blob: 215fb730e3eabf81113316247a34379b1abf54d7 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2016 Marek Vavrusa <>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
-- LuaJIT to BPF bytecode compiler.
-- The code generation phase is currently one-pass and produces:
-- * Compiled code in BPF bytecode format (
-- * Variables with liveness analysis and other meta (spill information, compile-time value)
-- The code generator optimises as much as possible in single pass:
-- * Fold compile-time expressions and constant propagation
-- * Basic control flow analysis with dead code elimination (based on compile-time expressions)
-- * Single-pass optimistic register allocation
-- The first pass doesn't have variable lifetime visibility yet, so it relies on rewriter for further
-- optimisations such as:
-- * Dead store elimination (first-pass doesn't know if/when the variable is going to be used)
-- * Common sub-expression elimination (relies on DCE and liveness analysis)
-- * Orphan JMP elimination (removing this in first pass would break previous JMP targets)
-- * Better register allocation (needs to be recomputed after optimisations)
local ffi = require('ffi')
local bit = require('bit')
local S = require('syscall')
local bytecode = require('bpf.ljbytecode')
local cdef = require('bpf.cdef')
local proto = require('bpf.proto')
local builtins = require('bpf.builtins')
-- Constants
local ALWAYS, NEVER = -1, -2
local BPF = ffi.typeof('struct bpf')
local HELPER = ffi.typeof('struct bpf_func_id')
-- Symbolic table of constant expressions over numbers
local const_expr = {
ADD = function (a, b) return a + b end,
SUB = function (a, b) return a - b end,
DIV = function (a, b) return a / b end,
MOD = function (a, b) return a % b end,
JEQ = function (a, b) return a == b end,
JNE = function (a, b) return a ~= b end,
JGE = function (a, b) return a >= b end,
JGT = function (a, b) return a > b end,
local const_width = {
[1] = BPF.B, [2] = BPF.H, [4] = BPF.W, [8] = BPF.DW,
-- Built-ins that are strict only (never compile-time expandable)
local builtins_strict = {
[] = true,
[print] = true,
-- Deep copy a table
local function table_copy(t)
local copy = {}
for n,v in pairs(t) do
if type(v) == 'table' then
v = table_copy(v)
copy[n] = v
return copy
-- Return true if the constant part is a proxy
local function is_proxy(x)
return type(x) == 'table' and (x.__dissector or x.__map or x.__base)
-- Create compiler closure
local function create_emitter(env, stackslots, params, param_types)
local V = {} -- Variable tracking / register allocator
local code = { -- Generated code
pc = 0, bc_pc = 0,
insn ='struct bpf_insn[4096]'),
fixup = {},
reachable = true,
seen_cmp = nil,
local Vstate = {} -- Track variable layout at basic block exits
-- Anything below this stack offset is free to use by caller
-- @note: There is no tracking memory allocator, so the caller may
-- lower it for persistent objects, but such memory will never
-- be reclaimed and the caller is responsible for resetting stack
-- top whenever the memory below is free to be reused
local stack_top = (stackslots + 1) * ffi.sizeof('uint64_t')
local function emit(op, dst, src, off, imm)
local ins = code.insn[code.pc]
ins.code = op
ins.dst_reg = dst
ins.src_reg = src = off
ins.imm = imm
code.pc = code.pc + 1
local function reg_spill(var)
local vinfo = V[var]
assert(vinfo.reg, 'attempt to spill VAR that doesn\'t have an allocated register')
vinfo.spill = (var + 1) * ffi.sizeof('uint64_t') -- Index by (variable number) * (register width)
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.STX + BPF.DW, 10, vinfo.reg, -vinfo.spill, 0)
vinfo.reg = nil
local function reg_fill(var, reg)
local vinfo = V[var]
assert(reg, 'attempt to fill variable to register but not register is allocated')
