BLE is disconnected due to BLE service record discovery failure.

the root cause of the problem is:
In BLE GATT client state machine, When It is in discovery state,
any command to access the service, characteristic and descriptor
will be queued, these commands will be executed after BLE service
discovery complete. When we queue the command, we will copy these
message. The problem is we didn't copy these message correctly.
We didn't deep copy these messages. There are pointers inside
these messages. These pointers are still point to the old message
which are already freed. When the messages are reused, the original
content will lost. The queued commands will be corrupted.
This is very serious issue, which can cause a lot of stability problem.

Change-Id: I93082a9dbcc3a676f5f791c2b1ea98e49b165813
diff --git a/bta/gatt/bta_gattc_utils.c b/bta/gatt/bta_gattc_utils.c
index 8392f8d..d81e121 100644
--- a/bta/gatt/bta_gattc_utils.c
+++ b/bta/gatt/bta_gattc_utils.c
@@ -428,20 +428,152 @@
     BOOLEAN in_q = FALSE;
-    if (p_clcb->p_q_cmd == NULL)
+    if (p_clcb->p_q_cmd == NULL && p_data)
-        p_clcb->p_q_cmd = (tBTA_GATTC_DATA *)GKI_getbuf(sizeof(tBTA_GATTC_DATA));
-        if (p_data)
-            memcpy(p_clcb->p_q_cmd, p_data, sizeof(tBTA_GATTC_DATA));
+        UINT16 len;
+        switch (p_data->hdr.event)
+        {
+            case BTA_GATTC_API_SEARCH_EVT:
+            {
+                if (p_data->api_search.p_srvc_uuid)
+                {
+                    len = sizeof(tBTA_GATTC_API_SEARCH) + sizeof(tBT_UUID);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    len = sizeof(tBTA_GATTC_API_SEARCH);
+                }
+                p_clcb->p_q_cmd = (tBTA_GATTC_DATA *)GKI_getbuf(len);
+                if (p_clcb->p_q_cmd == NULL)
+                {
+                    APPL_TRACE_ERROR0("allocate buffer failed for p_q_cmd");
+                    return FALSE;
+                }
+                memcpy(p_clcb->p_q_cmd, p_data, sizeof(tBTA_GATTC_API_SEARCH));
+                if (p_data->api_search.p_srvc_uuid)
+                {
+                    tBTA_GATTC_API_SEARCH *p_buf;
+                    p_buf = &(p_clcb->p_q_cmd->api_search);
+                    p_buf->p_srvc_uuid = (tBT_UUID *)(p_buf + 1);
+                    memcpy(p_buf->p_srvc_uuid, p_data->api_search.p_srvc_uuid,
+                           sizeof(tBT_UUID));
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+            case BTA_GATTC_API_READ_EVT:
+            {
+                if (p_data->api_read.p_descr_type)
+                {
+                    len = sizeof(tBTA_GATT_ID) + sizeof(tBTA_GATTC_API_READ);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    len = sizeof(tBTA_GATTC_API_READ);
+                }
+                p_clcb->p_q_cmd = (tBTA_GATTC_DATA *)GKI_getbuf(len);
+                if (p_clcb->p_q_cmd == NULL)
+                {
+                    APPL_TRACE_ERROR0("allocate buffer failed for p_q_cmd");
+                    return FALSE;
+                }
+                memcpy(p_clcb->p_q_cmd, p_data, sizeof(tBTA_GATTC_API_READ));
+                if (p_data->api_read.p_descr_type)
+                {
+                    tBTA_GATTC_API_READ *p_buf;
+                    p_buf = &(p_clcb->p_q_cmd->api_read);
+                    p_buf->p_descr_type = (tBTA_GATT_ID *)(p_buf + 1);
+                    memcpy(p_buf->p_descr_type, p_data->api_read.p_descr_type,
+                           sizeof(tBTA_GATT_ID));
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+            case BTA_GATTC_API_WRITE_EVT:
+            {
+                tBTA_GATTC_API_WRITE  *p_buf;
+                len = sizeof(tBTA_GATTC_API_WRITE) + p_data->api_write.len;
+                if (p_data->api_write.p_descr_type)
+                {
+                    len += sizeof(tBTA_GATT_ID);
+                }
+                p_clcb->p_q_cmd = (tBTA_GATTC_DATA *)GKI_getbuf(len);
+                if (p_clcb->p_q_cmd == NULL)
+                {
+                    APPL_TRACE_ERROR0("allocate buffer failed for p_q_cmd");
+                    return FALSE;
+                }
+                memcpy(p_clcb->p_q_cmd, p_data, sizeof(tBTA_GATTC_API_WRITE));
+                p_buf = &(p_clcb->p_q_cmd->api_write);
+                if (p_data->api_write.p_descr_type)
+                {
+                    p_buf->p_descr_type = (tBTA_GATT_ID *)(p_buf + 1);
+                    memcpy(p_buf->p_descr_type, p_data->api_write.p_descr_type,
+                           sizeof(tBTA_GATT_ID));
+                    if (p_buf->len && p_buf->p_value)
+                    {
+                        p_buf->p_value  = (UINT8 *)(p_buf->p_descr_type + 1);
+                        memcpy(p_buf->p_value, p_data->api_write.p_value,
+                               p_data->api_write.len);
+                    }
+                }
+                else if (p_buf->len && p_buf->p_value)
+                {
+                    p_buf->p_value = (UINT8 *)(p_buf + 1);
+                    memcpy(p_buf->p_value, p_data->api_write.p_value,
+                           p_data->api_write.len);
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+            case BTA_GATTC_API_EXEC_EVT:
+            {
+                len = sizeof(tBTA_GATTC_API_EXEC);
+                p_clcb->p_q_cmd = (tBTA_GATTC_DATA *)GKI_getbuf(len);
+                if (p_clcb->p_q_cmd == NULL)
+                {
+                    APPL_TRACE_ERROR0("allocate buffer failed for p_q_cmd");
+                    return FALSE;
+                }
+                memcpy(p_clcb->p_q_cmd, p_data, len);
+                break;
+            }
+            case BTA_GATTC_API_READ_MULTI_EVT:
+            {
+                len = sizeof(tBTA_GATTC_API_READ_MULTI) +
+                      p_data->api_read_multi.num_attr * sizeof(tBTA_GATTC_ATTR_ID);
+                p_clcb->p_q_cmd = (tBTA_GATTC_DATA *)GKI_getbuf(len);
+                if (p_clcb->p_q_cmd == NULL)
+                {
+                    APPL_TRACE_ERROR0("allocate buffer failed for p_q_cmd");
+                    return FALSE;
+                }
+                memcpy(p_clcb->p_q_cmd, p_data, sizeof(tBTA_GATTC_API_READ_MULTI));
+                if (p_data->api_read_multi.num_attr &&
+                    p_data->api_read_multi.p_id_list)
+                {
+                    tBTA_GATTC_API_READ_MULTI *p_buf;
+                    p_buf = &(p_clcb->p_q_cmd->api_read_multi);
+                    p_buf->p_id_list = (tBTA_GATTC_ATTR_ID *)(p_buf + 1);
+                    memcpy(p_buf->p_id_list, p_data->api_read_multi.p_id_list,
+                        p_data->api_read_multi.num_attr * sizeof(tBTA_GATTC_ATTR_ID));
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+            default:
+                APPL_TRACE_ERROR1("queue unsupported command %d", p_data->hdr.event);
+                return FALSE;
+        }
         in_q = TRUE;
-    else
+    else if (p_clcb->p_q_cmd)
         APPL_TRACE_ERROR0("already has a pending command!!");
         /* skip the callback now. ----- need to send callback ? */
+    else
+    {
+        APPL_TRACE_ERROR0("queue a null command");
+    }
     return in_q;