blob: d18381e48f089b2189f93fe91cb15caf2994aab6 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is generated from a similarly-named Perl script in the BoringSSL
// source tree. Do not edit by hand.
#if !defined(__has_feature)
#define __has_feature(x) 0
#if __has_feature(memory_sanitizer) && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_ASM)
#if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_ASM) && defined(__AARCH64EL__) && defined(__ELF__)
#include <boringssl_prefix_symbols_asm.h>
#include <openssl/arm_arch.h>
// BN_ULONG bn_add_words(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap, const BN_ULONG *bp,
// size_t num);
.type bn_add_words, %function
.globl bn_add_words
.hidden bn_add_words
.align 4
# Clear the carry flag.
cmn xzr, xzr
# aarch64 can load two registers at a time, so we do two loop iterations at
# at a time. Split x3 = 2 * x8 + x3. This allows loop
# operations to use CBNZ without clobbering the carry flag.
lsr x8, x3, #1
and x3, x3, #1
cbz x8, .Ladd_tail
ldp x4, x5, [x1], #16
ldp x6, x7, [x2], #16
sub x8, x8, #1
adcs x4, x4, x6
adcs x5, x5, x7
stp x4, x5, [x0], #16
cbnz x8, .Ladd_loop
cbz x3, .Ladd_exit
ldr x4, [x1], #8
ldr x6, [x2], #8
adcs x4, x4, x6
str x4, [x0], #8
cset x0, cs
.size bn_add_words,.-bn_add_words
// BN_ULONG bn_sub_words(BN_ULONG *rp, const BN_ULONG *ap, const BN_ULONG *bp,
// size_t num);
.type bn_sub_words, %function
.globl bn_sub_words
.hidden bn_sub_words
.align 4
# Set the carry flag. Arm's borrow bit is flipped from the carry flag,
# so we want C = 1 here.
cmp xzr, xzr
# aarch64 can load two registers at a time, so we do two loop iterations at
# at a time. Split x3 = 2 * x8 + x3. This allows loop
# operations to use CBNZ without clobbering the carry flag.
lsr x8, x3, #1
and x3, x3, #1
cbz x8, .Lsub_tail
ldp x4, x5, [x1], #16
ldp x6, x7, [x2], #16
sub x8, x8, #1
sbcs x4, x4, x6
sbcs x5, x5, x7
stp x4, x5, [x0], #16
cbnz x8, .Lsub_loop
cbz x3, .Lsub_exit
ldr x4, [x1], #8
ldr x6, [x2], #8
sbcs x4, x4, x6
str x4, [x0], #8
cset x0, cc
.size bn_sub_words,.-bn_sub_words
#endif // !OPENSSL_NO_ASM && defined(__AARCH64EL__) && defined(__ELF__)
#if defined(__ELF__)
// See
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits