blob: 3e56954683071a54fef526382aaaac6f4e1e393b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Provides a web interface for dumping graph data as JSON.
This is meant to be used with /load_from_prod in order to easily grab
data for a graph to a local server for testing.
import base64
import json
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from google.appengine.ext.ndb import model
from dashboard import request_handler
from dashboard import utils
from dashboard.models import anomaly
from dashboard.models import graph_data
# This is about the limit we want to return since we fetch many associated
# entities for each anomaly.
class DumpGraphJsonHandler(request_handler.RequestHandler):
"""Handler for extracting entities from datastore."""
def get(self):
"""Handles dumping dashboard data."""
if self.request.get('sheriff'):
elif self.request.get('test_path'):
self.ReportError('No parameters specified.')
def _DumpTestData(self):
"""Dumps data for the requested test.
Request parameters:
test_path: A single full test path, including master/bot.
num_points: Max number of Row entities (optional).
end_rev: Ending revision number, inclusive (optional).
JSON array of encoded protobuf messages, which encode all of
the datastore entities relating to one test (including Master, Bot,
Test, Row, Anomaly and Sheriff entities).
test_path = self.request.get('test_path')
num_points = int(self.request.get('num_points', _DEFAULT_MAX_POINTS))
end_rev = self.request.get('end_rev')
test_key = utils.TestKey(test_path)
# List of datastore entities that will be dumped.
entities = []
# Get the Row entities.
q = graph_data.Row.query()
q = q.filter(graph_data.Row.parent_test == test_key)
if end_rev:
q = q.filter(graph_data.Row.revision <= int(end_rev))
q = q.order(-graph_data.Row.revision)
entities += q.fetch(limit=num_points)
# Get the Anomaly and Sheriff entities.
alerts = anomaly.Anomaly.query().filter(
anomaly.Anomaly.test == test_key).fetch()
sheriff_keys = {alert.sheriff for alert in alerts}
sheriffs = [sheriff.get() for sheriff in sheriff_keys]
entities += alerts
entities += sheriffs
# Convert the entities to protobuf message strings and output as JSON.
protobuf_strings = map(EntityToBinaryProtobuf, entities)
def _DumpAnomalyDataForSheriff(self):
"""Dumps Anomaly data for all sheriffs.
Request parameters:
sheriff: Sheriff name.
num_points: Max number of Row entities (optional).
num_alerts: Max number of Anomaly entities (optional).
JSON array of encoded protobuf messages, which encode all of
the datastore entities relating to one test (including Master, Bot,
Test, Row, Anomaly and Sheriff entities).
sheriff_name = self.request.get('sheriff')
num_points = int(self.request.get('num_points', _DEFAULT_MAX_POINTS))
num_anomalies = int(self.request.get('num_alerts', _DEFAULT_MAX_ANOMALIES))
sheriff = ndb.Key('Sheriff', sheriff_name).get()
if not sheriff:
self.ReportError('Unknown sheriff specified.')
anomalies = self._FetchAnomalies(sheriff, num_anomalies)
test_keys = [a.test for a in anomalies]
# List of datastore entities that will be dumped.
entities = []
# Get the Row entities.
entities.extend(self._FetchRowsAsync(test_keys, num_points))
# Add the Anomaly and Sheriff entities.
entities += anomalies
# Convert the entities to protobuf message strings and output as JSON.
protobuf_strings = map(EntityToBinaryProtobuf, entities)
def _GetTestAncestors(self, test_keys):
"""Get the Test, Bot, and Master entities that are ancestors of test."""
entities = []
added_parents = set()
for test_key in test_keys:
parent = test_key.get()
while parent:
if parent.key not in added_parents:
parent = parent.key.parent()
if parent:
parent = parent.get()
return entities
def _FetchRowsAsync(self, test_keys, num_points):
"""Fetches recent Row asychronously across all 'test_keys'."""
rows = []
futures = []
for test_key in test_keys:
q = graph_data.Row.query()
q = q.filter(graph_data.Row.parent_test == test_key)
q = q.order(-graph_data.Row.revision)
for future in futures:
return rows
def _FetchAnomalies(self, sheriff, num_anomalies):
"""Fetches recent anomalies for 'sheriff'."""
q = anomaly.Anomaly.query(
anomaly.Anomaly.sheriff == sheriff.key)
q = q.order(-anomaly.Anomaly.timestamp)
return q.fetch(limit=num_anomalies)
def EntityToBinaryProtobuf(entity):
"""Converts an ndb entity to a protobuf message in binary format."""
# Encode in binary representation of the protocol buffer.
message = ndb.ModelAdapter().entity_to_pb(entity).Encode()
# Base64 encode the data to text format for json.dumps.
return base64.b64encode(message)
def BinaryProtobufToEntity(pb_str):
"""Converts a protobuf message in binary format to an ndb entity.
pb_str: Binary encoded protocol buffer which is encoded as text.
A ndb Entity.
message = model.entity_pb.EntityProto(base64.b64decode(pb_str))
return ndb.ModelAdapter().pb_to_entity(message)