blob: 1f28ebd8561f720825a837535269de0dac372230 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1 OR BSD-2-Clause)
// Copyright (c) 2023 Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
// Based on memleak(8) from BCC by Sasha Goldshtein and others.
// 1-Mar-2023 JP Kobryn Created this.
#include <argp.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/eventfd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <bpf/libbpf.h>
#include <bpf/bpf.h>
#include "memleak.h"
#include "memleak.skel.h"
#include "trace_helpers.h"
#include "blazesym.h"
static struct env {
int interval;
int nr_intervals;
pid_t pid;
bool trace_all;
bool show_allocs;
bool combined_only;
int min_age_ns;
uint64_t sample_rate;
int top_stacks;
size_t min_size;
size_t max_size;
char object[32];
bool wa_missing_free;
bool percpu;
int perf_max_stack_depth;
int stack_map_max_entries;
long page_size;
bool kernel_trace;
bool verbose;
char command[32];
} env = {
.interval = 5, // posarg 1
.nr_intervals = -1, // posarg 2
.pid = -1, // -p --pid
.trace_all = false, // -t --trace
.show_allocs = false, // -a --show-allocs
.combined_only = false, // --combined-only
.min_age_ns = 500, // -o --older (arg * 1e6)
.wa_missing_free = false, // --wa-missing-free
.sample_rate = 1, // -s --sample-rate
.top_stacks = 10, // -T --top
.min_size = 0, // -z --min-size
.max_size = -1, // -Z --max-size
.object = {0}, // -O --obj
.percpu = false, // --percpu
.perf_max_stack_depth = 127,
.stack_map_max_entries = 10240,
.page_size = 1,
.kernel_trace = true,
.verbose = false,
.command = {0}, // -c --command
struct allocation_node {
uint64_t address;
size_t size;
struct allocation_node* next;
struct allocation {
uint64_t stack_id;
size_t size;
size_t count;
struct allocation_node* allocations;
#define __ATTACH_UPROBE(skel, sym_name, prog_name, is_retprobe) \
do { \
LIBBPF_OPTS(bpf_uprobe_opts, uprobe_opts, \
.func_name = #sym_name, \
.retprobe = is_retprobe); \
skel->links.prog_name = bpf_program__attach_uprobe_opts( \
skel->progs.prog_name, \, \
env.object, \
0, \
&uprobe_opts); \
} while (false)
#define __CHECK_PROGRAM(skel, prog_name) \
do { \
if (!skel->links.prog_name) { \
perror("no program attached for " #prog_name); \
return -errno; \
} \
} while (false)
#define __ATTACH_UPROBE_CHECKED(skel, sym_name, prog_name, is_retprobe) \
do { \
__ATTACH_UPROBE(skel, sym_name, prog_name, is_retprobe); \
__CHECK_PROGRAM(skel, prog_name); \
} while (false)
#define ATTACH_UPROBE(skel, sym_name, prog_name) __ATTACH_UPROBE(skel, sym_name, prog_name, false)
#define ATTACH_URETPROBE(skel, sym_name, prog_name) __ATTACH_UPROBE(skel, sym_name, prog_name, true)
#define ATTACH_UPROBE_CHECKED(skel, sym_name, prog_name) __ATTACH_UPROBE_CHECKED(skel, sym_name, prog_name, false)
#define ATTACH_URETPROBE_CHECKED(skel, sym_name, prog_name) __ATTACH_UPROBE_CHECKED(skel, sym_name, prog_name, true)
static void sig_handler(int signo);
static long argp_parse_long(int key, const char *arg, struct argp_state *state);
static error_t argp_parse_arg(int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state);
static int libbpf_print_fn(enum libbpf_print_level level, const char *format, va_list args);
static int event_init(int *fd);
static int event_wait(int fd, uint64_t expected_event);
static int event_notify(int fd, uint64_t event);
static pid_t fork_sync_exec(const char *command, int fd);
static void print_stack_frame_by_blazesym(size_t frame, uint64_t addr, const blazesym_csym *sym);
static void print_stack_frames_by_blazesym();
static void print_stack_frames_by_ksyms();
static void print_stack_frames_by_syms_cache();
