Add 0xff (any object type) to sdptool OPUSH supported formats list.

This fixed an issue with sending an image from OSX. OSX would show a warning
that the bluez stack does not support this file type, but offer to send it
anyway (which works). This change to advertise support for all object types
will remove this warning.

The list of file types that can be advertised in the SDP record is very limited
anyway. It is best to list that we support all file types here, and then filter
at the OPP/OBEX connection instead.

For reference:
0x01 = vCard 2.1
0x02 = vCard 3.0
0x03 = vCal 1.0
0x04 = iCal 2.0
0x05 = vNote
0x06 = vMessage
0xFF = any type of object.
diff --git a/tools/sdptool.c b/tools/sdptool.c
index d74c08b..3dc0686 100644
--- a/tools/sdptool.c
+++ b/tools/sdptool.c
@@ -1754,8 +1754,7 @@
 	sdp_record_t record;
 	uint8_t chan = si->channel ? si->channel : 9;
 	sdp_data_t *channel;
-	uint8_t formats[] = { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06 };
-	//uint8_t formats[] = { 0xff };
+	uint8_t formats[] = { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0xff };
 	void *dtds[sizeof(formats)], *values[sizeof(formats)];
 	unsigned int i;
 	uint8_t dtd = SDP_UINT8;