blob: 78801dbc63c339bd8f0b71b80b4d0934aa0e705f [file] [log] [blame]
/* Print an xml on generated parser, for Bison,
Copyright (C) 2007, 2009-2015, 2018-2021 Free Software Foundation,
This file is part of Bison, the GNU Compiler Compiler.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>. */
#include <config.h>
#include "print-xml.h"
#include "system.h"
#include <bitset.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "closure.h"
#include "complain.h"
#include "conflicts.h"
#include "execute.h"
#include "files.h"
#include "getargs.h"
#include "gram.h"
#include "lalr.h"
#include "lr0.h"
#include "muscle-tab.h"
#include "path-join.h"
#include "print.h"
#include "reader.h"
#include "reduce.h"
#include "state.h"
#include "symtab.h"
#include "tables.h"
static bitset no_reduce_set;
struct escape_buf
char *ptr;
size_t size;
enum { num_escape_bufs = 3 };
static struct escape_buf escape_bufs[num_escape_bufs];
| Report information on a state. |
static void
print_core (FILE *out, int level, state *s)
item_index *sitems = s->items;
size_t snritems = s->nitems;
/* Output all the items of a state, not only its kernel. */
closure (sitems, snritems);
sitems = itemset;
snritems = nitemset;
if (!snritems)
xml_puts (out, level, "<itemset/>");
xml_puts (out, level, "<itemset>");
for (size_t i = 0; i < snritems; i++)
bool printed = false;
item_number *sp1 = ritem + sitems[i];
rule const *r = item_rule (sp1);
item_number *sp = r->rhs;
/* Display the lookahead tokens? */
if (item_number_is_rule_number (*sp1))
reductions *reds = s->reductions;
int red = state_reduction_find (s, r);
/* Print item with lookaheads if there are. */
if (reds->lookaheads && red != -1)
xml_printf (out, level + 1,
"<item rule-number=\"%d\" dot=\"%d\">",
r->number, sp1 - sp);
state_rule_lookaheads_print_xml (s, r,
out, level + 2);
xml_puts (out, level + 1, "</item>");
printed = true;
if (!printed)
xml_printf (out, level + 1,
"<item rule-number=\"%d\" dot=\"%d\"/>",
sp1 - sp);
xml_puts (out, level, "</itemset>");
| Report the shifts if DISPLAY_SHIFTS_P or the gotos of S on |
| OUT. |
static void
print_transitions (state *s, FILE *out, int level)
transitions *trans = s->transitions;
int n = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < trans->num; i++)
/* Nothing to report. */
if (!n)
xml_puts (out, level, "<transitions/>");
/* Report lookahead tokens and shifts. */
xml_puts (out, level, "<transitions>");
for (i = 0; i < trans->num; i++)
&& TRANSITION_IS_SHIFT (trans, i))
symbol *sym = symbols[TRANSITION_SYMBOL (trans, i)];
char const *tag = sym->tag;
state *s1 = trans->states[i];
xml_printf (out, level + 1,
"<transition type=\"shift\" symbol=\"%s\" state=\"%d\"/>",
xml_escape (tag), s1->number);
for (i = 0; i < trans->num; i++)
&& !TRANSITION_IS_SHIFT (trans, i))
symbol *sym = symbols[TRANSITION_SYMBOL (trans, i)];
char const *tag = sym->tag;
state *s1 = trans->states[i];
xml_printf (out, level + 1,
"<transition type=\"goto\" symbol=\"%s\" state=\"%d\"/>",
xml_escape (tag), s1->number);
xml_puts (out, level, "</transitions>");
| Report the explicit errors of S raised from %nonassoc. |
static void
print_errs (FILE *out, int level, state *s)
errs *errp = s->errs;
bool count = false;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < errp->num; ++i)
if (errp->symbols[i])
count = true;
/* Nothing to report. */
if (!count)
xml_puts (out, level, "<errors/>");
/* Report lookahead tokens and errors. */
xml_puts (out, level, "<errors>");
for (i = 0; i < errp->num; ++i)
if (errp->symbols[i])
char const *tag = errp->symbols[i]->tag;
xml_printf (out, level + 1,
"<error symbol=\"%s\">nonassociative</error>",
xml_escape (tag));
xml_puts (out, level, "</errors>");
| Report a reduction of RULE on LOOKAHEAD (which can be 'default'). |
| If not ENABLED, the rule is masked by a shift or a reduce (S/R and |
| R/R conflicts). |
static void
print_reduction (FILE *out, int level, char const *lookahead,
rule *r, bool enabled)
if (rule_is_initial (r))
xml_printf (out, level,
"<reduction symbol=\"%s\" rule=\"accept\" enabled=\"%s\"/>",
xml_escape (lookahead),
enabled ? "true" : "false");
xml_printf (out, level,
"<reduction symbol=\"%s\" rule=\"%d\" enabled=\"%s\"/>",
xml_escape (lookahead),
enabled ? "true" : "false");
| Report on OUT the reduction actions of S. |
static void
print_reductions (FILE *out, int level, state *s)
transitions *trans = s->transitions;
