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<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/units/units.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/units/histogram.html">
<link rel="import" href="/perf_insights/function_handle.html">
<link rel="import" href="/perf_insights/value/value.html">
<link rel="import" href="/perf_insights/mappers/slice_cost.html">
<link rel="import" href="/perf_insights/mappers/thread_grouping.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/base/iteration_helpers.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/chrome/chrome_model_helper.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/rail/rail_interaction_record.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/extras/rail/rail_score.html">
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/model/ir_coverage.html">
tr.exportTo('pi.m', function() {
function getWeatherReportFromModel(model) {
// Organize all RAIL IRs by type and name in a tree. A node of this tree is
// a dict with keys |overallScore|, |scores| and optionally |subTypes|.
// |overallScore| and |scores| are mutually exclusive. If |overallScore| is
// present it contains the overall rail score of all IRs under the tree. If
// |scores| is present it contains an array with the IR scores of all the
// IRs under the tree. |subTypes| is a map from a subType (IR type, IR name)
// to a node.
var irTree = {
overallScore: 0
var allIRs = [];
function addIRToNode(node, ir, path) {
if (node.overallScore === undefined) {
// For a node without overall rail score keep the individual IR scores.
node.irScores = node.irScores || [];
if (path.length === 0)
var subType = path[0];
node.subTypes = node.subTypes || {};
node.subTypes[subType] = node.subTypes[subType] || {};
addIRToNode(node.subTypes[subType], ir, path.slice(1));
model.interactionRecords.forEach(function(ir) {
if (!(ir instanceof tr.e.rail.RAILInteractionRecord))
var path = [
tr.e.rail.userFriendlyRailTypeName(ir.railTypeName), || 'Unnamed'
addIRToNode(irTree, ir, path);
irTree.overallScore = (new tr.e.rail.RAILScore(allIRs)).overallScore;
var railTypeNameByGUID = getRAILTypeNameForEventsByGUID(model, allIRs);
var threadGrouping = new pi.m.ThreadGrouping();
var wr = {
irTree: irTree,
irCoverage: tr.model.getIRCoverageFromModel(model),
sliceCosts: pi.m.getSliceCostReport(model, threadGrouping,
return wr;
function getRAILTypeNameForEventsByGUID(model, railIRs) {
var railTypeNameByGUID = {};
railIRs.forEach(function applyAssociatedToRTN(ir) {
ir.associatedEvents.forEach(function applyEventToRTN(event) {
// Unassociated events have already been assigned to a RTN.
if (railTypeNameByGUID[event.guid] !== undefined)
railTypeNameByGUID[event.guid] = tr.e.rail.userFriendlyRailTypeName(
}, this);
}, this);
model.iterateAllEvents(function storeEventToUnassociatedSet(event) {
if (railTypeNameByGUID[event.guid] !== undefined)
railTypeNameByGUID[event.guid] = 'Unknown';
return railTypeNameByGUID;
function weatherReportMapFunction(results, runInfo, model) {
var wr = pi.m.getWeatherReportFromModel(model);
results.addValue(new pi.v.DictValue(runInfo, 'wr', wr));
return {
getWeatherReportFromModel: getWeatherReportFromModel,
weatherReportMapFunction: weatherReportMapFunction