blob: 4910d4ac60ae418c49ce8b472b62383ace969349 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Library for handling batch HTTP requests for apitools."""
import collections
import email.generator as generator
import email.mime.multipart as mime_multipart
import email.mime.nonmultipart as mime_nonmultipart
import email.parser as email_parser
import itertools
import time
import uuid
import six
from six.moves import http_client
from six.moves import urllib_parse
from import exceptions
from import http_wrapper
__all__ = [
class RequestResponseAndHandler(collections.namedtuple(
'RequestResponseAndHandler', ['request', 'response', 'handler'])):
"""Container for data related to completing an HTTP request.
This contains an HTTP request, its response, and a callback for handling
the response from the server.
request: An http_wrapper.Request object representing the HTTP request.
response: The http_wrapper.Response object returned from the server.
handler: A callback function accepting two arguments, response
and exception. Response is an http_wrapper.Response object, and
exception is an apiclient.errors.HttpError object if an error
occurred, or otherwise None.
class BatchApiRequest(object):
class ApiCall(object):
"""Holds request and response information for each request.
ApiCalls are ultimately exposed to the client once the HTTP
batch request has been completed.
http_request: A client-supplied http_wrapper.Request to be
submitted to the server.
response: A http_wrapper.Response object given by the server as a
response to the user request, or None if an error occurred.
exception: An apiclient.errors.HttpError object if an error
occurred, or None.
def __init__(self, request, retryable_codes, service, method_config):
"""Initialize an individual API request.
request: An http_wrapper.Request object.
retryable_codes: A list of integer HTTP codes that can
be retried.
service: A service inheriting from base_api.BaseApiService.
method_config: Method config for the desired API request.
self.__retryable_codes = list(
set(retryable_codes + [http_client.UNAUTHORIZED]))
self.__http_response = None
self.__service = service
self.__method_config = method_config
self.http_request = request
# TODO(user): Add some validation to these fields.
self.__response = None
self.__exception = None
def is_error(self):
return self.exception is not None
def response(self):
return self.__response
def exception(self):
return self.__exception
def authorization_failed(self):
return (self.__http_response and (
self.__http_response.status_code == http_client.UNAUTHORIZED))
def terminal_state(self):
if self.__http_response is None:
return False
response_code = self.__http_response.status_code
return response_code not in self.__retryable_codes
def HandleResponse(self, http_response, exception):
"""Handles an incoming http response to the request in http_request.
This is intended to be used as a callback function for
http_response: Deserialized http_wrapper.Response object.
exception: apiclient.errors.HttpError object if an error
self.__http_response = http_response
self.__exception = exception
if self.terminal_state and not self.__exception:
self.__response = self.__service.ProcessHttpResponse(
self.__method_config, self.__http_response)
def __init__(self, batch_url=None, retryable_codes=None):
"""Initialize a batch API request object.
batch_url: Base URL for batch API calls.
retryable_codes: A list of integer HTTP codes that can be retried.
self.api_requests = []
self.retryable_codes = retryable_codes or []
self.batch_url = batch_url or ''
def Add(self, service, method, request, global_params=None):
"""Add a request to the batch.
service: A class inheriting base_api.BaseApiService.
method: A string indicated desired method from the service. See
the example in the class docstring.
request: An input message appropriate for the specified
global_params: Optional additional parameters to pass into
# Retrieve the configs for the desired method and service.
method_config = service.GetMethodConfig(method)
upload_config = service.GetUploadConfig(method)
# Prepare the HTTP Request.
http_request = service.PrepareHttpRequest(
method_config, request, global_params=global_params,
# Create the request and add it to our master list.
api_request = self.ApiCall(
http_request, self.retryable_codes, service, method_config)
def Execute(self, http, sleep_between_polls=5, max_retries=5):
"""Execute all of the requests in the batch.
http: httplib2.Http object for use in the request.
sleep_between_polls: Integer number of seconds to sleep between
max_retries: Max retries. Any requests that have not succeeded by
this number of retries simply report the last response or
exception, whatever it happened to be.
List of ApiCalls.
requests = [request for request in self.api_requests
if not request.terminal_state]
for attempt in range(max_retries):
if attempt:
# Create a batch_http_request object and populate it with
# incomplete requests.
batch_http_request = BatchHttpRequest(batch_url=self.batch_url)
for request in requests:
request.http_request, request.HandleResponse)
# Collect retryable requests.
requests = [request for request in self.api_requests if not
if hasattr(http.request, 'credentials'):
if any(request.authorization_failed for request in requests):
if not requests:
return self.api_requests
class BatchHttpRequest(object):
"""Batches multiple http_wrapper.Request objects into a single request."""
def __init__(self, batch_url, callback=None):
"""Constructor for a BatchHttpRequest.
batch_url: URL to send batch requests to.
callback: A callback to be called for each response, of the
form callback(response, exception). The first parameter is
the deserialized Response object. The second is an
apiclient.errors.HttpError exception object if an HTTP error
occurred while processing the request, or None if no error
# Endpoint to which these requests are sent.
self.__batch_url = batch_url
# Global callback to be called for each individual response in the
# batch.
self.__callback = callback
# List of requests, responses and handlers.
self.__request_response_handlers = {}
# The last auto generated id.
self.__last_auto_id = itertools.count()
# Unique ID on which to base the Content-ID headers.
self.__base_id = uuid.uuid4()
def _ConvertIdToHeader(self, request_id):
"""Convert an id to a Content-ID header value.
request_id: String identifier for a individual request.
