blob: 186e46b61ba803d8fc0d7364bee8011f25dfc4d7 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- That code is auto generated -->
<Package name="~com\.puppycrawl\.tools\.checkstyle\.grammars.*" />
<!-- We are not aware of encoding of files that user has, so using user encoding is ok -->
<Class name="" />
<Bug pattern="DM_DEFAULT_ENCODING" />
<!-- see a reason of suppression at #910 -->
<Class name="$UniqueProperties" />
<!-- false-positive, as Map will return null if key is not found -->
<Class name="" />
<Method name="collectFirstNodes" />
<!-- it is ok here, as business meaning of that cases is not the same, it is occasional similarity -->
<Class name="" />
<Method name="visitToken" />
<!-- false positive, condition elements are not the same -->
<Class name="" />
<Method name="collectFirstNodes" />
<!-- false positive, "preceded" is returned from method as result -->
<Class name="" />
<Method name="getPreceded" />
<Bug pattern="DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE" />
<!-- that CLI class so we need system exit code there, but only in main(...) method -->
<Class name="" />
<Method name="main" />
<Bug pattern="DM_EXIT" />
<!-- have never been a case for years, Eclipse does not show any other classes inherited from CommonASTWithHiddenTokens -->
<Class name="" />
<Bug pattern="BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST" />
<!-- The structure of frames relies on the AST structure which relies on correct/compilable
java files. It is ok to have direct casts to subtypes there. Any problems at runtime do
mean serious problems in the algorithm or AST generation. -->
<Class name=""/>
<Bug pattern="BC_UNCONFIRMED_CAST"/>
<!-- false positive, beginTree is a kind of constructor for Checks -->
<Class name="" />
<Class name="" />
<Class name="" />
<Class name="" />
<Class name="" />
<!-- createJavadocNode is private and can not be launched without visitToken-->
<Class name="" />
<!-- has only one public method and all initialized in that method-->
<Class name="" />
<!-- beginProcessing() is kind of c-tor -->
<Class name="" />
<Class name="" />
<!--Uses setters to set fields values-->
<Class name="" />
False-positive. ExtedrnalResource cannot be null there.
FindBugs rise violation due to @Nullable annotation on 'apply' method.
<Class name="$1" />
<Method name="apply" />
<!-- false-positive. Bugs reported even though casting is done only after verification using instanceof -->
<Class name=""/>
<Method name="parseJavadocAsDetailNode"/>