static int print_stack_frames(struct allocation *allocs, size_t nr_allocs, int stack_traces_fd);
static int alloc_size_compare(const void *a, const void *b);
static int print_outstanding_allocs(int allocs_fd, int stack_traces_fd);
static int print_outstanding_combined_allocs(int combined_allocs_fd, int stack_traces_fd);
static bool has_kernel_node_tracepoints();
static void disable_kernel_node_tracepoints(struct memleak_bpf *skel);
static void disable_kernel_percpu_tracepoints(struct memleak_bpf *skel);
static void disable_kernel_tracepoints(struct memleak_bpf *skel);
static int attach_uprobes(struct memleak_bpf *skel);
const char *argp_program_version = "memleak 0.1";
const char *argp_program_bug_address =
const char argp_args_doc[] =
"Trace outstanding memory allocations\n"
"USAGE: memleak [-h] [-c COMMAND] [-p PID] [-t] [-n] [-a] [-o AGE_MS] [-C] [-F] [-s SAMPLE_RATE] [-T TOP_STACKS] [-z MIN_SIZE] [-Z MAX_SIZE] [-O OBJECT] [-P] [INTERVAL] [INTERVALS]\n"
"./memleak -p $(pidof allocs)\n"
" Trace allocations and display a summary of 'leaked' (outstanding)\n"
" allocations every 5 seconds\n"
"./memleak -p $(pidof allocs) -t\n"
" Trace allocations and display each individual allocator function call\n"
"./memleak -ap $(pidof allocs) 10\n"
" Trace allocations and display allocated addresses, sizes, and stacks\n"
" every 10 seconds for outstanding allocations\n"
"./memleak -c './allocs'\n"
" Run the specified command and trace its allocations\n"
" Trace allocations in kernel mode and display a summary of outstanding\n"
" allocations every 5 seconds\n"
"./memleak -o 60000\n"
" Trace allocations in kernel mode and display a summary of outstanding\n"
" allocations that are at least one minute (60 seconds) old\n"
"./memleak -s 5\n"
" Trace roughly every 5th allocation, to reduce overhead\n"
static const struct argp_option argp_options[] = {
// name/longopt:str, key/shortopt:int, arg:str, flags:int, doc:str
{"pid", 'p', "PID", 0, "process ID to trace. if not specified, trace kernel allocs"},
{"trace", 't', 0, 0, "print trace messages for each alloc/free call" },
{"show-allocs", 'a', 0, 0, "show allocation addresses and sizes as well as call stacks"},
{"older", 'o', "AGE_MS", 0, "prune allocations younger than this age in milliseconds"},
{"command", 'c', "COMMAND", 0, "execute and trace the specified command"},
{"combined-only", 'C', 0, 0, "show combined allocation statistics only"},
{"wa-missing-free", 'F', 0, 0, "workaround to alleviate misjudgments when free is missing"},
{"sample-rate", 's', "SAMPLE_RATE", 0, "sample every N-th allocation to decrease the overhead"},
{"top", 'T', "TOP_STACKS", 0, "display only this many top allocating stacks (by size)"},
{"min-size", 'z', "MIN_SIZE", 0, "capture only allocations larger than this size"},
{"max-size", 'Z', "MAX_SIZE", 0, "capture only allocations smaller than this size"},
{"obj", 'O', "OBJECT", 0, "attach to allocator functions in the specified object"},
{"percpu", 'P', NULL, 0, "trace percpu allocations"},
static volatile sig_atomic_t exiting;
static volatile sig_atomic_t child_exited;
static struct sigaction sig_action = {
.sa_handler = sig_handler
static int child_exec_event_fd = -1;
static blazesym *symbolizer;
static sym_src_cfg src_cfg;
struct syms_cache *syms_cache;
struct ksyms *ksyms;
static void (*print_stack_frames_func)();
static uint64_t *stack;
static struct allocation *allocs;
static const char default_object[] = "";
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int ret = 0;
struct memleak_bpf *skel = NULL;
static const struct argp argp = {
.options = argp_options,
