blob: 88f1a47e358b9e16e751e9b8aa8c7cfca68d9038 [file] [log] [blame]
# Exercising Bison on counterexamples. -*- Autotest -*-
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# ------------------------------
AT_BISON_CHECK([-Wcounterexamples input.y], [0], [], [stderr])
# FIXME: Avoid trailing white spaces.
AT_CHECK([[sed -e 's/time limit exceeded: [0-9][.0-9]*/time limit exceeded: XXX/g;s/ *$//;' stderr]],
[], [$1])
[[YYFLAT=1; export YYFLAT;]]m4_defn([AT_SET_ENV_IF]))
AT_BISON_CHECK([-Wcounterexamples input.y], [0], [], [stderr])
AT_CHECK([[sed -e 's/time limit exceeded: [0-9][.0-9]*/time limit exceeded: XXX/g' stderr]],
[], [$2])
## --------------------- ##
## Simple Unifying S/R. ##
## --------------------- ##
AT_SETUP([Unifying S/R])
[[%token A B C
s: a x | y c;
a: A;
c: C;
x: B | B C;
y: A | A B;
[[input.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token B [-Wcounterexamples]
Example: A . B C
Shift derivation
`-> 2: y c
`-> 8: A . B `-> 4: C
Reduce derivation
`-> 1: a x
`-> 3: A . `-> 6: B C
input.y:4.4: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
[[input.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token B [-Wcounterexamples]
Example A . B C
Shift derivation s -> [ y -> [ A . B ] c -> [ C ] ]
Reduce derivation s -> [ a -> [ A . ] x -> [ B C ] ]
input.y:4.4: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
## ------------------- ##
## Deep Unifying S/R. ##
## ------------------- ##
AT_SETUP([Deep Unifying S/R])
[[%token A B C
s: ac | a bc;
ac: A ac C | b;
b: B | B b;
a: A | A a;
bc: B bc C | B C;
[[input.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token B [-Wcounterexamples]
Example: A . B C
Shift derivation
`-> 1: ac
`-> 3: A ac C
`-> 4: b
`-> 5: . B
Reduce derivation
`-> 2: a bc
`-> 7: A . `-> 10: B C
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token B [-Wcounterexamples]
Example: A A . B B C C
Shift derivation
`-> 1: ac
`-> 3: A ac C
`-> 3: A ac C
`-> 4: b
`-> 6: . b
`-> 5: B B
Reduce derivation
`-> 2: a bc
`-> 8: A a `-> 9: B bc C
`-> 7: A . `-> 10: B C
input.y:6.4: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
[[input.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token B [-Wcounterexamples]
Example A . B C
Shift derivation s -> [ ac -> [ A ac -> [ b -> [ . B ] ] C ] ]
Reduce derivation s -> [ a -> [ A . ] bc -> [ B C ] ]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token B [-Wcounterexamples]
Example A A . B B C C
Shift derivation s -> [ ac -> [ A ac -> [ A ac -> [ b -> [ . b -> [ B B ] ] ] C ] C ] ]
Reduce derivation s -> [ a -> [ A a -> [ A . ] ] bc -> [ B bc -> [ B C ] C ] ]
input.y:6.4: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
## ------------------------------------ ##
## S/R Conflict with Nullable Symbols. ##
## ------------------------------------ ##
AT_SETUP([S/R Conflict with Nullable Symbols])
[[%token A B X Y
s: ax by | A xby;
ax: A x;
x: %empty | X x;
by: B y;
y: %empty | Y y;
xby: B | X xby Y;
[[input.y: warning: 2 shift/reduce conflicts [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token B [-Wcounterexamples]
Example: A . B
Shift derivation
`-> 2: A xby
`-> 9: . B
Reduce derivation
`-> 1: ax by
`-> 3: A x `-> 6: B y
`-> 4: %empty . `-> 6: %empty
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token B [-Wcounterexamples]
First example: A X . B Y $end
Shift derivation
`-> 0: s $end
`-> 2: A xby
`-> 10: X xby Y
`-> 9: . B
Second example: A X . B y $end
Reduce derivation
`-> 0: s $end
`-> 1: ax by
`-> 3: A x `-> 6: B y
`-> 5: X x
`-> 4: %empty .
