, surfaceFlinger) {
var uiThread = process.getThread(;
if (uiThread && !hasUiDraw(uiThread)) {
uiThread = undefined;
var renderThreads = process.findAllThreadsNamed('RenderThread');
var renderThread = renderThreads.length == 1 ? renderThreads[0] : undefined;
if (uiThread || renderThread) {
return new AndroidApp(process, uiThread, renderThread, surfaceFlinger);
AndroidApp.prototype = {
* Returns a list of all frames in the trace for the app,
* constructed on first query.
getFrames: function() {
if (!this.frames_) {
var uiFrames = getUiThreadDrivenFrames(this);
var rtFrames = getRenderThreadDrivenFrames(this);
this.frames_ = uiFrames.concat(rtFrames);
// merge frames by sorting by end timestamp
this.frames_.sort(function(a, b) { a.end - b.end });
return this.frames_;
* Returns list of CounterSamples for each input event enqueued to the app.
getInputSamples: function() {
if (!this.inputs_) {
this.inputs_ = getInputSamples(this.process);
return this.inputs_;
getAnimationAsyncSlices: function() {
if (!this.animations_) {
this.animations_ = getAnimationAsyncSlices(this.uiThread);
return this.animations_;
return {
AndroidApp: AndroidApp