.parser = argp_parse_arg,
.doc = argp_args_doc,
// parse command line args to env settings
if (argp_parse(&argp, argc, argv, 0, NULL, NULL)) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to parse args\n");
goto cleanup;
// install signal handler
if (sigaction(SIGINT, &sig_action, NULL) || sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sig_action, NULL)) {
perror("failed to set up signal handling");
ret = -errno;
goto cleanup;
// post-processing and validation of env settings
if (env.min_size > env.max_size) {
fprintf(stderr, "min size (-z) can't be greater than max_size (-Z)\n");
return 1;
if (!strlen(env.object)) {
printf("using default object: %s\n", default_object);
strncpy(env.object, default_object, sizeof(env.object) - 1);
env.page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
printf("using page size: %ld\n", env.page_size);
env.kernel_trace = < 0 && !strlen(env.command);
printf("tracing kernel: %s\n", env.kernel_trace ? "true" : "false");
// if specific userspace program was specified,
// create the child process and use an eventfd to synchronize the call to exec()
if (strlen(env.command)) {
if ( >= 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot specify both command and pid\n");
ret = 1;
goto cleanup;
if (event_init(&child_exec_event_fd)) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to init child event\n");
goto cleanup;
const pid_t child_pid = fork_sync_exec(env.command, child_exec_event_fd);
if (child_pid < 0) {
perror("failed to spawn child process");
ret = -errno;
goto cleanup;
} = child_pid;
// allocate space for storing a stack trace
stack = calloc(env.perf_max_stack_depth, sizeof(*stack));
if (!stack) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to allocate stack array\n");
ret = -ENOMEM;
goto cleanup;
if ( < 0) {
src_cfg.src_type = SRC_T_KERNEL;
src_cfg.params.kernel.kallsyms = NULL;
src_cfg.params.kernel.kernel_image = NULL;
} else {
src_cfg.src_type = SRC_T_PROCESS; =;
// allocate space for storing "allocation" structs
if (env.combined_only)
allocs = calloc(COMBINED_ALLOCS_MAX_ENTRIES, sizeof(*allocs));
allocs = calloc(ALLOCS_MAX_ENTRIES, sizeof(*allocs));
if (!allocs) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to allocate array\n");
ret = -ENOMEM;
goto cleanup;
skel = memleak_bpf__open();
if (!skel) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to open bpf object\n");
ret = 1;
goto cleanup;
skel->rodata->min_size = env.min_size;
skel->rodata->max_size = env.max_size;
skel->rodata->page_size = env.page_size;
skel->rodata->sample_rate = env.sample_rate;
skel->rodata->trace_all = env.trace_all;
skel->rodata->stack_flags = env.kernel_trace ? 0 : BPF_F_USER_STACK;
skel->rodata->wa_missing_free = env.wa_missing_free;
env.perf_max_stack_depth * sizeof(unsigned long));
bpf_map__set_max_entries(skel->maps.stack_traces, env.stack_map_max_entries);
// disable kernel tracepoints based on settings or availability
if (env.kernel_trace) {
if (!has_kernel_node_tracepoints())
if (!env.percpu)
} else {
ret = memleak_bpf__load(skel);
if (ret) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to load bpf object\n");
goto cleanup;
const int allocs_fd = bpf_map__fd(skel->maps.allocs);
const int combined_allocs_fd = bpf_map__fd(skel->maps.combined_allocs);
const int stack_traces_fd = bpf_map__fd(skel->maps.stack_traces);
// if userspace oriented, attach upbrobes
if (!env.kernel_trace) {
ret = attach_uprobes(skel);
if (ret) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to attach uprobes\n");
goto cleanup;
ret = memleak_bpf__attach(skel);
