blob: 698146aa8cca376e6e3e96fcae722e8a4c3a8fd4 [file] [log] [blame]
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Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
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'use strict';
tr.exportTo('tr.c', function() {
function matchLower(value, pattern) {
return value.toLowerCase().indexOf(pattern) !== -1;
* @constructor The generic base class for filtering a Model based on
* various rules. The base class returns true for everything.
function Filter() { }
Filter.prototype = {
__proto__: Object.prototype,
matchCounter: function(counter) {
return true;
matchCpu: function(cpu) {
return true;
matchProcess: function(process) {
return true;
matchSlice: function(slice) {
return true;
matchThread: function(thread) {
return true;
* @constructor A filter that matches objects by their name or category
* case insensitive.
* .findAllObjectsMatchingFilter
function TitleOrCategoryFilter(text) {;
this.text_ = text.toLowerCase();
if (!text.length)
throw new Error('Filter text is empty.');
TitleOrCategoryFilter.prototype = {
__proto__: Filter.prototype,
matchSlice: function(slice) {
if (slice.title === undefined && slice.category === undefined)
return false;
return matchLower(slice.title, this.text_) ||
(!!slice.category && matchLower(slice.category, this.text_));
* @constructor A filter that matches objects with the exact given title.
function ExactTitleFilter(text) {;
this.text_ = text;
if (!text.length)
throw new Error('Filter text is empty.');
ExactTitleFilter.prototype = {
__proto__: Filter.prototype,
matchSlice: function(slice) {
return slice.title === this.text_;
return {
Filter: Filter,
TitleOrCategoryFilter: TitleOrCategoryFilter,
ExactTitleFilter: ExactTitleFilter