blob: 62ee346209d5a6425b18002dbd86a58f594161c2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import unittest
import mock
import webapp2
import webtest
from dashboard import debug_alert
from dashboard import testing_common
from dashboard import utils
from dashboard.models import anomaly
from dashboard.models import anomaly_config
from dashboard.models import graph_data
(300, 60.06), (301, 60.36), (302, 61.76), (303, 60.06), (304, 61.24),
(305, 60.65), (306, 55.61), (307, 61.88), (308, 61.51), (309, 59.58),
(310, 71.79), (311, 71.97), (312, 71.63), (313, 67.16), (314, 70.91),
(315, 73.40), (316, 71.00), (317, 69.45), (318, 67.16), (319, 66.05),
class DebugAlertTest(testing_common.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(DebugAlertTest, self).setUp()
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication(
[('/debug_alert', debug_alert.DebugAlertHandler)])
self.testapp = webtest.TestApp(app)
def _AddSampleData(self):
"""Adds a Test and Row entities, and returns the Test key."""
testing_common.AddTests(['M'], ['b'], {'suite': {'foo': {}}})
test_path = 'M/b/suite/foo'
rows_dict = {x: {'value': y} for x, y in _SAMPLE_SERIES}
testing_common.AddRows(test_path, rows_dict)
return utils.TestKey(test_path)
def testGet_WithInvalidTestPath_ShowsFormAndError(self):
response = self.testapp.get('/debug_alert?test_path=foo')
self.assertIn('<form', response.body)
self.assertIn('class="error"', response.body)
def testGet_WithValidTestPath_ShowsChart(self):
test_key = self._AddSampleData()
test_path = utils.TestPath(test_key)
response = self.testapp.get('/debug_alert?test_path=%s' % test_path)
self.assertIn('id="plot"', response.body)
def testPost_SameAsGet(self):
# Post is the same as get for this endpoint.
test_key = self._AddSampleData()
test_path = utils.TestPath(test_key)
get_response = self.testapp.get('/debug_alert?test_path=%s' % test_path)
post_response ='/debug_alert?test_path=%s' % test_path)
self.assertEqual(get_response.body, post_response.body)
def testGet_WithNoParameters_ShowsForm(self):
response = self.testapp.get('/debug_alert')
self.assertIn('<form', response.body)
self.assertNotIn('id="plot"', response.body)
def testGet_WithRevParameter_EmbedsCorrectRevisions(self):
test_key = self._AddSampleData()
test_path = utils.TestPath(test_key)
response = self.testapp.get(
'/debug_alert?test_path=%s&rev=%s&num_before=%s&num_after=%s' %
(test_path, 305, 10, 5))
[300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309],
self.GetEmbeddedVariable(response, 'LOOKUP'))
def testGet_InvalidNumBeforeParameter_ShowsFormAndError(self):
test_key = self._AddSampleData()
test_path = utils.TestPath(test_key)
response = self.testapp.get(
'/debug_alert?test_path=%s&rev=%s&num_before=%s&num_after=%s' %
(test_path, 305, 'foo', 5))
self.assertIn('<form', response.body)
self.assertIn('class="error"', response.body)
self.assertNotIn('LOOKUP', response.body)
def _AddAnomalyConfig(self, config_name, test_key, config_dict):
"""Adds a custom anomaly config which applies to one test."""
