blob: 2dbf8beea52b450b423ea5a5ab0aadc64b259547 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "bsdiff/common.h"
#include "bz2_compressor.h"
namespace bsdiff {
struct ControlEntry {
ControlEntry(uint64_t diff_size,
uint64_t extra_size,
int64_t offset_increment)
: diff_size(diff_size),
offset_increment(offset_increment) {}
// The number of bytes to copy from the source and diff stream.
uint64_t diff_size;
// The number of bytes to copy from the extra stream.
uint64_t extra_size;
// The value to add to the source pointer after patching from the diff stream.
int64_t offset_increment;
class BsdiffPatchWriter {
BsdiffPatchWriter(const uint8_t* old_buf,
uint64_t old_size,
const uint8_t* new_buf,
uint64_t new_size)
: old_buf_(old_buf),
new_size_(new_size) {}
// Create the file |patch_filename| where the patch will be written to.
bool Open(const std::string& patch_filename);
// Add a new control triplet entry to the patch. The |entry.diff_size| bytes
// for the diff stream and the |entry.extra_size| bytes for the extra stream
// will be computed and added to the corresponding streams in the patch.
// Returns whether the operation succeeded. The operation can fail if either
// the old or new files are referenced out of bounds.
bool AddControlEntry(const ControlEntry& entry);
bool Close();
// Write the BSDIFF patch header to the |fp_| given the size of the compressed
// control block and the compressed diff block.
bool WriteHeader(uint64_t ctrl_size, uint64_t diff_size);
const uint8_t* old_buf_;
uint64_t old_size_;
const uint8_t* new_buf_;
uint64_t new_size_;
// Bytes of the new_buf_ already written.
uint64_t written_output_{0};
// The current position in the old buf.
int64_t old_pos_{0};
// The current file we are writing to.
FILE* fp_{nullptr};
// The three internal compressed streams.
BZ2Compressor ctrl_stream_;
BZ2Compressor diff_stream_;
BZ2Compressor extra_stream_;
} // namespace bsdiff