blob: d23809a1f405cce519e241465dbf767e1814fded [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
<link rel="import" href="/tracing/core/test_utils.html">
<link rel="import" href="/dashboard/static/debug_alert.html">
'use strict';
tr.b.unittest.testSuite(function() {
var testOptions = {
setUp: function() {
// This is an example of what the embedded global variables might look
// like.
window.DATA = [
'color': '#666',
'lines': {'show': true},
'points': {'show': false},
'data': [[0, 46.89], [1, 46.96], [2, 47.27], [3, 47.45], [4, 47.30],
[5, 57.53], [6, 56.61], [7, 57.31], [8, 56.42], [9, 56.81]]
'color': '#f90',
'lines': {'show': false},
'points': {'radius': 4, 'show': true},
'data': [[5, 47.53]]
'color': '#f90',
'lines': {'show': true},
'points': {'show': false},
'data': [[0, null], [1, 47.27], [2, 47.27], [3, 47.27], [4, 47.27],
[5, null], [6, 57.31], [7, 57.31], [8, null]]
window.LOOKUP = [
30000, 30100, 30200, 30300, 30400,
30500, 30600, 30700, 30800, 30900
window.ANOMALIES = [
'median_after': 47.31,
'median_before': 47.27,
'relative_change': 0.21,
'size_after': 3,
'size_before': 4,
'window_end': 8,
'window_start': 1,
'x_value': 5
test('xAxisTickFormatter', function() {
// The tick formatter lookups up x-values in window.LOOKUP.
// The input can be non-integer.
assert.equal(30000, debug_alert.xAxisTickFormatter(0));
assert.equal(30000, debug_alert.xAxisTickFormatter(0.2));
assert.equal(30100, debug_alert.xAxisTickFormatter(1));
assert.equal(30900, debug_alert.xAxisTickFormatter(8.9));
}, testOptions);
test('xAxisTickFormatter with negative input returns first rev', function() {
assert.equal(30000, debug_alert.xAxisTickFormatter(-2));
}, testOptions);
test('xAxisTickFormatter with out-of-bounds input -> undefined', function() {
}, testOptions);
test('anomalyDescription with valid input', function() {
var anomaly = window.ANOMALIES[0];
assert.equal('30500<br>21.00%', debug_alert.anomalyDescription(anomaly));
}, testOptions);
test('anomalyDescription with junk input', function() {
assert.equal('undefined<br>NaN%', debug_alert.anomalyDescription({}));
}, testOptions);
test('makeLabel makes an HTML element', function() {
var labelElement = debug_alert.makeLabel('foo', 100, 200);
assert.isTrue(labelElement instanceof HTMLElement);
// The element should have its content and position set.
assert.notEqual('', labelElement.innerText);
}, testOptions);
test('addVerticalLine modifies options object', function() {
var options = {};
debug_alert.addVerticalLine(options, 30200);
assert.equal(2, options['grid']['markings'][0]['xaxis']['from']);
assert.equal(2, options['grid']['markings'][0]['xaxis']['to']);
}, testOptions);
test('addVerticalLine does nothing when given no revision', function() {
var options = {};
debug_alert.addVerticalLine(options, undefined);
}, testOptions);