assert(vinfo.spill, 'attempt to fill register with a VAR that isn\'t spilled')
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.LDX + BPF.DW, reg, 10, -vinfo.spill, 0)
vinfo.reg = reg
vinfo.spill = nil
-- Allocate a register (lazy simple allocator)
local function reg_alloc(var, reg)
-- Specific register requested, must spill/move existing variable
if reg then
for k,v in pairs(V) do -- Spill any variable that has this register
if v.reg == reg and not v.shadow then
return reg
-- Find free or least recently used slot
local last, last_seen, used = nil, 0xffff, 0
for k,v in pairs(V) do
if v.reg then
if not v.live_to or v.live_to < last_seen then
last, last_seen = k, v.live_to or last_seen
used = bit.bor(used, bit.lshift(1, v.reg))
-- Attempt to select a free register from R7-R9 (callee saved)
local free = bit.bnot(used)
if, 0x80) ~= 0 then reg = 7
elseif,0x100) ~= 0 then reg = 8
elseif,0x200) ~= 0 then reg = 9
-- Select another variable to be spilled
if not reg then
reg = V[last].reg
assert(reg, 'VAR '..var..'fill/spill failed')
return reg
-- Set new variable
local function vset(var, reg, const, vtype)
-- Must materialise all variables shadowing this variable slot, as it will be overwritten
if V[var] and V[var].reg then
for _, vinfo in pairs(V) do
-- Shadowing variable MUST share the same type and attributes,
-- but the register assignment may have changed
if vinfo.shadow == var then
vinfo.reg = V[var].reg
vinfo.shadow = nil
-- Get precise type for CDATA or attempt to narrow numeric constant
if not vtype and type(const) == 'cdata' then
vtype = ffi.typeof(const)
V[var] = {reg=reg, const=const, type=vtype}
-- Track variable source
if V[var].const and type(const) == 'table' then
V[var].source = V[var].const.source
-- Materialize (or register) a variable in a register
-- If the register is nil, then the a new register is assigned (if not already assigned)
local function vreg(var, reg, reserve, vtype)
local vinfo = V[var]
assert(vinfo, 'VAR '..var..' not registered')
vinfo.live_to = code.pc-1
if (vinfo.reg and not reg) and not vinfo.shadow then return vinfo.reg end
reg = reg_alloc(var, reg)
-- Materialize variable shadow copy
local src = vinfo
while src.shadow do src = V[src.shadow] end
if reserve then -- luacheck: ignore
-- No load to register occurs
elseif src.reg then
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.X, reg, src.reg, 0, 0)
elseif src.spill then
vinfo.spill = src.spill
reg_fill(var, reg)
elseif src.const then
vtype = vtype or src.type
if type(src.const) == 'table' and src.const.__base then
-- Load pointer type
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.X, reg, 10, 0, 0)
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.ADD + BPF.K, reg, 0, 0, -src.const.__base)
elseif type(src.const) == 'table' and src.const.__dissector then
-- Load dissector offset (imm32), but keep the constant part (dissector proxy)
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.K, reg, 0, 0, or 0)
elseif vtype and ffi.sizeof(vtype) == 8 then
-- IMM64 must be done in two instructions with imm64 = (lo(imm32), hi(imm32))
emit(BPF.LD + BPF.DW, reg, 0, 0, ffi.cast('uint32_t', src.const))
emit(0, 0, 0, 0, ffi.cast('uint32_t', bit.rshift(bit.rshift(src.const, 16), 16)))
vinfo.const = nil -- The variable is live
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.K, reg, 0, 0, src.const)
vinfo.const = nil -- The variable is live
else assert(false, 'VAR '..var..' has neither register nor constant value') end
vinfo.reg = reg
vinfo.shadow = nil
vinfo.live_from = code.pc-1
vinfo.type = vtype or vinfo.type
return reg
-- Copy variable
local function vcopy(dst, src)
if dst == src then return end
V[dst] = {reg=V[src].reg, const=V[src].const, shadow=src, source=V[src].source, type=V[src].type}
-- Dereference variable of pointer type
local function vderef(dst_reg, src_reg, vinfo)
