blob: 31e355fd25a82ef0d05c021655f2d97651e2ec16 [file] [log] [blame]
Source: bcc
Maintainer: Brenden Blanco <>
Section: misc
Priority: optional
Standards-Version: 3.9.5
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), cmake,
libllvm9 | libllvm8 | libllvm6.0 | libllvm3.8 [!arm64] | libllvm3.7 [!arm64],
llvm-9-dev | llvm-8-dev | llvm-6.0-dev | llvm-3.8-dev [!arm64] | llvm-3.7-dev [!arm64],
libclang-9-dev | libclang-8-dev | libclang-6.0-dev | libclang-3.8-dev [!arm64] | libclang-3.7-dev [!arm64],
clang-format-9 | clang-format-8 | clang-format-6.0 | clang-format-3.8 [!arm64] | clang-format-3.7 [!arm64] | clang-format,
libelf-dev, bison, flex, libfl-dev, libedit-dev, zlib1g-dev, git,
python (>= 2.7), python-netaddr, python-pyroute2 | python3-pyroute2, luajit,
libluajit-5.1-dev, arping, inetutils-ping | iputils-ping, iperf, netperf,
ethtool, devscripts, python3, dh-python
# add 'libdebuginfod-dev' to Build-Depends for libdebuginfod support
Package: libbcc
Architecture: any
Provides: libbpfcc, libbpfcc-dev
Conflicts: libbpfcc, libbpfcc-dev
Depends: libc6, libstdc++6, libelf1
# add 'libdebuginfod1' to Depends if built with libdebuginfod support
Description: Shared Library for BPF Compiler Collection (BCC)
Shared Library for BPF Compiler Collection to control BPF programs
from userspace.
Package: libbcc-examples
Architecture: any
Depends: libbcc (= ${binary:Version})
Description: Examples for BPF Compiler Collection (BCC)
Package: python-bcc
Architecture: all
Provides: python-bpfcc
Conflicts: python-bpfcc
Depends: libbcc (= ${binary:Version}), python, binutils
Description: Python wrappers for BPF Compiler Collection (BCC)
Package: python3-bcc
Architecture: all
Provides: python3-bpfcc
Conflicts: python3-bpfcc
Depends: libbcc (= ${binary:Version}), python3, binutils
Description: Python3 wrappers for BPF Compiler Collection (BCC)
Package: bcc-tools
Architecture: all
Provides: bpfcc-tools
Conflicts: bpfcc-tools
Depends: python-bcc (= ${binary:Version})
Description: Command line tools for BPF Compiler Collection (BCC)
Package: bcc-lua
Architecture: all
Provides: bpfcc-lua
Conflicts: bpfcc-lua
Depends: libbcc (= ${binary:Version})
Description: Standalone tool to run BCC tracers written in Lua