input.y:5.4-9: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
[[input.y: warning: 2 shift/reduce conflicts [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token B [-Wcounterexamples]
Example A . B
Shift derivation s -> [ A xby -> [ . B ] ]
Reduce derivation s -> [ ax -> [ A x -> [ . ] ] by -> [ B y -> [ ] ] ]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token B [-Wcounterexamples]
First example A X . B Y $end
Shift derivation $accept -> [ s -> [ A xby -> [ X xby -> [ . B ] Y ] ] $end ]
Second example A X . B y $end
Reduce derivation $accept -> [ s -> [ ax -> [ A x -> [ X x -> [ . ] ] ] by -> [ B y ] ] $end ]
input.y:5.4-9: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
## ---------------------------- ##
## Non-unifying Ambiguous S/R. ##
## ---------------------------- ##
AT_SETUP([Non-unifying Ambiguous S/R])
[[%token A B C D E
g: s | x;
s: A x E | A x D E;
x: b cd | bc;
b: B;
cd: C D;
bc: B C;
[[input.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token C [-Wcounterexamples]
First example: B . C $end
Shift derivation
`-> 0: g $end
`-> 2: x
`-> 6: bc
`-> 9: B . C
Second example: B . C D $end
Reduce derivation
`-> 0: g $end
`-> 2: x
`-> 5: b cd
`-> 7: B . `-> 8: C D
input.y:6.4: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
[[input.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token C [-Wcounterexamples]
First example B . C $end
Shift derivation $accept -> [ g -> [ x -> [ bc -> [ B . C ] ] ] $end ]
Second example B . C D $end
Reduce derivation $accept -> [ g -> [ x -> [ b -> [ B . ] cd -> [ C D ] ] ] $end ]
input.y:6.4: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
## ------------------------------ ##
## Non-unifying Unambiguous S/R. ##
## ------------------------------ ##
AT_SETUP([Non-unifying Unambiguous S/R])
[[%token A B
s: t | s t;
t: x | y;
x: A;
y: A A B;
[[input.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token A [-Wcounterexamples]
First example: A . A B $end
Shift derivation
`-> 0: s $end
`-> 1: t
`-> 4: y
`-> 6: A . A B
Second example: A . A $end
Reduce derivation
`-> 0: s $end
`-> 2: s t
`-> 1: t `-> 3: x
`-> 3: x `-> 5: A
`-> 5: A .
[[input.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token A [-Wcounterexamples]
First example A . A B $end
Shift derivation $accept -> [ s -> [ t -> [ y -> [ A . A B ] ] ] $end ]
Second example A . A $end
Reduce derivation $accept -> [ s -> [ s -> [ t -> [ x -> [ A . ] ] ] t -> [ x -> [ A ] ] ] $end ]
## ----------------------- ##
## S/R after first token. ##
## ----------------------- ##
AT_SETUP([S/R after first token])
[[%token A B X Y
a: r t | s;
r: b;
b: B;
t: A xx | A x xy;
s: b A xx y;
x: X;
xx: X X;
xy: X Y;
y: Y;
[[input.y: warning: 2 shift/reduce conflicts [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token A [-Wcounterexamples]
Example: b . A X X Y
Shift derivation
`-> 2: s
`-> 7: b . xx y
`-> 9: A X X `-> 11: Y
Reduce derivation
`-> 1: r t
`-> 3: b . `-> 6: A x xy
`-> 8: X `-> 10: X Y
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token X [-Wcounterexamples]
First example: A X . X
Shift derivation
`-> 1: t
`-> 5: A xx
`-> 9: X . X
Second example: X . X xy
Reduce derivation
`-> 1: x t
`-> 8: X . `-> 6: X xy
input.y:4.4: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
input.y:8.4: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
[[input.y: warning: 2 shift/reduce conflicts [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token A [-Wcounterexamples]
Example b . A X X Y
Shift derivation a -> [ s -> [ b . xx -> [ A X X ] y -> [ Y ] ] ]
Reduce derivation a -> [ r -> [ b . ] t -> [ A x -> [ X ] xy -> [ X Y ] ] ]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token X [-Wcounterexamples]
First example A X . X
Shift derivation a -> [ t -> [ A xx -> [ X . X ] ] ]
Second example X . X xy
Reduce derivation a -> [ x -> [ X . ] t -> [ X xy ] ]
input.y:4.4: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
input.y:8.4: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
## ----------------------------- ##
## Unifying R/R counterexample. ##
## ----------------------------- ##
AT_SETUP([Unifying R/R counterexample])
[[%token A
a : A b ;
b : A | b;
[[input.y: warning: 1 reduce/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-rr]
input.y: warning: reduce/reduce conflict on token $end [-Wcounterexamples]
Example: A b .
