blob: 5667715963a0bb2c88bfd3675fe509b84773461c [file] [log] [blame]
package org.bouncycastle.asn1;
public class DERBoolean
extends ASN1Object
// BEGIN android-changed
private final byte value;
// END android-changed
public static final DERBoolean FALSE = new DERBoolean(false);
public static final DERBoolean TRUE = new DERBoolean(true);
* return a boolean from the passed in object.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if the object cannot be converted.
public static DERBoolean getInstance(
Object obj)
if (obj == null || obj instanceof DERBoolean)
return (DERBoolean)obj;
if (obj instanceof ASN1OctetString)
// BEGIN android-changed
return getInstance(((ASN1OctetString)obj).getOctets());
// END android-changed
if (obj instanceof ASN1TaggedObject)
return getInstance(((ASN1TaggedObject)obj).getObject());
throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal object in getInstance: " + obj.getClass().getName());
* return a DERBoolean from the passed in boolean.
public static DERBoolean getInstance(
boolean value)
return (value ? TRUE : FALSE);
// BEGIN android-added
* return a DERBoolean from the passed in array.
public static DERBoolean getInstance(
byte[] octets)
return (octets[0] != 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// END android-added
* return a Boolean from a tagged object.
* @param obj the tagged object holding the object we want
* @param explicit true if the object is meant to be explicitly
* tagged false otherwise.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if the tagged object cannot
* be converted.
public static DERBoolean getInstance(
ASN1TaggedObject obj,
boolean explicit)
return getInstance(obj.getObject());
// BEGIN android-removed
//private DERBoolean(
// byte[] value)
// this.value = value[0];
// END android-removed
// BEGIN android-changed
private DERBoolean(
boolean value)
this.value = (value) ? (byte)0xff : (byte)0;
// END android-changed
public boolean isTrue()
return (value != 0);
void encode(
DEROutputStream out)
throws IOException
byte[] bytes = new byte[1];
bytes[0] = value;
out.writeEncoded(BOOLEAN, bytes);
protected boolean asn1Equals(
DERObject o)
if ((o == null) || !(o instanceof DERBoolean))
return false;
return (value == ((DERBoolean)o).value);
public int hashCode()
return value;
public String toString()
return (value != 0) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";