blob: 48f0f97ee351e3bda1c86d2ebe191d1342219785 [file] [log] [blame]
:mod:`modulegraph.find_modules` --- High-level module dependency finding interface
.. module:: modulegraph.find_modules
:synopsis: High-level module dependency finding interface
This module provides a high-level interface to the functionality of
the modulegraph package.
.. function:: find_modules([scripts[, includes[, packages[, excludes[, path[, debug]]]]]])
High-level interface, takes iterables for: scripts, includes, packages, excludes
And returns a :class:`modulegraph.modulegraph.ModuleGraph` instance,
python_files, and extensions
python_files is a list of pure python dependencies as modulegraph.Module objects,
extensions is a list of platform-specific C extension dependencies as modulegraph.Module objects
.. function:: parse_mf_results(mf)
Return two lists: the first one contains the python files in the graph,
the second the C extensions.
:param mf: a :class:`modulegraph.modulegraph.ModuleGraph` instance
Lower-level functionality
The functionality in this section is much lower level and should probably
not be used. It's mostly documented as a convenience for maintainers.
.. function:: get_implies()
Return a mapping of implied dependencies. The key is a, possibly dotted,
module name and the value a list of dependencies.
This contains hardcoded list of hard dependencies, for example for C
extensions in the standard libary that perform imports in C code, which
the generic dependency finder cannot locate.
.. function:: plat_prepare(includes, packages, excludes)
Updates the lists of includes, packages and excludes for the current
platform. This will add items to these lists based on hardcoded platform
.. function:: find_needed_modules([mf[, scripts[, includes[, packages[, warn]]]]])
Feeds the given :class:`ModuleGraph <modulegraph.ModuleGraph>` with
the *scripts*, *includes* and *packages* and returns the resulting
graph. This function will create a new graph when *mf* is not specified
or ``None``.