First reduce derivation
`-> 1: A b .
Second reduce derivation
`-> 1: A b
`-> 3: b .
input.y:4.9: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
[[input.y: warning: 1 reduce/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-rr]
input.y: warning: reduce/reduce conflict on token $end [-Wcounterexamples]
Example A b .
First reduce derivation a -> [ A b . ]
Second reduce derivation a -> [ A b -> [ b . ] ]
input.y:4.9: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
## --------------------------------- ##
## Non-unifying R/R LR(1) conflict. ##
## --------------------------------- ##
AT_SETUP([Non-unifying R/R LR(1) conflict])
[[%token A B C D
s: a A | B a C | b C | B b A;
a: D;
b: D;
[[input.y: warning: 2 reduce/reduce conflicts [-Wconflicts-rr]
input.y: warning: reduce/reduce conflict on tokens A, C [-Wcounterexamples]
First example: D . A $end
First reduce derivation
`-> 0: s $end
`-> 1: a A
`-> 5: D .
Second example: B D . A $end
Second reduce derivation
`-> 0: s $end
`-> 4: B b A
`-> 6: D .
input.y:5.4: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
[[input.y: warning: 2 reduce/reduce conflicts [-Wconflicts-rr]
input.y: warning: reduce/reduce conflict on tokens A, C [-Wcounterexamples]
First example D . A $end
First reduce derivation $accept -> [ s -> [ a -> [ D . ] A ] $end ]
Second example B D . A $end
Second reduce derivation $accept -> [ s -> [ B b -> [ D . ] A ] $end ]
input.y:5.4: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
## --------------------------------- ##
## Non-unifying R/R LR(2) conflict. ##
## --------------------------------- ##
AT_SETUP([Non-unifying R/R LR(2) conflict])
[[%token H J K X
s: a J;
a: H i;
i: X | i J K;
[[input.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token J [-Wcounterexamples]
time limit exceeded: XXX
First example: H i . J K $end
Shift derivation
`-> 0: a $end
`-> 2: H i
`-> 4: i . J K
Second example: H i . J $end
Reduce derivation
`-> 0: s $end
`-> 1: a J
`-> 2: H i .
input.y:4.4-6: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
[[input.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token J [-Wcounterexamples]
time limit exceeded: XXX
First example H i . J K $end
Shift derivation $accept -> [ a -> [ H i -> [ i . J K ] ] $end ]
Second example H i . J $end
Reduce derivation $accept -> [ s -> [ a -> [ H i . ] J ] $end ]
input.y:4.4-6: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
## -------------------- ##
## Cex Search Prepend. ##
## -------------------- ##
# Tests prepend steps in uniying counterexample
# graph search
AT_SETUP([Cex Search Prepend])
[[%token N A B C D
s: n | n C;
n: N n D | N n C | N a B | N b;
a: A;
b: A B C | A B D;
[[input.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token B [-Wcounterexamples]
Example: N A . B C
Shift derivation
`-> 1: n
`-> 6: N b
`-> 8: A . B C
Reduce derivation
`-> 2: n C
`-> 5: N a B
`-> 7: A .
