blob: b6ff8c5aeac1b2a99e6a435fc38cf945b6c3d22f [file] [log] [blame]
package org.bouncycastle.pqc.crypto.ntru;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Digest;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.KeyGenerationParameters;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.SHA256Digest;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.SHA512Digest;
* A set of parameters for NtruSign. Several predefined parameter sets are available and new ones can be created as well.
public class NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters
extends KeyGenerationParameters
implements Cloneable
public static final int BASIS_TYPE_STANDARD = 0;
public static final int BASIS_TYPE_TRANSPOSE = 1;
public static final int KEY_GEN_ALG_RESULTANT = 0;
public static final int KEY_GEN_ALG_FLOAT = 1;
* Gives 128 bits of security
public static final NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters APR2011_439 = new NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters(439, 2048, 146, 1, BASIS_TYPE_TRANSPOSE, 0.165, 490, 280, false, true, KEY_GEN_ALG_RESULTANT, new SHA256Digest());
* Like <code>APR2011_439</code>, this parameter set gives 128 bits of security but uses product-form polynomials
public static final NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters APR2011_439_PROD = new NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters(439, 2048, 9, 8, 5, 1, BASIS_TYPE_TRANSPOSE, 0.165, 490, 280, false, true, KEY_GEN_ALG_RESULTANT, new SHA256Digest());
* Gives 256 bits of security
public static final NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters APR2011_743 = new NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters(743, 2048, 248, 1, BASIS_TYPE_TRANSPOSE, 0.127, 560, 360, true, false, KEY_GEN_ALG_RESULTANT, new SHA512Digest());
* Like <code>APR2011_439</code>, this parameter set gives 256 bits of security but uses product-form polynomials
public static final NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters APR2011_743_PROD = new NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters(743, 2048, 11, 11, 15, 1, BASIS_TYPE_TRANSPOSE, 0.127, 560, 360, true, false, KEY_GEN_ALG_RESULTANT, new SHA512Digest());
* Generates key pairs quickly. Use for testing only.
public static final NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters TEST157 = new NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters(157, 256, 29, 1, BASIS_TYPE_TRANSPOSE, 0.38, 200, 80, false, false, KEY_GEN_ALG_RESULTANT, new SHA256Digest());
* Generates key pairs quickly. Use for testing only.
public static final NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters TEST157_PROD = new NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters(157, 256, 5, 5, 8, 1, BASIS_TYPE_TRANSPOSE, 0.38, 200, 80, false, false, KEY_GEN_ALG_RESULTANT, new SHA256Digest());
public int N;
public int q;
public int d, d1, d2, d3, B;
double beta;
public double betaSq;
double normBound;
public double normBoundSq;
public int signFailTolerance = 100;
double keyNormBound;
public double keyNormBoundSq;
public boolean primeCheck; // true if N and 2N+1 are prime
public int basisType;
int bitsF = 6; // max #bits needed to encode one coefficient of the polynomial F
public boolean sparse; // whether to treat ternary polynomials as sparsely populated
public int keyGenAlg;
public Digest hashAlg;
public int polyType;
* Constructs a parameter set that uses ternary private keys (i.e. <code>polyType=SIMPLE</code>).
* @param N number of polynomial coefficients
* @param q modulus
* @param d number of -1's in the private polynomials <code>f</code> and <code>g</code>
* @param B number of perturbations
* @param basisType whether to use the standard or transpose lattice
* @param beta balancing factor for the transpose lattice
* @param normBound maximum norm for valid signatures
* @param keyNormBound maximum norm for the ploynomials <code>F</code> and <code>G</code>
* @param primeCheck whether <code>2N+1</code> is prime
* @param sparse whether to treat ternary polynomials as sparsely populated ({@link org.bouncycastle.pqc.math.ntru.polynomial.SparseTernaryPolynomial} vs {@link org.bouncycastle.pqc.math.ntru.polynomial.DenseTernaryPolynomial})
* @param keyGenAlg <code>RESULTANT</code> produces better bases, <code>FLOAT</code> is slightly faster. <code>RESULTANT</code> follows the EESS standard while <code>FLOAT</code> is described in Hoffstein et al: An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography.
* @param hashAlg a valid identifier for a <code></code> instance such as <code>SHA-256</code>. The <code>MessageDigest</code> must support the <code>getDigestLength()</code> method.
public NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters(int N, int q, int d, int B, int basisType, double beta, double normBound, double keyNormBound, boolean primeCheck, boolean sparse, int keyGenAlg, Digest hashAlg)
super(new SecureRandom(), N);
this.N = N;
this.q = q;
this.d = d;
this.B = B;
this.basisType = basisType;
this.beta = beta;
this.normBound = normBound;
this.keyNormBound = keyNormBound;
this.primeCheck = primeCheck;
this.sparse = sparse;
this.keyGenAlg = keyGenAlg;
this.hashAlg = hashAlg;
* Constructs a parameter set that uses product-form private keys (i.e. <code>polyType=PRODUCT</code>).
* @param N number of polynomial coefficients
* @param q modulus
* @param d1 number of -1's in the private polynomials <code>f</code> and <code>g</code>
* @param d2 number of -1's in the private polynomials <code>f</code> and <code>g</code>
* @param d3 number of -1's in the private polynomials <code>f</code> and <code>g</code>
* @param B number of perturbations
* @param basisType whether to use the standard or transpose lattice
* @param beta balancing factor for the transpose lattice
* @param normBound maximum norm for valid signatures
* @param keyNormBound maximum norm for the ploynomials <code>F</code> and <code>G</code>
* @param primeCheck whether <code>2N+1</code> is prime
* @param sparse whether to treat ternary polynomials as sparsely populated ({@link org.bouncycastle.pqc.math.ntru.polynomial.SparseTernaryPolynomial} vs {@link org.bouncycastle.pqc.math.ntru.polynomial.DenseTernaryPolynomial})
* @param keyGenAlg <code>RESULTANT</code> produces better bases, <code>FLOAT</code> is slightly faster. <code>RESULTANT</code> follows the EESS standard while <code>FLOAT</code> is described in Hoffstein et al: An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography.