if (ret) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to attach bpf program(s)\n");
goto cleanup;
// if running a specific userspace program,
// notify the child process that it can exec its program
if (strlen(env.command)) {
ret = event_notify(child_exec_event_fd, 1);
if (ret) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to notify child to perform exec\n");
goto cleanup;
symbolizer = blazesym_new();
if (!symbolizer) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load blazesym\n");
ret = -ENOMEM;
goto cleanup;
print_stack_frames_func = print_stack_frames_by_blazesym;
if (env.kernel_trace) {
ksyms = ksyms__load();
if (!ksyms) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load ksyms\n");
ret = -ENOMEM;
goto cleanup;
print_stack_frames_func = print_stack_frames_by_ksyms;
} else {
syms_cache = syms_cache__new(0);
if (!syms_cache) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create syms_cache\n");
ret = -ENOMEM;
goto cleanup;
print_stack_frames_func = print_stack_frames_by_syms_cache;
printf("Tracing outstanding memory allocs... Hit Ctrl-C to end\n");
// main loop
while (!exiting && env.nr_intervals) {
if (env.combined_only)
print_outstanding_combined_allocs(combined_allocs_fd, stack_traces_fd);
print_outstanding_allocs(allocs_fd, stack_traces_fd);
// after loop ends, check for child process and cleanup accordingly
if ( > 0 && strlen(env.command)) {
if (!child_exited) {
if (kill(, SIGTERM)) {
perror("failed to signal child process");
ret = -errno;
goto cleanup;
printf("signaled child process\n");
if (waitpid(, NULL, 0) < 0) {
perror("failed to reap child process");
ret = -errno;
goto cleanup;
printf("reaped child process\n");
if (syms_cache)
if (ksyms)
return ret;
long argp_parse_long(int key, const char *arg, struct argp_state *state)
errno = 0;
const long temp = strtol(arg, NULL, 10);
if (errno || temp <= 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "error arg:%c %s\n", (char)key, arg);
return temp;
error_t argp_parse_arg(int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state)
static int pos_args = 0;
switch (key) {
case 'p': = atoi(arg);
case 't':
env.trace_all = true;
case 'a':
env.show_allocs = true;
case 'o':
env.min_age_ns = 1e6 * atoi(arg);
case 'c':
strncpy(env.command, arg, sizeof(env.command) - 1);
case 'C':
env.combined_only = true;
case 'F':
env.wa_missing_free = true;
case 's':
env.sample_rate = argp_parse_long(key, arg, state);
case 'T':
env.top_stacks = atoi(arg);
case 'z':
env.min_size = argp_parse_long(key, arg, state);
case 'Z':
env.max_size = argp_parse_long(key, arg, state);
case 'O':
strncpy(env.object, arg, sizeof(env.object) - 1);
case 'P':
env.percpu = true;
if (pos_args == 1) {
env.interval = argp_parse_long(key, arg, state);
else if (pos_args == 2) {
env.nr_intervals = argp_parse_long(key, arg, state);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized positional argument: %s\n", arg);
return 0;
int libbpf_print_fn(enum libbpf_print_level level, const char *format, va_list args)
if (level == LIBBPF_DEBUG && !env.verbose)
return 0;
return vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
void sig_handler(int signo)
if (signo == SIGCHLD)
child_exited = 1;
exiting = 1;
int event_init(int *fd)
if (!fd) {
fprintf(stderr, "pointer to fd is null\n");
return 1;
const int tmp_fd = eventfd(0, EFD_CLOEXEC);
if (tmp_fd < 0) {
perror("failed to create event fd");
return -errno;
*fd = tmp_fd;
return 0;
int event_wait(int fd, uint64_t expected_event)
uint64_t event = 0;
const ssize_t bytes = read(fd, &event, sizeof(event));
if (bytes < 0) {
perror("failed to read from fd");
return -errno;