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token B [-Wcounterexamples]
Example: N N A . B D C
Shift derivation
`-> 1: n
`-> 4: N n C
`-> 6: N b
`-> 9: A . B D
Reduce derivation
`-> 2: n C
`-> 3: N n D
`-> 5: N a B
`-> 7: A .
input.y:5.4: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
[[input.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token B [-Wcounterexamples]
Example N A . B C
Shift derivation s -> [ n -> [ N b -> [ A . B C ] ] ]
Reduce derivation s -> [ n -> [ N a -> [ A . ] B ] C ]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token B [-Wcounterexamples]
Example N N A . B D C
Shift derivation s -> [ n -> [ N n -> [ N b -> [ A . B D ] ] C ] ]
Reduce derivation s -> [ n -> [ N n -> [ N a -> [ A . ] B ] D ] C ]
input.y:5.4: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
## ------------------- ##
## R/R cex with prec. ##
## ------------------- ##
# Tests that counterexamples containing rules using
# precedence/associativity directives work.
AT_SETUP([R/R cex with prec])
[[%left b
%right c
S: B C | C B;
A : B | C | %empty;
B : A b A;
C : A c A;
[[input.y: warning: 4 reduce/reduce conflicts [-Wconflicts-rr]
input.y: warning: reduce/reduce conflict on tokens b, c [-Wcounterexamples]
Example: B . b c
First reduce derivation
`-> 1: B C
`-> 6: A b A `-> 7: A c A
`-> 3: B . `-> 6: %empty `-> 7: %empty `-> 7: %empty
Second reduce derivation
`-> 1: B C
`-> 7: A c A
`-> 3: B `-> 7: %empty
`-> 6: A b A
`-> 5: %empty . `-> 6: %empty
input.y: warning: reduce/reduce conflict on tokens b, c [-Wcounterexamples]
Example: C . c b
First reduce derivation
`-> 2: C B
`-> 7: A c A `-> 6: A b A
`-> 4: C . `-> 7: %empty `-> 6: %empty `-> 6: %empty
Second reduce derivation
`-> 2: C B
`-> 6: A b A
`-> 4: C `-> 6: %empty
`-> 7: A c A
`-> 5: %empty . `-> 7: %empty
[[input.y: warning: 4 reduce/reduce conflicts [-Wconflicts-rr]
input.y: warning: reduce/reduce conflict on tokens b, c [-Wcounterexamples]
Example B . b c
First reduce derivation S -> [ B -> [ A -> [ B . ] b A -> [ ] ] C -> [ A -> [ ] c A -> [ ] ] ]
Second reduce derivation S -> [ B C -> [ A -> [ B -> [ A -> [ . ] b A -> [ ] ] ] c A -> [ ] ] ]
input.y: warning: reduce/reduce conflict on tokens b, c [-Wcounterexamples]
Example C . c b
First reduce derivation S -> [ C -> [ A -> [ C . ] c A -> [ ] ] B -> [ A -> [ ] b A -> [ ] ] ]
Second reduce derivation S -> [ C B -> [ A -> [ C -> [ A -> [ . ] c A -> [ ] ] ] b A -> [ ] ] ]
## ------------------- ##
## Null nonterminals. ##
## ------------------- ##
AT_SETUP([Null nonterminals])
[[%token A
a : b d | c d ;
b : ;
c : ;
d : a | c A | d;
[[input.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: 6 reduce/reduce conflicts [-Wconflicts-rr]
input.y: warning: reduce/reduce conflict on token A [-Wcounterexamples]
First example: . c A A $end
First reduce derivation
`-> 0: a $end
`-> 1: b d
`-> 3: %empty . `-> 6: c A A
Second example: . c A A $end
Second reduce derivation
`-> 0: a $end
`-> 2: c d
`-> 4: %empty . `-> 6: c A A
input.y: warning: reduce/reduce conflict on token A [-Wcounterexamples]
time limit exceeded: XXX
First example: b . c A A $end
First reduce derivation
`-> 0: a $end
`-> 1: b d
`-> 5: a
`-> 1: b d
`-> 3: %empty . `-> 6: c A A
Second example: b . A $end
Second reduce derivation
`-> 0: a $end
`-> 1: b d
`-> 6: c A
`-> 4: %empty .