A Content-ID header with the id_ encoded into it. A UUID is
prepended to the value because Content-ID headers are
supposed to be universally unique.
return '<%s+%s>' % (self.__base_id, urllib_parse.quote(request_id))
def _ConvertHeaderToId(header):
"""Convert a Content-ID header value to an id.
Presumes the Content-ID header conforms to the format that
_ConvertIdToHeader() returns.
header: A string indicating the Content-ID header value.
The extracted id value.
BatchError if the header is not in the expected format.
if not (header.startswith('<') or header.endswith('>')):
raise exceptions.BatchError(
'Invalid value for Content-ID: %s' % header)
if '+' not in header:
raise exceptions.BatchError(
'Invalid value for Content-ID: %s' % header)
_, request_id = header[1:-1].rsplit('+', 1)
return urllib_parse.unquote(request_id)
def _SerializeRequest(self, request):
"""Convert a http_wrapper.Request object into a string.
request: A http_wrapper.Request to serialize.
The request as a string in application/http format.
# Construct status line
parsed = urllib_parse.urlsplit(request.url)
request_line = urllib_parse.urlunsplit(
(None, None, parsed.path, parsed.query, None))
status_line = u' '.join((
major, minor = request.headers.get(
'content-type', 'application/json').split('/')
msg = mime_nonmultipart.MIMENonMultipart(major, minor)
# MIMENonMultipart adds its own Content-Type header.
# Keep all of the other headers in `request.headers`.
for key, value in request.headers.items():
if key == 'content-type':
msg[key] = value
msg['Host'] = parsed.netloc
if request.body is not None:
# Serialize the mime message.
str_io = six.StringIO()
# maxheaderlen=0 means don't line wrap headers.
gen = generator.Generator(str_io, maxheaderlen=0)
gen.flatten(msg, unixfrom=False)
body = str_io.getvalue()
# Strip off the \n\n that the MIME lib tacks onto the end of the
# payload.
if request.body is None:
body = body[:-2]
return status_line + body
def _DeserializeResponse(self, payload):
"""Convert string into Response and content.
payload: Header and body string to be deserialized.
A Response object
# Strip off the status line.
status_line, payload = payload.split('\n', 1)
_, status, _ = status_line.split(' ', 2)
# Parse the rest of the response.
parser = email_parser.Parser()
msg = parser.parsestr(payload)
# Get the headers.
info = dict(msg)
info['status'] = status
# Create Response from the parsed headers.
content = msg.get_payload()
return http_wrapper.Response(info, content, self.__batch_url)
def _NewId(self):
"""Create a new id.
Auto incrementing number that avoids conflicts with ids already used.
A new unique id string.
return str(next(self.__last_auto_id))
def Add(self, request, callback=None):
"""Add a new request.
request: A http_wrapper.Request to add to the batch.
callback: A callback to be called for this response, of the
form callback(response, exception). The first parameter is the
deserialized response object. The second is an
apiclient.errors.HttpError exception object if an HTTP error
occurred while processing the request, or None if no errors
handler = RequestResponseAndHandler(request, None, callback)
self.__request_response_handlers[self._NewId()] = handler
def _Execute(self, http):
"""Serialize batch request, send to server, process response.
http: A httplib2.Http object to be used to make the request with.
httplib2.HttpLib2Error if a transport error has occured.
apiclient.errors.BatchError if the response is the wrong format.
message = mime_multipart.MIMEMultipart('mixed')
# Message should not write out its own headers.
setattr(message, '_write_headers', lambda self: None)
# Add all the individual requests.
for key in self.__request_response_handlers:
msg = mime_nonmultipart.MIMENonMultipart('application', 'http')
msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = 'binary'
msg['Content-ID'] = self._ConvertIdToHeader(key)
body = self._SerializeRequest(
request = http_wrapper.Request(self.__batch_url, 'POST')
request.body = message.as_string()
request.headers['content-type'] = (
'multipart/mixed; boundary="%s"') % message.get_boundary()
response = http_wrapper.MakeRequest(http, request)
if response.status_code >= 300:
raise exceptions.HttpError.FromResponse(response)
# Prepend with a content-type header so Parser can handle it.
header = 'content-type: %s\r\n\r\n' %['content-type']
parser = email_parser.Parser()
mime_response = parser.parsestr(header + response.content)
if not mime_response.is_multipart():
raise exceptions.BatchError(
'Response not in multipart/mixed format.')
for part in mime_response.get_payload():
request_id = self._ConvertHeaderToId(part['Content-ID'])
response = self._DeserializeResponse(part.get_payload())
# Disable protected access because namedtuple._replace(...)
# is not actually meant to be protected.
self.__request_response_handlers[request_id] = (
def Execute(self, http):
"""Execute all the requests as a single batched HTTP request.
http: A httplib2.Http object to be used with the request.
BatchError if the response is the wrong format.
for key in self.__request_response_handlers:
response = self.__request_response_handlers[key].response
callback = self.__request_response_handlers[key].handler
exception = None
if response.status_code >= 300:
exception = exceptions.HttpError.FromResponse(response)
if callback is not None:
callback(response, exception)
if self.__callback is not None:
self.__callback(response, exception)