blob: 7290992c705857696da52554fa0f2a2e33e684d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Stephen Cleary
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// See for updates, documentation, and revision history.
#include <boost/pool/poolfwd.hpp>
// boost::pool
#include <boost/pool/pool.hpp>
// boost::details::pool::singleton_default
#include <boost/pool/detail/singleton.hpp>
// boost::details::pool::guard
#include <boost/pool/detail/guard.hpp>
namespace boost {
// The singleton_pool class allows other pool interfaces for types of the same
// size to share the same pool
template <typename Tag, unsigned RequestedSize,
typename UserAllocator,
typename Mutex,
unsigned NextSize>
struct singleton_pool
typedef Tag tag;
typedef Mutex mutex;
typedef UserAllocator user_allocator;
typedef typename pool<UserAllocator>::size_type size_type;
typedef typename pool<UserAllocator>::difference_type difference_type;
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(unsigned, requested_size = RequestedSize);
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(unsigned, next_size = NextSize);
struct pool_type: Mutex
pool<UserAllocator> p;
pool_type():p(RequestedSize, NextSize) { }
typedef details::pool::singleton_default<pool_type> singleton;
static void * malloc()
pool_type & p = singleton::instance();
details::pool::guard<Mutex> g(p);
return p.p.malloc();
static void * ordered_malloc()
pool_type & p = singleton::instance();
details::pool::guard<Mutex> g(p);
return p.p.ordered_malloc();
static void * ordered_malloc(const size_type n)
pool_type & p = singleton::instance();
details::pool::guard<Mutex> g(p);
return p.p.ordered_malloc(n);
static bool is_from(void * const ptr)
pool_type & p = singleton::instance();
details::pool::guard<Mutex> g(p);
return p.p.is_from(ptr);
static void free(void * const ptr)
pool_type & p = singleton::instance();
details::pool::guard<Mutex> g(p);;
static void ordered_free(void * const ptr)
pool_type & p = singleton::instance();
details::pool::guard<Mutex> g(p);
static void free(void * const ptr, const size_type n)
pool_type & p = singleton::instance();
details::pool::guard<Mutex> g(p);, n);
static void ordered_free(void * const ptr, const size_type n)
pool_type & p = singleton::instance();
details::pool::guard<Mutex> g(p);
p.p.ordered_free(ptr, n);
static bool release_memory()
pool_type & p = singleton::instance();
details::pool::guard<Mutex> g(p);
return p.p.release_memory();
static bool purge_memory()
pool_type & p = singleton::instance();
details::pool::guard<Mutex> g(p);
return p.p.purge_memory();
} // namespace boost