blob: 1cf47f492d175e79eeadec2adb46d61ac4bc72b1 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef DRIVER_HH
# define DRIVER_HH
# include <string>
# include <map>
# include "parser.hh"
// Give Flex the prototype of yylex we want ...
# define YY_DECL \
yy::parser::symbol_type yylex (driver& drv)
// ... and declare it for the parser's sake.
// Conducting the whole scanning and parsing of Calc++.
class driver
driver ();
std::map<std::string, int> variables;
int result;
// Run the parser on file F. Return 0 on success.
int parse (const std::string& f);
// The name of the file being parsed.
std::string file;
// Whether to generate parser debug traces.
bool trace_parsing;
// Handling the scanner.
void scan_begin ();
void scan_end ();
// Whether to generate scanner debug traces.
bool trace_scanning;
// The token's location used by the scanner.
yy::location location;
#endif // ! DRIVER_HH