reductions *reds = s->reductions;
rule *default_reduction = NULL;
int report = false;
int i, j;
if (reds->num == 0)
xml_puts (out, level, "<reductions/>");
if (yydefact[s->number] != 0)
default_reduction = &rules[yydefact[s->number] - 1];
bitset_zero (no_reduce_set);
FOR_EACH_SHIFT (trans, i)
bitset_set (no_reduce_set, TRANSITION_SYMBOL (trans, i));
for (i = 0; i < s->errs->num; ++i)
if (s->errs->symbols[i])
bitset_set (no_reduce_set, s->errs->symbols[i]->content->number);
if (default_reduction)
report = true;
if (reds->lookaheads)
for (i = 0; i < ntokens; i++)
bool count = bitset_test (no_reduce_set, i);
for (j = 0; j < reds->num; ++j)
if (bitset_test (reds->lookaheads[j], i))
if (! count)
if (reds->rules[j] != default_reduction)
report = true;
count = true;
report = true;
/* Nothing to report. */
if (!report)
xml_puts (out, level, "<reductions/>");
xml_puts (out, level, "<reductions>");
/* Report lookahead tokens (or $default) and reductions. */
if (reds->lookaheads)
for (i = 0; i < ntokens; i++)
bool defaulted = false;
bool count = bitset_test (no_reduce_set, i);
for (j = 0; j < reds->num; ++j)
if (bitset_test (reds->lookaheads[j], i))
if (! count)
if (reds->rules[j] != default_reduction)
print_reduction (out, level + 1, symbols[i]->tag,
reds->rules[j], true);
defaulted = true;
count = true;
if (defaulted)
print_reduction (out, level + 1, symbols[i]->tag,
default_reduction, true);
defaulted = false;
print_reduction (out, level + 1, symbols[i]->tag,
reds->rules[j], false);
if (default_reduction)
print_reduction (out, level + 1,
"$default", default_reduction, true);
xml_puts (out, level, "</reductions>");
| Report on OUT all the actions (shifts, gotos, reductions, and |
| explicit errors from %nonassoc) of S. |
static void
print_actions (FILE *out, int level, state *s)
xml_puts (out, level, "<actions>");
print_transitions (s, out, level + 1);
print_errs (out, level + 1, s);
print_reductions (out, level + 1, s);
xml_puts (out, level, "</actions>");
| Report all the data on S on OUT. |
static void
print_state (FILE *out, int level, state *s)
fputc ('\n', out);
xml_printf (out, level, "<state number=\"%d\">", s->number);
print_core (out, level + 1, s);
print_actions (out, level + 1, s);
if (s->solved_conflicts_xml)
xml_puts (out, level + 1, "<solved-conflicts>");
fputs (s->solved_conflicts_xml, out);
xml_puts (out, level + 1, "</solved-conflicts>");
xml_puts (out, level + 1, "<solved-conflicts/>");
xml_puts (out, level, "</state>");
| Print information on the whole grammar. |
static void
print_grammar (FILE *out, int level)
fputc ('\n', out);
xml_puts (out, level, "<grammar>");
grammar_rules_print_xml (out, level);
/* Terminals */
xml_puts (out, level + 1, "<terminals>");
for (int i = 0; i < max_code + 1; i++)
if (token_translations[i] != undeftoken->content->number)
symbol const *sym = symbols[token_translations[i]];
char const *tag = sym->tag;
char const *type = sym->content->type_name;
int precedence = sym->content->prec;
assoc associativity = sym->content->assoc;
xml_indent (out, level + 2);
fprintf (out,
"<terminal symbol-number=\"%d\" token-number=\"%d\""
" name=\"%s\" type=\"%s\" usefulness=\"%s\"",
token_translations[i], i, xml_escape_n (0, tag),
type ? xml_escape_n (1, type) : "",
reduce_token_unused_in_grammar (token_translations[i])
? "unused-in-grammar" : "useful");
if (precedence)
fprintf (out, " prec=\"%d\"", precedence);
if (associativity != undef_assoc)
fprintf (out, " assoc=\"%s\"", assoc_to_string (associativity) + 1);
fputs ("/>\n", out);
xml_puts (out, level + 1, "</terminals>");
/* Nonterminals */
xml_puts (out, level + 1, "<nonterminals>");
for (symbol_number i = ntokens; i < nsyms + nuseless_nonterminals; i++)
symbol const *sym = symbols[i];
char const *tag = sym->tag;
char const *type = sym->content->type_name;
xml_printf (out, level + 2,
"<nonterminal symbol-number=\"%d\" name=\"%s\""
" type=\"%s\""
" usefulness=\"%s\"/>",
i, xml_escape_n (0, tag),
type ? xml_escape_n (1, type) : "",
reduce_nonterminal_useless_in_grammar (sym->content)
? "useless-in-grammar" : "useful");
xml_puts (out, level + 1, "</nonterminals>");
xml_puts (out, level, "</grammar>");
xml_indent (FILE *out, int level)
for (int i = 0; i < level; i++)
fputs (" ", out);
xml_puts (FILE *out, int level, char const *s)
xml_indent (out, level);
fputs (s, out);
fputc ('\n', out);
xml_printf (FILE *out, int level, char const *fmt, ...)
