blob: e47c5afd50ef79515d362a9f10335b8f40d9ef22 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.bouncycastle.crypto.prng;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.BlockCipher;
public class X931RNG
private static final long BLOCK64_RESEED_MAX = 1L << (16 - 1);
private static final long BLOCK128_RESEED_MAX = 1L << (24 - 1);
private static final int BLOCK64_MAX_BITS_REQUEST = 1 << (13 - 1);
private static final int BLOCK128_MAX_BITS_REQUEST = 1 << (19 - 1);
private final BlockCipher engine;
private final EntropySource entropySource;
private final byte[] DT;
private final byte[] I;
private final byte[] R;;
private byte[] V;
private long reseedCounter = 1;
* @param engine
* @param entropySource
public X931RNG(BlockCipher engine, byte[] dateTimeVector, EntropySource entropySource)
this.engine = engine;
this.entropySource = entropySource;
this.DT = new byte[engine.getBlockSize()];
System.arraycopy(dateTimeVector, 0, DT, 0, DT.length);
this.I = new byte[engine.getBlockSize()];
this.R = new byte[engine.getBlockSize()];
* Populate a passed in array with random data.
* @param output output array for generated bits.
* @param predictionResistant true if a reseed should be forced, false otherwise.
* @return number of bits generated, -1 if a reseed required.
int generate(byte[] output, boolean predictionResistant)
if (R.length == 8) // 64 bit block size
if (reseedCounter > BLOCK64_RESEED_MAX)
return -1;
if (isTooLarge(output, BLOCK64_MAX_BITS_REQUEST / 8))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of bits per request limited to " + BLOCK64_MAX_BITS_REQUEST);
if (reseedCounter > BLOCK128_RESEED_MAX)
return -1;
if (isTooLarge(output, BLOCK128_MAX_BITS_REQUEST / 8))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of bits per request limited to " + BLOCK128_MAX_BITS_REQUEST);
if (predictionResistant || V == null)
V = entropySource.getEntropy();
if (V.length != engine.getBlockSize())
throw new IllegalStateException("Insufficient entropy returned");
int m = output.length / R.length;
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
engine.processBlock(DT, 0, I, 0);
process(R, I, V);
process(V, R, I);
System.arraycopy(R, 0, output, i * R.length, R.length);
int bytesToCopy = (output.length - m * R.length);
if (bytesToCopy > 0)
engine.processBlock(DT, 0, I, 0);
process(R, I, V);
process(V, R, I);
System.arraycopy(R, 0, output, m * R.length, bytesToCopy);
return output.length;
* Reseed the RNG.
void reseed()
V = entropySource.getEntropy();
if (V.length != engine.getBlockSize())
throw new IllegalStateException("Insufficient entropy returned");
reseedCounter = 1;
EntropySource getEntropySource()
return entropySource;
private void process(byte[] res, byte[] a, byte[] b)
for (int i = 0; i != res.length; i++)
res[i] = (byte)(a[i] ^ b[i]);
engine.processBlock(res, 0, res, 0);
private void increment(byte[] val)
for (int i = val.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (++val[i] != 0)
private static boolean isTooLarge(byte[] bytes, int maxBytes)
return bytes != null && bytes.length > maxBytes;