* @param hashAlg a valid identifier for a <code></code> instance such as <code>SHA-256</code>. The <code>MessageDigest</code> must support the <code>getDigestLength()</code> method.
public NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters(int N, int q, int d1, int d2, int d3, int B, int basisType, double beta, double normBound, double keyNormBound, boolean primeCheck, boolean sparse, int keyGenAlg, Digest hashAlg)
super(new SecureRandom(), N);
this.N = N;
this.q = q;
this.d1 = d1;
this.d2 = d2;
this.d3 = d3;
this.B = B;
this.basisType = basisType;
this.beta = beta;
this.normBound = normBound;
this.keyNormBound = keyNormBound;
this.primeCheck = primeCheck;
this.sparse = sparse;
this.keyGenAlg = keyGenAlg;
this.hashAlg = hashAlg;
private void init()
betaSq = beta * beta;
normBoundSq = normBound * normBound;
keyNormBoundSq = keyNormBound * keyNormBound;
* Reads a parameter set from an input stream.
* @param is an input stream
* @throws
public NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters(InputStream is)
throws IOException
super(new SecureRandom(), 0); // TODO:
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(is);
N = dis.readInt();
q = dis.readInt();
d = dis.readInt();
d1 = dis.readInt();
d2 = dis.readInt();
d3 = dis.readInt();
B = dis.readInt();
basisType = dis.readInt();
beta = dis.readDouble();
normBound = dis.readDouble();
keyNormBound = dis.readDouble();
signFailTolerance = dis.readInt();
primeCheck = dis.readBoolean();
sparse = dis.readBoolean();
bitsF = dis.readInt();
keyGenAlg =;
String alg = dis.readUTF();
if ("SHA-512".equals(alg))
hashAlg = new SHA512Digest();
else if ("SHA-256".equals(alg))
hashAlg = new SHA256Digest();
polyType =;
* Writes the parameter set to an output stream
* @param os an output stream
* @throws
public void writeTo(OutputStream os)
throws IOException
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(os);
public NTRUSigningParameters getSigningParameters()
return new NTRUSigningParameters(N, q, d, B, beta, normBound, hashAlg);
public NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters clone()
return new NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters(N, q, d, B, basisType, beta, normBound, keyNormBound, primeCheck, sparse, keyGenAlg, hashAlg);
return new NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters(N, q, d1, d2, d3, B, basisType, beta, normBound, keyNormBound, primeCheck, sparse, keyGenAlg, hashAlg);
public int hashCode()
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + B;
result = prime * result + N;
result = prime * result + basisType;
long temp;
temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(beta);
result = prime * result + (int)(temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(betaSq);
result = prime * result + (int)(temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
result = prime * result + bitsF;
result = prime * result + d;
result = prime * result + d1;
result = prime * result + d2;
result = prime * result + d3;
result = prime * result + ((hashAlg == null) ? 0 : hashAlg.getAlgorithmName().hashCode());
result = prime * result + keyGenAlg;
temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(keyNormBound);
result = prime * result + (int)(temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(keyNormBoundSq);
result = prime * result + (int)(temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(normBound);
result = prime * result + (int)(temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(normBoundSq);
result = prime * result + (int)(temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
result = prime * result + polyType;
result = prime * result + (primeCheck ? 1231 : 1237);
result = prime * result + q;
result = prime * result + signFailTolerance;
result = prime * result + (sparse ? 1231 : 1237);
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (!(obj instanceof NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters))
return false;
NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters other = (NTRUSigningKeyGenerationParameters)obj;
if (B != other.B)
return false;
if (N != other.N)
return false;
if (basisType != other.basisType)
return false;
if (Double.doubleToLongBits(beta) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.beta))
return false;
if (Double.doubleToLongBits(betaSq) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.betaSq))
return false;
if (bitsF != other.bitsF)
return false;
if (d != other.d)
return false;
if (d1 != other.d1)
return false;
if (d2 != other.d2)
return false;
if (d3 != other.d3)
return false;
if (hashAlg == null)
if (other.hashAlg != null)
return false;
else if (!hashAlg.getAlgorithmName().equals(other.hashAlg.getAlgorithmName()))
return false;
if (keyGenAlg != other.keyGenAlg)
return false;
if (Double.doubleToLongBits(keyNormBound) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.keyNormBound))
return false;
if (Double.doubleToLongBits(keyNormBoundSq) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.keyNormBoundSq))
return false;
if (Double.doubleToLongBits(normBound) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.normBound))
return false;
if (Double.doubleToLongBits(normBoundSq) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.normBoundSq))
return false;
if (polyType != other.polyType)
return false;
if (primeCheck != other.primeCheck)
return false;
if (q != other.q)
return false;
if (signFailTolerance != other.signFailTolerance)
return false;
if (sparse != other.sparse)
return false;
return true;
public String toString()
DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder("SignatureParameters(N=" + N + " q=" + q);
output.append(" polyType=SIMPLE d=" + d);
output.append(" polyType=PRODUCT d1=" + d1 + " d2=" + d2 + " d3=" + d3);
output.append(" B=" + B + " basisType=" + basisType + " beta=" + format.format(beta) +
" normBound=" + format.format(normBound) + " keyNormBound=" + format.format(keyNormBound) +
" prime=" + primeCheck + " sparse=" + sparse + " keyGenAlg=" + keyGenAlg + " hashAlg=" + hashAlg + ")");
return output.toString();