} else if (bytes != sizeof(event)) {
fprintf(stderr, "read unexpected size\n");
return 1;
if (event != expected_event) {
fprintf(stderr, "read event %lu, expected %lu\n", event, expected_event);
return 1;
return 0;
int event_notify(int fd, uint64_t event)
const ssize_t bytes = write(fd, &event, sizeof(event));
if (bytes < 0) {
perror("failed to write to fd");
return -errno;
} else if (bytes != sizeof(event)) {
fprintf(stderr, "attempted to write %zu bytes, wrote %zd bytes\n", sizeof(event), bytes);
return 1;
return 0;
pid_t fork_sync_exec(const char *command, int fd)
const pid_t pid = fork();
switch (pid) {
case -1:
perror("failed to create child process");
case 0: {
const uint64_t event = 1;
if (event_wait(fd, event)) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to wait on event");
printf("received go event. executing child command\n");
const int err = execl(command, command, NULL);
if (err) {
perror("failed to execute child command");
return -1;
printf("child created with pid: %d\n", pid);
return pid;
void print_stack_frame_by_blazesym(size_t frame, uint64_t addr, const blazesym_csym *sym)
if (!sym)
printf("\t%zu [<%016lx>] <%s>\n", frame, addr, "null sym");
else if (sym->path && strlen(sym->path))
printf("\t%zu [<%016lx>] %s+0x%lx %s:%ld\n", frame, addr, sym->symbol, addr - sym->start_address, sym->path, sym->line_no);
printf("\t%zu [<%016lx>] %s+0x%lx\n", frame, addr, sym->symbol, addr - sym->start_address);
void print_stack_frames_by_blazesym()
const blazesym_result *result = blazesym_symbolize(symbolizer, &src_cfg, 1, stack, env.perf_max_stack_depth);
for (size_t j = 0; j < result->size; ++j) {
const uint64_t addr = stack[j];
if (addr == 0)
// no symbol found
if (!result || j >= result->size || result->entries[j].size == 0) {
print_stack_frame_by_blazesym(j, addr, NULL);
// single symbol found
if (result->entries[j].size == 1) {
const blazesym_csym *sym = &result->entries[j].syms[0];
print_stack_frame_by_blazesym(j, addr, sym);
// multi symbol found
printf("\t%zu [<%016lx>] (%lu entries)\n", j, addr, result->entries[j].size);
for (size_t k = 0; k < result->entries[j].size; ++k) {
const blazesym_csym *sym = &result->entries[j].syms[k];
if (sym->path && strlen(sym->path))
printf("\t\t%s@0x%lx %s:%ld\n", sym->symbol, sym->start_address, sym->path, sym->line_no);
printf("\t\t%s@0x%lx\n", sym->symbol, sym->start_address);
void print_stack_frames_by_ksyms()
for (size_t i = 0; i < env.perf_max_stack_depth; ++i) {
const uint64_t addr = stack[i];
if (addr == 0)
const struct ksym *ksym = ksyms__map_addr(ksyms, addr);
if (ksym)
printf("\t%zu [<%016lx>] %s+0x%lx\n", i, addr, ksym->name, addr - ksym->addr);
printf("\t%zu [<%016lx>] <%s>\n", i, addr, "null sym");
void print_stack_frames_by_syms_cache()
const struct syms *syms = syms_cache__get_syms(syms_cache,;
if (!syms) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get syms\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < env.perf_max_stack_depth; ++i) {
const uint64_t addr = stack[i];
if (addr == 0)
char *dso_name;
uint64_t dso_offset;
const struct sym *sym = syms__map_addr_dso(syms, addr, &dso_name, &dso_offset);
if (sym) {
printf("\t%zu [<%016lx>] %s+0x%lx", i, addr, sym->name, sym->offset);
if (dso_name)
printf(" [%s]", dso_name);
} else {
printf("\t%zu [<%016lx>] <%s>\n", i, addr, "null sym");
int print_stack_frames(struct allocation *allocs, size_t nr_allocs, int stack_traces_fd)
for (size_t i = 0; i < nr_allocs; ++i) {
const struct allocation *alloc = &allocs[i];
printf("%zu bytes in %zu allocations from stack\n", alloc->size, alloc->count);
if (env.show_allocs) {
