blob: aa8f84e5aecc7c660545c23a89bde65d61d40ec3 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Parser simulator for unifying counterexample search
Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of Bison, the GNU Compiler Compiler.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>. */
# include <stdio.h>
# include <gl_xlist.h>
# include "derivation.h"
# include "state-item.h"
Simulating states of the parser:
Each state is an array of state-items and an array of derivations.
Each consecutive state-item represents a transition/goto or production,
and the derivations are the derivation trees associated with the symbols
transitioned on each step. In more detail:
Parse states are stored as a tree. Each new parse state contains two "chunks,"
one corresponding to its state-items and the other corresponding to its derivations.
Chunks only have new elements which weren't present in its parent.
Each chunk also stores the head, tail, and total_size of the list it represents.
So if a parse state was to be copied it retains the list metadata but its
contents are empty.
A transition gets the state-item which the last state-item of the parse state
transitions to. This is appended to the state-item list, and a derivation with
just the symbol being transitioned on is appended to the derivation list.
A production appends the new state-item, but does not have a derivation
associated with it.
A reduction looks at the rule of the last state-item in the state, and pops
the last few state-items that make up the rhs of the rule along with their
derivations. The derivations become the derivation of the lhs which is then
shifted over.
Effectively, every time a derivation is appended, it represents a shift in
the parser. So a parse state that contains
start: A . B C D
start: A B C D .
and the state-items in between will represent a parser that has BCD on the
parse stack.
However, the above example cannot be reduced, as it's missing A.
Since we start at a state-item that can have a dot in the middle of a rule,
it's necessary to support a prepend operation. Luckily the prepend operations
are very similar to transitions and productions with the difference being that
they operate on the head of the state-item list instead of the tail.
A production
A transition gets the state-item which the last state-item of the parse state
transitions to. This is appended to the state-item list, and a derivation with
just the symbol being transitioned on is appended to the derivation list.
typedef struct parse_state parse_state;
typedef gl_list_t parse_state_list;
static inline bool
parse_state_list_next (gl_list_iterator_t *it, parse_state **ps)
const void *p = NULL;
bool res = gl_list_iterator_next (it, &p, NULL);
if (res)
*ps = (parse_state *) p;
gl_list_iterator_free (it);
return res;
parse_state *new_parse_state (const state_item *conflict);
size_t parse_state_hasher (const parse_state *ps, size_t max);
bool parse_state_comparator (const parse_state *ps1, const parse_state *ps2);
/* Memory management */
void parse_state_retain (parse_state *ps);
/* This allows a parse_state to free its contents list
* when its reference count reaches 1. This is used to
* free memory while the parse state is in a hash set. */
void parse_state_free_contents_early (parse_state *ps);
void free_parse_state (parse_state *ps);
/* counts the amount of shift and production steps in this parse state */
void parse_state_completed_steps (const parse_state *ps, int *shifts, int *productions);
/* parse state getters */
bool parse_state_derivation_completed (const parse_state *ps);
derivation *parse_state_derivation (const parse_state *ps);
const state_item *parse_state_head (const parse_state *ps);
const state_item *parse_state_tail (const parse_state *ps);
int parse_state_length (const parse_state *ps);
int parse_state_depth (const parse_state *ps);
/* returns the linked lists that the parse state is supposed to represent */
void parse_state_lists (parse_state *ps, state_item_list *state_items,
derivation_list *derivs);
/* various functions that return a list of states based off of
* whatever operation is simulated. After whatever operation, every possible
* transition on nullable nonterminals will be added to the returned list. */
/* Look at the tail state-item of the parse state and transition on the symbol
* after its dot. The symbol gets added to derivs, and the resulting state-item
* is appended to state-items. */
parse_state_list simulate_transition (parse_state *ps);
/* Look at all of the productions for the nonterminal following the dot in the tail
* state-item. Appends to state-items each production state-item which may start with
* compat_sym. */
parse_state_list simulate_production (parse_state *ps, symbol_number compat_sym);
/* Removes the last rule_len state-items along with their derivations. A new state-item is
* appended representing the goto after the reduction. A derivation for the nonterminal that
* was just reduced is appended which consists of the list of derivations that were just removed. */
parse_state_list simulate_reduction (parse_state *ps, int rule_len,
bitset symbol_set);
/* Generate states with a state-item prepended for each state-item that has a
* transition or production step to ps's head. */
parse_state_list parser_prepend (parse_state *ps);
/* For debugging traces. */
void print_parse_state (parse_state *ps);