-- Dereference map pointers for primitive types
-- BPF doesn't allow pointer arithmetics, so use the entry value
assert(type(vinfo.const) == 'table' and vinfo.const.__dissector, 'cannot dereference a non-pointer variable')
local vtype = vinfo.const.__dissector
local w = ffi.sizeof(vtype)
assert(const_width[w], 'NYI: sizeof('..tostring(vtype)..') not 1/2/4/8 bytes')
if dst_reg ~= src_reg then
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.X, dst_reg, src_reg, 0, 0) -- dst = src
-- Optimize the NULL check away if provably not NULL
if not vinfo.source or vinfo.source:find('_or_null', 1, true) then
emit(BPF.JMP + BPF.JEQ + BPF.K, src_reg, 0, 1, 0) -- if (src != NULL)
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.LDX + const_width[w], dst_reg, src_reg, 0, 0) -- dst = *src;
-- Allocate a space for variable
local function valloc(size, blank)
local base = stack_top
assert(stack_top + size < 512 * 1024, 'exceeded maximum stack size of 512kB')
stack_top = stack_top + size
-- Align to 8 byte boundary
stack_top = math.ceil(stack_top/8)*8
-- Current kernel version doesn't support ARG_PTR_TO_RAW_STACK
-- so we always need to have memory initialized, remove this when supported
if blank then
if type(blank) == 'string' then
local sp = 0
while sp < size do
-- TODO: no BPF_ST + BPF_DW instruction yet
local as_u32 ='uint32_t [1]')
local sub = blank:sub(sp+1, sp+ffi.sizeof(as_u32))
ffi.copy(as_u32, sub, #sub)
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.ST + BPF.W, 10, 0, -(stack_top-sp), as_u32[0])
sp = sp + ffi.sizeof(as_u32)
elseif type(blank) == 'boolean' then
reg_alloc(stackslots, 0)
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.K, 0, 0, 0, 0)
for sp = base+8,stack_top,8 do
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.STX + BPF.DW, 10, 0, -sp, 0)
else error('NYI: will with unknown type '..type(blank)) end
return stack_top
-- Turn variable into scalar in register (or constant)
local function vscalar(a, w)
assert(const_width[w], 'sizeof(scalar variable) must be 1/2/4/8')
local src_reg
-- If source is a pointer, we must dereference it first
if cdef.isptr(V[a].type) then
src_reg = vreg(a)
local tmp_reg = reg_alloc(stackslots, 1) -- Clone variable in tmp register
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.X, tmp_reg, src_reg, 0, 0)
vderef(tmp_reg, tmp_reg, V[a])
src_reg = tmp_reg -- Materialize and dereference it
-- Source is a value on stack, we must load it first
elseif type(V[a].const) == 'table' and V[a].const.__base > 0 then
src_reg = vreg(a)
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.LDX + const_width[w], src_reg, 10, -V[a].const.__base, 0)
V[a].type = V[a].const.__dissector
V[a].const = nil -- Value is dereferenced
-- If source is an imm32 number, avoid register load
elseif type(V[a].const) == 'number' and w < 8 then
return nil, V[a].const
-- Load variable from any other source
src_reg = vreg(a)
return src_reg, nil
-- Emit compensation code at the end of basic block to unify variable set layout on all block exits
-- 1. we need to free registers by spilling
-- 2. fill registers to match other exits from this BB
local function bb_end(Vcomp)
for i,v in pairs(V) do
if Vcomp[i] and Vcomp[i].spill and not v.spill then
-- Materialize constant or shadowing variable to be able to spill
if not v.reg and (v.shadow or cdef.isimmconst(v)) then
for i,v in pairs(V) do
if Vcomp[i] and Vcomp[i].reg and not v.reg then
vreg(i, Vcomp[i].reg)
-- Compensate variable metadata change
if Vcomp[i] and Vcomp[i].source then
V[i].source = Vcomp[i].source
local function CMP_STR(a, b, op)
assert(op == 'JEQ' or op == 'JNE', 'NYI: only equivallence stack/string only supports == or ~=')
-- I have no better idea how to implement it than unrolled XOR loop, as we can fixup only one JMP
-- So: X(a,b) = a[0] ^ b[0] | a[1] ^ b[1] | ...