anomaly_config_key = anomaly_config.AnomalyConfig(
return anomaly_config_key
@mock.patch.object(debug_alert, 'SimulateAlertProcessing')
def testGet_TestHasOverriddenConfig_ConfigUsed(self, simulate_mock):
test_key = self._AddSampleData()
# Add a config which applies to the test. The test is updated upon put.
self._AddAnomalyConfig('X', test_key, {'min_absolute_change': 10})
response = self.testapp.get(
'/debug_alert?test_path=%s' % utils.TestPath(test_key))
# The custom config should be used when simulating alert processing.
simulate_mock.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, min_absolute_change=10)
# The config JSON should also be put into the form on the page.
self.assertIn('"min_absolute_change": 10', response.body)
@mock.patch.object(debug_alert, 'SimulateAlertProcessing')
def testGet_WithValidCustomConfig_ConfigUsed(self, simulate_mock):
test_key = self._AddSampleData()
response = self.testapp.get(
'/debug_alert?test_path=%s&config=%s' %
# The custom config should be used when simulating alert processing.
simulate_mock.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, min_relative_change=0.75)
# The config JSON should also be put into the form on the page.
self.assertIn('"min_relative_change": 0.75', response.body)
def testGet_WithInvalidCustomConfig_ErrorShown(self):
test_key = self._AddSampleData()
response = self.testapp.get(
'/debug_alert?test_path=%s&config=%s' %
(utils.TestPath(test_key), 'not valid json'))
# The error message should be on the page; JS constants should not be.
self.assertIn('Invalid JSON', response.body)
self.assertNotIn('LOOKUP', response.body)
def testGet_WithStoredAnomalies_ShowsStoredAnomalies(self):
test_key = self._AddSampleData()
test=test_key, start_revision=309, end_revision=310,
median_before_anomaly=60, median_after_anomaly=70,
response = self.testapp.get(
'/debug_alert?test_path=%s' % utils.TestPath(test_key))
# Information about the stored anomaly should be somewhere on the page.
self.assertIn('12345', response.body)
def testFetchLatestRows(self):
test_key = self._AddSampleData()
rows = debug_alert._FetchLatestRows(test_key, 4)
revisions = [r.revision for r in rows]
self.assertEqual([316, 317, 318, 319], revisions)
def testFetchAroundRev(self):
test_key = self._AddSampleData()
rows = debug_alert._FetchRowsAroundRev(test_key, 310, 5, 8)
revisions = [r.revision for r in rows]
[305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317],
def testFetchRowsAroundRev_NotAllRowsAvailable(self):
test_key = self._AddSampleData()
rows = debug_alert._FetchRowsAroundRev(test_key, 310, 100, 100)
# There are only 20 rows in the sample data, so only 20 can be fetched.
self.assertEqual(20, len(rows))
def testChartSeries(self):
test_key = self._AddSampleData()
rows = debug_alert._FetchRowsAroundRev(test_key, 310, 5, 5)
# The indexes used in the chart series should match those in the lookup.
[(0, 60.65), (1, 55.61), (2, 61.88), (3, 61.51), (4, 59.58),
(5, 71.79), (6, 71.97), (7, 71.63), (8, 67.16), (9, 70.91)],
def testRevisionList(self):
test_key = self._AddSampleData()
rows = debug_alert._FetchRowsAroundRev(test_key, 310, 5, 5)
# The lookup dict maps indexes to x-values in the input series.
[305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314],
def testCsvUrl_RowsGiven_AllParamsSpecified(self):
rows = graph_data.Row.query().fetch(limit=20)
debug_alert._CsvUrl('M/b/suite/foo', rows))
def testCsvUrl_NoRows_OnlyTestPathSpecified(self):
# If there are no rows available for some reason, a CSV download
# URL can still be constructed, but without specific revisions.
debug_alert._CsvUrl('M/b/suite/foo', []))
def testGraphUrl_RevisionGiven_RevisionParamInUrl(self):
test_key = self._AddSampleData()
# Both string and int can be accepted for revision.
debug_alert._GraphUrl(test_key.get(), 310))
debug_alert._GraphUrl(test_key.get(), '310'))
def testGraphUrl_NoRevisionGiven_NoRevisionParamInUrl(self):
test_key = self._AddSampleData()
# Both None and empty string mean "no revision".
debug_alert._GraphUrl(test_key.get(), ''))
debug_alert._GraphUrl(test_key.get(), None))
if __name__ == '__main__':