struct allocation_node* it = alloc->allocations;
while (it != NULL) {
printf("\taddr = %#lx size = %zu\n", it->address, it->size);
it = it->next;
if (bpf_map_lookup_elem(stack_traces_fd, &alloc->stack_id, stack)) {
if (errno == ENOENT)
perror("failed to lookup stack trace");
return -errno;
return 0;
int alloc_size_compare(const void *a, const void *b)
const struct allocation *x = (struct allocation *)a;
const struct allocation *y = (struct allocation *)b;
// descending order
if (x->size > y->size)
return -1;
if (x->size < y->size)
return 1;
return 0;
int print_outstanding_allocs(int allocs_fd, int stack_traces_fd)
time_t t = time(NULL);
struct tm *tm = localtime(&t);
size_t nr_allocs = 0;
// for each struct alloc_info "alloc_info" in the bpf map "allocs"
for (uint64_t prev_key = 0, curr_key = 0;; prev_key = curr_key) {
struct alloc_info alloc_info = {};
memset(&alloc_info, 0, sizeof(alloc_info));
if (bpf_map_get_next_key(allocs_fd, &prev_key, &curr_key)) {
if (errno == ENOENT) {
break; // no more keys, done
perror("map get next key error");
return -errno;
if (bpf_map_lookup_elem(allocs_fd, &curr_key, &alloc_info)) {
if (errno == ENOENT)
perror("map lookup error");
return -errno;
// filter by age
if (get_ktime_ns() - env.min_age_ns < alloc_info.timestamp_ns) {
// filter invalid stacks
if (alloc_info.stack_id < 0) {
// when the stack_id exists in the allocs array,
// increment size with alloc_info.size
bool stack_exists = false;
for (size_t i = 0; !stack_exists && i < nr_allocs; ++i) {
struct allocation *alloc = &allocs[i];
if (alloc->stack_id == alloc_info.stack_id) {
alloc->size += alloc_info.size;
if (env.show_allocs) {
struct allocation_node* node = malloc(sizeof(struct allocation_node));
if (!node) {
perror("malloc failed");
return -errno;
node->address = curr_key;
node->size = alloc_info.size;
node->next = alloc->allocations;
alloc->allocations = node;
stack_exists = true;
if (stack_exists)
// when the stack_id does not exist in the allocs array,
// create a new entry in the array
struct allocation alloc = {
.stack_id = alloc_info.stack_id,
.size = alloc_info.size,
.count = 1,
.allocations = NULL
if (env.show_allocs) {
struct allocation_node* node = malloc(sizeof(struct allocation_node));
if (!node) {
perror("malloc failed");
return -errno;
node->address = curr_key;
node->size = alloc_info.size;
node->next = NULL;
alloc.allocations = node;
memcpy(&allocs[nr_allocs], &alloc, sizeof(alloc));
// sort the allocs array in descending order
qsort(allocs, nr_allocs, sizeof(allocs[0]), alloc_size_compare);
// get min of allocs we stored vs the top N requested stacks
size_t nr_allocs_to_show = nr_allocs < env.top_stacks ? nr_allocs : env.top_stacks;
printf("[%d:%d:%d] Top %zu stacks with outstanding allocations:\n",
tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, nr_allocs_to_show);
print_stack_frames(allocs, nr_allocs_to_show, stack_traces_fd);
// Reset allocs list so that we dont accidentaly reuse data the next time we call this function
for (size_t i = 0; i < nr_allocs; i++) {
allocs[i].stack_id = 0;
if (env.show_allocs) {
struct allocation_node *it = allocs[i].allocations;
while (it != NULL) {
struct allocation_node *this = it;
it = it->next;
allocs[i].allocations = NULL;
return 0;
int print_outstanding_combined_allocs(int combined_allocs_fd, int stack_traces_fd)
time_t t = time(NULL);
struct tm *tm = localtime(&t);
size_t nr_allocs = 0;
// for each stack_id "curr_key" and union combined_alloc_info "alloc"
// in bpf_map "combined_allocs"
for (uint64_t prev_key = 0, curr_key = 0;; prev_key = curr_key) {