va_list arglist;
xml_indent (out, level);
va_start (arglist, fmt);
vfprintf (out, fmt, arglist);
va_end (arglist);
fputc ('\n', out);
static char const *
xml_escape_string (struct escape_buf *buf, char const *str)
size_t len = strlen (str);
size_t max_expansion = sizeof "&quot;" - 1;
if (buf->size <= max_expansion * len)
buf->size = max_expansion * len + 1;
buf->ptr = x2realloc (buf->ptr, &buf->size);
char *p = buf->ptr;
for (; *str; str++)
switch (*str)
default: *p++ = *str; break;
case '&': p = stpcpy (p, "&amp;" ); break;
case '<': p = stpcpy (p, "&lt;" ); break;
case '>': p = stpcpy (p, "&gt;" ); break;
case '"': p = stpcpy (p, "&quot;"); break;
*p = '\0';
return buf->ptr;
char const *
xml_escape_n (int n, char const *str)
return xml_escape_string (escape_bufs + n, str);
char const *
xml_escape (char const *str)
return xml_escape_n (0, str);
print_xml (void)
FILE *out = xfopen (spec_xml_file, "w");
fputs ("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n\n", out);
int level = 0;
xml_printf (out, level,
"<bison-xml-report version=\"%s\" bug-report=\"%s\""
" url=\"%s\">",
xml_escape_n (0, VERSION),
xml_escape_n (1, PACKAGE_BUGREPORT),
xml_escape_n (2, PACKAGE_URL));
fputc ('\n', out);
xml_printf (out, level + 1, "<filename>%s</filename>",
xml_escape (grammar_file));
/* print grammar */
print_grammar (out, level + 1);
no_reduce_set = bitset_create (ntokens, BITSET_FIXED);
/* print automaton */
fputc ('\n', out);
xml_puts (out, level + 1, "<automaton>");
for (state_number i = 0; i < nstates; i++)
print_state (out, level + 2, states[i]);
xml_puts (out, level + 1, "</automaton>");
bitset_free (no_reduce_set);
xml_puts (out, 0, "</bison-xml-report>");
for (int i = 0; i < num_escape_bufs; ++i)
free (escape_bufs[i].ptr);
xfclose (out);
print_html (void)
assert (xml_flag);
char *xml2html = xpath_join (pkgdatadir (), "xslt/xml2xhtml.xsl");
char *xsltproc = muscle_percent_define_get ("tool.xsltproc");
char const *argv[11];
int i = 0;
argv[i++] = xsltproc;
argv[i++] = "-o";
argv[i++] = spec_html_file;
argv[i++] = xml2html;
argv[i++] = spec_xml_file;
argv[i++] = NULL;
aver (i <= ARRAY_CARDINALITY (argv));
if (trace_flag & trace_tools)
fputs ("running:", stderr);
for (int j = 0; argv[j]; ++j)
fprintf (stderr, " %s", argv[j]);
fputc ('\n', stderr);
int status
= execute (argv[0],
argv[0], argv,
/* directory */ NULL,
/* ignore_sigpipe */ false,
/* null_stdin, null_stdout, null_stderr */ true, true, true,
/* slave_process */ true, /* exit_on_error */ false,
/* termsigp */ NULL);
if (status)
complain (NULL, complaint, _("%s failed with status %d"), argv[0], status);
free (xsltproc);
free (xml2html);