blob: af557732ccd4ca55335a85399c36d67baf0cf3c4 [file] [log] [blame] style must be ''{0}''.
annotation.location=Annotation ''{0}'' have incorrect indentation level {1}, expected level should be {2}.
annotation.location.alone=Annotation ''{0}'' should be alone on line.
annotation.missing.deprecated=Must include both @java.lang.Deprecated annotation and @deprecated Javadoc tag with description.
annotation.missing.override=Must include @java.lang.Override annotation when '{'@inheritDoc'}' Javadoc tag exists.
annotation.package.location=Package annotations must be in the info.
annotation.parens.missing=Annotation must have closing parenthesis.
annotation.parens.present=Annotation cannot have closing parenthesis.
annotation.same.line=Annotation ''{0}'' should be on the same line with its target.
annotation.trailing.comma.missing=Annotation array values must contain trailing comma.
annotation.trailing.comma.present=Annotation array values cannot contain trailing comma.
javadoc.duplicateTag=Duplicate {0} tag.
javadoc.missing=Missing a Javadoc comment.
suppressed.warning.not.allowed=The warning ''{0}'' cannot be suppressed at this location.
tag.not.valid.on=The Javadoc {0} tag is not valid at this location.