blob: 8ce3931913a284fd39867b143d1c3bfa1472bf91 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.math.BigInteger;
* Class implementing the WTNAF (Window
* <code>&tau;</code>-adic Non-Adjacent Form) algorithm.
* @hide This class is not part of the Android public SDK API
public class WTauNafMultiplier extends AbstractECMultiplier
// TODO Create WTauNafUtil class and move various functionality into it
static final String PRECOMP_NAME = "bc_wtnaf";
* Multiplies a {@link ECPoint.AbstractF2m}
* by <code>k</code> using the reduced <code>&tau;</code>-adic NAF (RTNAF)
* method.
* @param point The ECPoint.AbstractF2m to multiply.
* @param k The integer by which to multiply <code>k</code>.
* @return <code>p</code> multiplied by <code>k</code>.
protected ECPoint multiplyPositive(ECPoint point, BigInteger k)
if (!(point instanceof ECPoint.AbstractF2m))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only ECPoint.AbstractF2m can be " +
"used in WTauNafMultiplier");
ECPoint.AbstractF2m p = (ECPoint.AbstractF2m)point;
ECCurve.AbstractF2m curve = (ECCurve.AbstractF2m)p.getCurve();
int m = curve.getFieldSize();
byte a = curve.getA().toBigInteger().byteValue();
byte mu = Tnaf.getMu(a);
BigInteger[] s = curve.getSi();
ZTauElement rho = Tnaf.partModReduction(k, m, a, s, mu, (byte)10);
return multiplyWTnaf(p, rho, a, mu);
* Multiplies a {@link ECPoint.AbstractF2m}
* by an element <code>&lambda;</code> of <code><b>Z</b>[&tau;]</code> using
* the <code>&tau;</code>-adic NAF (TNAF) method.
* @param p The ECPoint.AbstractF2m to multiply.
* @param lambda The element <code>&lambda;</code> of
* <code><b>Z</b>[&tau;]</code> of which to compute the
* <code>[&tau;]</code>-adic NAF.
* @return <code>p</code> multiplied by <code>&lambda;</code>.
private ECPoint.AbstractF2m multiplyWTnaf(ECPoint.AbstractF2m p, ZTauElement lambda, byte a, byte mu)
ZTauElement[] alpha = (a == 0) ? Tnaf.alpha0 : Tnaf.alpha1;
BigInteger tw = Tnaf.getTw(mu, Tnaf.WIDTH);
byte[]u = Tnaf.tauAdicWNaf(mu, lambda, Tnaf.WIDTH,
BigInteger.valueOf(Tnaf.POW_2_WIDTH), tw, alpha);
return multiplyFromWTnaf(p, u);
* Multiplies a {@link ECPoint.AbstractF2m}
* by an element <code>&lambda;</code> of <code><b>Z</b>[&tau;]</code>
* using the window <code>&tau;</code>-adic NAF (TNAF) method, given the
* WTNAF of <code>&lambda;</code>.
* @param p The ECPoint.AbstractF2m to multiply.
* @param u The the WTNAF of <code>&lambda;</code>..
* @return <code>&lambda; * p</code>
private static ECPoint.AbstractF2m multiplyFromWTnaf(final ECPoint.AbstractF2m p, byte[] u)
ECCurve.AbstractF2m curve = (ECCurve.AbstractF2m)p.getCurve();
final byte a = curve.getA().toBigInteger().byteValue();
WTauNafPreCompInfo preCompInfo = (WTauNafPreCompInfo)curve.precompute(p, PRECOMP_NAME, new PreCompCallback()
public PreCompInfo precompute(PreCompInfo existing)
if (existing instanceof WTauNafPreCompInfo)
return existing;
WTauNafPreCompInfo result = new WTauNafPreCompInfo();
result.setPreComp(Tnaf.getPreComp(p, a));
return result;
ECPoint.AbstractF2m[] pu = preCompInfo.getPreComp();
// TODO Include negations in precomp (optionally) and use from here
ECPoint.AbstractF2m[] puNeg = new ECPoint.AbstractF2m[pu.length];
for (int i = 0; i < pu.length; ++i)
puNeg[i] = (ECPoint.AbstractF2m)pu[i].negate();
// q = infinity
ECPoint.AbstractF2m q = (ECPoint.AbstractF2m) p.getCurve().getInfinity();
int tauCount = 0;
for (int i = u.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
int ui = u[i];
if (ui != 0)
q = q.tauPow(tauCount);
tauCount = 0;
ECPoint x = ui > 0 ? pu[ui >>> 1] : puNeg[(-ui) >>> 1];
q = (ECPoint.AbstractF2m)q.add(x);
if (tauCount > 0)
q = q.tauPow(tauCount);
return q;