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<title>Ant Task</title>
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<section name="Content">
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<section name="Description">
This task runs Checkstyle over specified Java files.
The latest version of checkstyle can be found at
<a href=""></a>.
This task is included in the checkstyle distribution.
<section name="Installation">
The easiest way is to include
<code>checkstyle-${projectVersion}-all.jar</code> in the
classpath. This contains all the classes required to run
Checkstyle. Alternatively, you must include the
<code>compile</code> third party dependencies listed in <a
href="dependencies.html">Project Dependencies</a> in the
To use the task in a build file, you will need the following
<code>taskdef</code> declaration:
&lt;taskdef resource=&quot;com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/ant/;
Or, assuming that Checkstyle is in the global classpath (not
recommended), then you will need the following <code>taskdef</code>
&lt;taskdef resource=&quot;com/puppycrawl/tools/checkstyle/ant/;/&gt;
Or if you use Ant 1.6 and later and assuming that Checkstyle
is in the library search path, then you may use antlib feature
of Ant (see <a
for more details). For example:
&lt;project name="foo" ...
<section name="Parameters">
<table summary="parameters">
<td>File to run checkstyle on.</td>
One of either <i>file</i> or at least one nested <i>fileset</i> or <i>path</i>
A set of files to run checkstyle on. Nested attribute.
See <a href="">fileset</a>
ant documentation for details
One of either <i>file</i> or at least one nested <i>fileset</i> or <i>path</i>
A set of path to run checkstyle on. Nested attribute.
See <a href="">path</a>
ant documentation for details
One of either <i>file</i> or at least one nested <i>fileset</i> or <i>path</i>
Specifies the location of the file, URL, or Java resource that defines the configuration
<a href="config.html">See here</a> for a description of how to
define a configuration.
<td>Exactly one config location</td>
Specifies a file that contains properties for <a
href="config.html#Properties"> expanded property values</a> of the
configuration. Ant properties (like ${basedir}) and nested
property elements override the properties in this file.
Specifies whether the build will continue even if there are
violations. Defaults to <code>&quot;true&quot;</code>.
<td>The name of a property to set in the event of a violation.</td>
The maximum number of errors that are tolerated before
breaking the build or setting the failure property. Defaults
to <code>&quot;0&quot;</code>.
The maximum number of warnings that are tolerated before
breaking the build or setting the failure property. Defaults
to <code>&quot;2147483647&quot;</code>, i.e.
<a href="">Integer.MAX_VALUE</a>.
The classpath to use when looking up classes. Defaults to the
current classpath.
The classpath to use when looking up classes, given as a reference
to a path defined elsewhere.
For efficiency, Checkstyle does not invoke modules with a configured severity of "ignore"
(since their output would be ignored anyway). A small number of modules may choose to log above their
configured severity level and so always need to be invoked. This settings specifies that behaviour.
Defaults to <code>&quot;false&quot;</code>.
Note that the <code>packageNamesFile</code>
parameter has been dropped for Checkstyle 5.0, because of
significant changes regarding package name file handling. See <a
href="config.html#Packages"/> for details.
Also note, that checkstyle ignores all duplicate files,
specified in the <i>file</i>, <i>fileset</i> or <i>path</i> parameters
<section name="Nested Elements">
This task supports the nested elements <a
<code>&lt;formatter&gt;</code>, and <code>&lt;property&gt;</code>.
The parameters for the <code>&lt;formatter&gt;</code>
element are:
<table summary="nested elements">
<p>The type of output to generate. The valid values are:</p>
<code>plain</code> - specifies the <a
<code>xml</code> - specifies the <a
<p>Defaults to <code>"plain"</code>.</p>
The file to write output to. Defaults to standard output. Note,
there is no way to explicitly specify standard output.
<td>Boolean that determines whether output should be sent to
a file. Default is <code>true</code>.</td>
A <code>&lt;property&gt;</code> element provides a property for
<a href="config.html#Properties">expanded property values</a> of
the configuration. The parameters for the
<code>&lt;property&gt;</code> element are:
<table summary="nested elements">
<td><p>The key for the property.</p></td>
<td>The value of the property specified as a string.</td>
<td>Either <i>value</i> or <i>file</i></td>
The value of the property specified as a file. This is great for
specifying file names relative to the ANT build file.
<td>Either <i>value</i> or <i>file</i></td>
<section name="Examples">
An example project can be found
<a href="">here</a>.
Checkstyle use ant configuration to validate its own code. See example is our git repository -
<a href="">
Run checkstyle with configuration file
<code>docs/sun_checks.xml</code> on a single file
&lt;checkstyle config=&quot;docs/sun_checks.xml&quot; file=&quot;;/&gt;
Run checkstyle on a set of Java files using site-wide configuration
and an expanded property value
&lt;checkstyle config=&quot;/path/to/site/sun_checks.xml&quot;&gt;
&lt;fileset dir=&quot;src/checkstyle&quot; includes=&quot;**/*.java&quot;/&gt;
&lt;!-- Location of cache-file. Something that is project specific --&gt;
&lt;property key=&quot;checkstyle.cache.file&quot; file=&quot;target/cachefile&quot;/&gt;
Run checkstyle on a previously defined source path.
&lt;!-- Somewhere in your config --&gt;
&lt;path id="project.sourcepath"&gt;
&lt;fileset dir="src"
&lt;!-- Actual checkstyle config --&gt;
&lt;checkstyle config=&quot;/path/to/site/sun_checks.xml&quot;&gt;
&lt;!-- Refer to a previously defined source path --&gt;
&lt;path refid="project.sourcepath" /&gt;
Run checkstyle on a set of files and output messages to standard
output in plain format, and a file in XML format
&lt;checkstyle config=&quot;docs/sun_checks.xml&quot;&gt;
&lt;fileset dir=&quot;src/checkstyle&quot; includes=&quot;**/*.java&quot;/&gt;
&lt;formatter type=&quot;plain&quot;/&gt;
&lt;formatter type=&quot;xml&quot; toFile=&quot;build/checkstyle_errors.xml&quot;/&gt;
Run checkstyle with configuration file
<code>docs/sun_checks.xml</code> on a file and provide a package
names file
&lt;checkstyle config=&quot;docs/sun_checks.xml&quot;
Run checkstyle in an automated build and send an email report if
style violations are detected
&lt;target name=&quot;checkstyle&quot;
description=&quot;Generates a report of code convention violations.&quot;>
&lt;checkstyle config=&quot;docs/sun_checks.xml&quot;
&lt;formatter type=&quot;xml&quot; tofile=&quot;checkstyle_report.xml&quot;/&gt;
&lt;fileset dir=&quot;src&quot; includes=&quot;**/*.java&quot;/&gt;
&lt;style in=&quot;checkstyle_report.xml&quot; out=&quot;checkstyle_report.html&quot; style=&quot;checkstyle.xsl&quot;/&gt;
&lt;!-- run this target as part of automated build --&gt;
&lt;target name=&quot;checkstyle-nightly&quot;
description=&quot;Sends email if checkstyle detected code conventions violations.&quot;&gt;
&lt;!-- use your own server and email addresses below. See Ant documentation for details --&gt;
&lt;mail from=&quot;qa@some.domain&quot;
subject=&quot;Checkstyle violation(s) in project ${}&quot;