blob: 2128b6e16daf76ddb764cbb03cf6a2e08bc3b7de [file] [log] [blame]
import java.math.BigInteger;
* BigInteger utilities.
* @hide This class is not part of the Android public SDK API
public final class BigIntegers
private static final int MAX_ITERATIONS = 1000;
private static final BigInteger ZERO = BigInteger.valueOf(0);
* Return the passed in value as an unsigned byte array.
* @param value value to be converted.
* @return a byte array without a leading zero byte if present in the signed encoding.
public static byte[] asUnsignedByteArray(
BigInteger value)
byte[] bytes = value.toByteArray();
if (bytes[0] == 0)
byte[] tmp = new byte[bytes.length - 1];
System.arraycopy(bytes, 1, tmp, 0, tmp.length);
return tmp;
return bytes;
* Return the passed in value as an unsigned byte array.
* @param value value to be converted.
* @return a byte array without a leading zero byte if present in the signed encoding.
public static byte[] asUnsignedByteArray(int length, BigInteger value)
byte[] bytes = value.toByteArray();
if (bytes.length == length)
return bytes;
int start = bytes[0] == 0 ? 1 : 0;
int count = bytes.length - start;
if (count > length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("standard length exceeded for value");
byte[] tmp = new byte[length];
System.arraycopy(bytes, start, tmp, tmp.length - count, count);
return tmp;
* Return a random BigInteger not less than 'min' and not greater than 'max'
* @param min the least value that may be generated
* @param max the greatest value that may be generated
* @param random the source of randomness
* @return a random BigInteger value in the range [min,max]
public static BigInteger createRandomInRange(
BigInteger min,
BigInteger max,
SecureRandom random)
int cmp = min.compareTo(max);
if (cmp >= 0)
if (cmp > 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'min' may not be greater than 'max'");
return min;
if (min.bitLength() > max.bitLength() / 2)
return createRandomInRange(ZERO, max.subtract(min), random).add(min);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ITERATIONS; ++i)
BigInteger x = new BigInteger(max.bitLength(), random);
if (x.compareTo(min) >= 0 && x.compareTo(max) <= 0)
return x;
// fall back to a faster (restricted) method
return new BigInteger(max.subtract(min).bitLength() - 1, random).add(min);
public static BigInteger fromUnsignedByteArray(byte[] buf)
return new BigInteger(1, buf);
public static BigInteger fromUnsignedByteArray(byte[] buf, int off, int length)
byte[] mag = buf;
if (off != 0 || length != buf.length)
mag = new byte[length];
System.arraycopy(buf, off, mag, 0, length);
return new BigInteger(1, mag);