union combined_alloc_info combined_alloc_info;
memset(&combined_alloc_info, 0, sizeof(combined_alloc_info));
if (bpf_map_get_next_key(combined_allocs_fd, &prev_key, &curr_key)) {
if (errno == ENOENT) {
break; // no more keys, done
perror("map get next key error");
return -errno;
if (bpf_map_lookup_elem(combined_allocs_fd, &curr_key, &combined_alloc_info)) {
if (errno == ENOENT)
perror("map lookup error");
return -errno;
const struct allocation alloc = {
.stack_id = curr_key,
.size = combined_alloc_info.total_size,
.count = combined_alloc_info.number_of_allocs,
.allocations = NULL
memcpy(&allocs[nr_allocs], &alloc, sizeof(alloc));
qsort(allocs, nr_allocs, sizeof(allocs[0]), alloc_size_compare);
// get min of allocs we stored vs the top N requested stacks
nr_allocs = nr_allocs < env.top_stacks ? nr_allocs : env.top_stacks;
printf("[%d:%d:%d] Top %zu stacks with outstanding allocations:\n",
tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, nr_allocs);
print_stack_frames(allocs, nr_allocs, stack_traces_fd);
return 0;
bool has_kernel_node_tracepoints()
return tracepoint_exists("kmem", "kmalloc_node") &&
tracepoint_exists("kmem", "kmem_cache_alloc_node");
void disable_kernel_node_tracepoints(struct memleak_bpf *skel)
bpf_program__set_autoload(skel->progs.memleak__kmalloc_node, false);
bpf_program__set_autoload(skel->progs.memleak__kmem_cache_alloc_node, false);
void disable_kernel_percpu_tracepoints(struct memleak_bpf *skel)
bpf_program__set_autoload(skel->progs.memleak__percpu_alloc_percpu, false);
bpf_program__set_autoload(skel->progs.memleak__percpu_free_percpu, false);
void disable_kernel_tracepoints(struct memleak_bpf *skel)
bpf_program__set_autoload(skel->progs.memleak__kmalloc, false);
bpf_program__set_autoload(skel->progs.memleak__kmalloc_node, false);
bpf_program__set_autoload(skel->progs.memleak__kfree, false);
bpf_program__set_autoload(skel->progs.memleak__kmem_cache_alloc, false);
bpf_program__set_autoload(skel->progs.memleak__kmem_cache_alloc_node, false);
bpf_program__set_autoload(skel->progs.memleak__kmem_cache_free, false);
bpf_program__set_autoload(skel->progs.memleak__mm_page_alloc, false);
bpf_program__set_autoload(skel->progs.memleak__mm_page_free, false);
bpf_program__set_autoload(skel->progs.memleak__percpu_alloc_percpu, false);
bpf_program__set_autoload(skel->progs.memleak__percpu_free_percpu, false);
int attach_uprobes(struct memleak_bpf *skel)
ATTACH_UPROBE_CHECKED(skel, malloc, malloc_enter);
ATTACH_URETPROBE_CHECKED(skel, malloc, malloc_exit);
ATTACH_UPROBE_CHECKED(skel, calloc, calloc_enter);
ATTACH_URETPROBE_CHECKED(skel, calloc, calloc_exit);
ATTACH_UPROBE_CHECKED(skel, realloc, realloc_enter);
ATTACH_URETPROBE_CHECKED(skel, realloc, realloc_exit);
ATTACH_UPROBE_CHECKED(skel, mmap, mmap_enter);
ATTACH_URETPROBE_CHECKED(skel, mmap, mmap_exit);
ATTACH_UPROBE_CHECKED(skel, posix_memalign, posix_memalign_enter);
ATTACH_URETPROBE_CHECKED(skel, posix_memalign, posix_memalign_exit);
ATTACH_UPROBE_CHECKED(skel, memalign, memalign_enter);
ATTACH_URETPROBE_CHECKED(skel, memalign, memalign_exit);
ATTACH_UPROBE_CHECKED(skel, free, free_enter);
ATTACH_UPROBE_CHECKED(skel, munmap, munmap_enter);
// the following probes are intentinally allowed to fail attachment
// deprecated in bionic
ATTACH_UPROBE(skel, valloc, valloc_enter);
ATTACH_URETPROBE(skel, valloc, valloc_exit);
// deprecated in bionic
ATTACH_UPROBE(skel, pvalloc, pvalloc_enter);
ATTACH_URETPROBE(skel, pvalloc, pvalloc_exit);
// added in C11
ATTACH_UPROBE(skel, aligned_alloc, aligned_alloc_enter);
ATTACH_URETPROBE(skel, aligned_alloc, aligned_alloc_exit);
return 0;