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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<title>Command Line</title>
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<section name="Content">
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<section name="Description">
This document describes how to run Checkstyle using the command line
tool. The latest version of Checkstyle can be found at <a
This command line tool is included in the Checkstyle distribution.
<section name="Command line usage">
java -D&lt;property&gt;=&lt;value&gt; \ \
-c &lt;configurationFile&gt; \
[-f &lt;format&gt;] [-p &lt;propertiesFile&gt;] [-o &lt;file&gt;] \
[-t | --tree] [-T | --treeWithComments] [-J | treeWithJavadoc] [-j | --javadocTree] [-v] \
Checkstyle will process the specified files and by default report
errors to standard out in plain format. Checkstyle requires a <a
href="config.html">configuration XML file</a> that configures the
checks to apply. Command line options are:
<code>-c configurationFile</code> - specifies the location of the
file that defines the configuration modules. The location can either
be a filesystem location, or a <a href="">name</a> passed to the
ClassLoader.getResource() method.
<code>-f format</code> - specify the output
format. Options are <code> "plain"</code> for the <a
and <code>"xml"</code> for the <a
Defaults to <code>"plain"</code>.
<code>-p propertiesFile</code> - specify a
properties file to use.
<code>-o file</code> - specify the file to output
<code>-t, --tree</code> - print Abstract Syntax Tree(AST) of the checked file. The option
cannot be used other options and requires exactly one file to run on to be specified.
<code>-T, --treeWithComments</code> - print Abstract Syntax Tree(AST) with comment nodes of the checked file. The option
cannot be used other options and requires exactly one file to run on to be specified.
<code>-J, --treeWithJavadoc</code> - print Abstract Syntax Tree(AST) with Javadoc nodes and comment nodes
of the checked file. Attention that line number and columns will not be the same as it is a file due to the fact
that each javadoc comment is parsed separately from java file. The option cannot be used other options and requires
exactly one file to run on to be specified.
<code>-j, --javadocTree</code> - print Parse Tree of the Javadoc comment.
The file have to contain <b>only Javadoc comment content</b> without including '/**' and '*/' at the beginning and at the end respectively.
For example:
* Test method.
* @return true
The option
cannot be used other options and requires exactly one file to run on to be specified.
<code>-d, --debug</code> - Print all debug logging of CheckStyle utility.
<code>-e, --exclude excludedDirectory</code> - Directory to exclude from
CheckStyle. The directory can be the full, absolute path, or relative to the current path.
Multiple excludes are allowed.
<code>-x, --exclude-regexp excludedDirectoryPattern</code> - Directory pattern to exclude from
CheckStyle. Multiple excludes are allowed.
<code>-v</code> - print product version and exit. Any other option is ignored.
<code>-executeIgnoredModules</code> - Allows ignored modules to be run.
Note that the <code>-n packageNamesFile</code>
option has been dropped for Checkstyle 5.0, because of
significant changes regarding package name file handling. See <a
href="config.html#Packages"/> for details.
Set the properties for <a href="config.html#Properties">expanded
property values</a> by either by assigning system properties using the
<code>-D&lt;property&gt;=&lt;value&gt;</code> arguments to java or
specifying a property file using the <code>-p</code> option. If a
property file is specified, the system properties are ignored.
<section name="Download and Run">
It is possible to run Checkstyle directly from the JAR file using
the <code>-jar</code> option. Download latest <a href="${projectVersion}/checkstyle-${projectVersion}-all.jar">
An example of run would be:
<source class="wrap-content">
java -jar checkstyle-${projectVersion}-all.jar -c /sun_checks.xml
java -jar checkstyle-${projectVersion}-all.jar -c /google_checks.xml
It is recommended to use configuration files that are embedded in jar files, but latest configuration files are there:
<a href="">sun_checks.xml</a>
<a href="">google_checks.xml</a>
To run <a href="writingchecks.html#The_Checkstyle_SDK_Gui">Checkstyle UI viewer</a> for AST tree directly from the JAR file using
the <code>-jar</code> option. Download latest <a href="${projectVersion}/checkstyle-${projectVersion}-all.jar">
An example of run would be (path to java file is optional):
<source class="wrap-content">
java -cp checkstyle-${projectVersion}-all.jar
<section name="Run after compilation">
Download and compile:
<source class="wrap-content">
git clone
cd checkstyle
mvn clean compile
Run validation with arguments:
<source class="wrap-content">
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="" -Dexec.args="-c /sun_checks.xml src/main/java "
Run UI application for file :
<source class="wrap-content">
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="" -Dexec.args="src/main/java/com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/"
Build all jars, and launch CLI from new build:
<source class="wrap-content">
mvn clean package -Passembly
java -jar target/checkstyle-X.X-SNAPSHOT-all.jar -c /sun_checks.xml
<section name="Usage by Classpath update">
The easiest way is to include
<a href="${projectVersion}/checkstyle-${projectVersion}-all.jar">checkstyle-${projectVersion}-all.jar</a> in the
<a href="">classpath</a>. Alternatively, you must include the
<code>compile</code> third party dependencies listed in
<a href="dependencies.html">Project Dependencies</a> in the
Run checkstyle with configuration file at
<code>docs/sun_checks.xml</code> on a filesystem
<source class="wrap-content">
java -c docs/sun_checks.xml
Run checkstyle with configuration file
<code>docs/sun_checks.xml</code> on all Java files in a directory
<source class="wrap-content">
java -c docs/sun_checks.xml src/
Run checkstyle with configuration file
<code>docs/sun_checks.xml</code> on a file and provide a system
<source class="wrap-content">
java -Dcheckstyle.cache.file=target/cachefile -c docs/sun_checks.xml
Run checkstyle with configuration file
<code>docs/sun_checks.xml</code> on a file and use properties in a
<source class="wrap-content">
java -c docs/sun_checks.xml -p
Run checkstyle with configuration file
<code>docs/sun_checks.xml</code> on a file and output to a file in
XML format
<source class="wrap-content">
java -c docs/sun_checks.xml -f xml -o build/checkstyle_errors.xml
Run checkstyle with <a href="extending.html">custom module(s)
(Root module, Checks, etc)</a> in configuration file:
<source class="wrap-content">
java -classpath MyCustom.jar;checkstyle-${projectVersion}-all.jar -c config.xml
<b>Note</b>: Custom modules should be specified with the class'
<a href="writingchecks.html#Integrate_your_Check">full classpath</a>
in the configuration file and the compiled class be located in the custom
JAR for Checkstyle to find.