blob: e8c9cbd86880fb76186d0c429ce9be884a4c5598 [file] [log] [blame]
DefaultLogger.addException=Error auditing {0}
DefaultLogger.auditFinished=Audit done.
DefaultLogger.auditStarted=Starting audit...
general.exception=Got an exception - {0}
general.fileNotFound=File not found!
Main.createListener=Invalid output format. Found ''{0}'' but expected ''{1}'' or ''{2}''.
# for
Main.errorCounter=Checkstyle ends with {0} errors.
Main.loadProperties=Unable to load properties from file ''{0}''.
PackageObjectFactory.ambiguousModuleNameExceptionMessage=In config there is ''{0}'', \
but in classpath there are {1}, please resolve ambiguity by specifying fully qualified \
name in config.
PackageObjectFactory.unableToInstantiateExceptionMessage=Unable to instantiate ''{0}'' \
class, it is also not possible to instantiate it as {1}. \
Please recheck that class name is specified as canonical name or read how to configure \
short name usage\#Packages. Please also \
recheck that provided ClassLoader to Checker is configured correctly.