input.y: warning: reduce/reduce conflict on token A [-Wcounterexamples]
time limit exceeded: XXX
First example: c . c A A $end
First reduce derivation
`-> 0: a $end
`-> 2: c d
`-> 5: a
`-> 1: b d
`-> 3: %empty . `-> 6: c A A
Second example: c . A $end
Second reduce derivation
`-> 0: a $end
`-> 2: c d
`-> 6: c A
`-> 4: %empty .
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token A [-Wcounterexamples]
time limit exceeded: XXX
First example: b c . A
Shift derivation
`-> 1: b d
`-> 6: c . A
Second example: b c . c A A $end
Reduce derivation
`-> 0: a $end
`-> 1: b d
`-> 5: a
`-> 2: c d
`-> 5: a
`-> 1: b d
`-> 3: %empty . `-> 6: c A A
input.y: warning: reduce/reduce conflict on token A [-Wcounterexamples]
First example: b c . c A A $end
First reduce derivation
`-> 0: a $end
`-> 1: b d
`-> 5: a
`-> 2: c d
`-> 5: a
`-> 1: b d
`-> 3: %empty . `-> 6: c A A
Second example: b c . A $end
Second reduce derivation
`-> 0: a $end
`-> 1: b d
`-> 5: a
`-> 2: c d
`-> 6: c A
`-> 4: %empty .
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token A [-Wcounterexamples]
First example: b c . A
Shift derivation
`-> 1: b d
`-> 6: c . A
Second example: b c . A $end
Reduce derivation
`-> 0: a $end
`-> 1: b d
`-> 5: a
`-> 2: c d
`-> 6: c A
`-> 4: %empty .
input.y: warning: reduce/reduce conflict on token $end [-Wcounterexamples]
Example: b d .
First reduce derivation
`-> 1: b d .
Second reduce derivation
`-> 1: b d
`-> 7: d .
input.y: warning: reduce/reduce conflict on token $end [-Wcounterexamples]
Example: c d .
First reduce derivation
`-> 2: c d .
Second reduce derivation
`-> 2: c d
`-> 7: d .
input.y:5.4: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
input.y:6.15: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
[[input.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: 6 reduce/reduce conflicts [-Wconflicts-rr]
input.y: warning: reduce/reduce conflict on token A [-Wcounterexamples]
First example . c A A $end
First reduce derivation $accept -> [ a -> [ b -> [ . ] d -> [ c A A ] ] $end ]
Second example . c A A $end
Second reduce derivation $accept -> [ a -> [ c -> [ . ] d -> [ c A A ] ] $end ]
input.y: warning: reduce/reduce conflict on token A [-Wcounterexamples]
time limit exceeded: XXX
First example b . c A A $end
First reduce derivation $accept -> [ a -> [ b d -> [ a -> [ b -> [ . ] d -> [ c A A ] ] ] ] $end ]
Second example b . A $end
Second reduce derivation $accept -> [ a -> [ b d -> [ c -> [ . ] A ] ] $end ]
input.y: warning: reduce/reduce conflict on token A [-Wcounterexamples]
time limit exceeded: XXX
First example c . c A A $end
First reduce derivation $accept -> [ a -> [ c d -> [ a -> [ b -> [ . ] d -> [ c A A ] ] ] ] $end ]
Second example c . A $end
Second reduce derivation $accept -> [ a -> [ c d -> [ c -> [ . ] A ] ] $end ]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token A [-Wcounterexamples]
time limit exceeded: XXX
First example b c . A
Shift derivation a -> [ b d -> [ c . A ] ]
Second example b c . c A A $end
Reduce derivation $accept -> [ a -> [ b d -> [ a -> [ c d -> [ a -> [ b -> [ . ] d -> [ c A A ] ] ] ] ] ] $end ]
input.y: warning: reduce/reduce conflict on token A [-Wcounterexamples]
First example b c . c A A $end
First reduce derivation $accept -> [ a -> [ b d -> [ a -> [ c d -> [ a -> [ b -> [ . ] d -> [ c A A ] ] ] ] ] ] $end ]
Second example b c . A $end
Second reduce derivation $accept -> [ a -> [ b d -> [ a -> [ c d -> [ c -> [ . ] A ] ] ] ] $end ]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token A [-Wcounterexamples]
First example b c . A
Shift derivation a -> [ b d -> [ c . A ] ]
Second example b c . A $end
Reduce derivation $accept -> [ a -> [ b d -> [ a -> [ c d -> [ c -> [ . ] A ] ] ] ] $end ]
input.y: warning: reduce/reduce conflict on token $end [-Wcounterexamples]
Example b d .
First reduce derivation a -> [ b d . ]
Second reduce derivation a -> [ b d -> [ d . ] ]
input.y: warning: reduce/reduce conflict on token $end [-Wcounterexamples]
Example c d .
First reduce derivation a -> [ c d . ]
Second reduce derivation a -> [ c d -> [ d . ] ]
input.y:5.4: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
input.y:6.15: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
## --------------------------- ##
## Non-unifying Prefix Share. ##
## --------------------------- ##
AT_SETUP([Non-unifying Prefix Share])
# Tests for a counterexample which should start its derivation
# at a shared symbol rather than the start symbol.
[[%token H J
s: a | a J;
a: H i J J
i: %empty | i J;
[[input.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token J [-Wcounterexamples]
Example: H i J . J J
Shift derivation
`-> 2: a J
`-> 3: H i J . J
Reduce derivation
`-> 1: a
`-> 3: H i J J
`-> 5: i J .
input.y:5.13-15: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
[[input.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token J [-Wcounterexamples]
Example H i J . J J
Shift derivation s -> [ a -> [ H i J . J ] J ]
Reduce derivation s -> [ a -> [ H i -> [ i J . ] J J ] ]
input.y:5.13-15: warning: rule useless in parser due to conflicts [-Wother]
## -------------------- ##
## Deep Null Unifying. ##
## ---------------------##
# Tests that nested nullable nonterminals
# are derived correctly.
AT_SETUP([Deep Null Unifying])
[[%token A D
s: A a d | A a a d;
a: b;
b: c
c: %empty
d: D;
[[input.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token D [-Wcounterexamples]
Example: A a . D
Shift derivation
`-> 1: A a d
`-> 6: . D
Reduce derivation
`-> 2: A a a d
`-> 3: b `-> 6: D
`-> 4: c
`-> 5: %empty .
[[input.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token D [-Wcounterexamples]
Example A a . D
Shift derivation s -> [ A a d -> [ . D ] ]
Reduce derivation s -> [ A a a -> [ b -> [ c -> [ . ] ] ] d -> [ D ] ]
## ------------------------ ##
## Deep Null Non-unifying. ##
## -------------------------##
# Tests that expand_to_conflict works with nullable sybols
AT_SETUP([Deep Null Non-unifying])
[[%token A D E
s: A a d | A a a d E;
a: b;
b: c
c: %empty
d: D;
[[input.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token D [-Wcounterexamples]
First example: A a . D $end
Shift derivation
`-> 0: s $end
`-> 1: A a d
`-> 6: . D
Second example: A a . D E $end
Reduce derivation
`-> 0: s $end
`-> 2: A a a d E
`-> 3: b `-> 6: D
`-> 4: c
`-> 5: %empty .
[[input.y: warning: 1 shift/reduce conflict [-Wconflicts-sr]
input.y: warning: shift/reduce conflict on token D [-Wcounterexamples]
First example A a . D $end
Shift derivation $accept -> [ s -> [ A a d -> [ . D ] ] $end ]
Second example A a . D E $end
Reduce derivation $accept -> [ s -> [ A a a -> [ b -> [ c -> [ . ] ] ] d -> [ D ] E ] $end ]