-- EQ(a,b) <=> X == 0
-- This could be optimised by placing early exits by rewriter in second phase for long strings
local base, size = V[a].const.__base, math.min(#b, ffi.sizeof(V[a].type))
local acc, tmp = reg_alloc(stackslots, 0), reg_alloc(stackslots+1, 1)
local sp = 0
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.K, acc, 0, 0, 0)
while sp < size do
-- Load string chunk as imm32
local as_u32 ='uint32_t [1]')
local sub = b:sub(sp+1, sp+ffi.sizeof(as_u32))
ffi.copy(as_u32, sub, #sub)
-- TODO: make this faster by interleaved load/compare steps with DW length
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.LDX + BPF.W, tmp, 10, -(base-sp), 0)
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.XOR + BPF.K, tmp, 0, 0, as_u32[0])
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.OR + BPF.X, acc, tmp, 0, 0)
sp = sp + ffi.sizeof(as_u32)
emit(BPF.JMP + BPF[op] + BPF.K, acc, 0, 0xffff, 0)
code.seen_cmp = code.pc-1
local function CMP_REG(a, b, op)
-- Fold compile-time expressions
if V[a].const and V[b].const and not (is_proxy(V[a].const) or is_proxy(V[b].const)) then
code.seen_cmp = const_expr[op](V[a].const, V[b].const) and ALWAYS or NEVER
-- Comparison against compile-time string or stack memory
if V[b].const and type(V[b].const) == 'string' then
return CMP_STR(a, V[b].const, op)
-- The 0xFFFF target here has no significance, it's just a placeholder for
-- compiler to replace it's absolute offset to LJ bytecode insn with a relative
-- offset in BPF program code, verifier will accept only programs with valid JMP targets
local a_reg, b_reg = vreg(a), vreg(b)
emit(BPF.JMP + BPF[op] + BPF.X, a_reg, b_reg, 0xffff, 0)
code.seen_cmp = code.pc-1
local function CMP_IMM(a, b, op)
local c = V[a].const
if c and not is_proxy(c) then -- Fold compile-time expressions
code.seen_cmp = const_expr[op](c, b) and ALWAYS or NEVER
-- Convert imm32 to number
if type(b) == 'string' then
if #b == 1 then b = b:byte()
elseif cdef.isptr(V[a].type) then
-- String comparison between stack/constant string
return CMP_STR(a, b, op)
elseif #b <= 4 then
-- Convert to u32 with network byte order
local imm ='uint32_t[1]')
ffi.copy(imm, b, #b)
b = builtins.hton(imm[0])
else error('NYI: compare register with string, where #string > sizeof(u32)') end
-- The 0xFFFF target here has no significance, it's just a placeholder for
-- compiler to replace it's absolute offset to LJ bytecode insn with a relative
-- offset in BPF program code, verifier will accept only programs with valid JMP targets
local reg = vreg(a)
emit(BPF.JMP + BPF[op] + BPF.K, reg, 0, 0xffff, b)
code.seen_cmp = code.pc-1
-- Remember NULL pointer checks as BPF prohibits pointer comparisons
-- and repeated checks wouldn't pass the verifier, only comparisons
-- against constants are checked.
if op == 'JEQ' and tonumber(b) == 0 and V[a].source then
local pos = V[a].source:find('_or_null', 1, true)
if pos then
code.seen_null_guard = a
-- Inverse NULL pointer check (if a ~= nil)
elseif op == 'JNE' and tonumber(b) == 0 and V[a].source then
local pos = V[a].source:find('_or_null', 1, true)
if pos then
code.seen_null_guard = a
code.seen_null_guard_inverse = true
local function ALU_IMM(dst, a, b, op)
-- Fold compile-time expressions
if V[a].const and not is_proxy(V[a].const) then
assert(cdef.isimmconst(V[a]), 'VAR '..a..' must be numeric')
vset(dst, nil, const_expr[op](V[a].const, b))
-- Now we need to materialize dissected value at DST, and add it
vcopy(dst, a)
local dst_reg = vreg(dst)
if cdef.isptr(V[a].type) then
vderef(dst_reg, dst_reg, V[a])
V[dst].type = V[a].const.__dissector
V[dst].type = V[a].type
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF[op] + BPF.K, dst_reg, 0, 0, b)
local function ALU_REG(dst, a, b, op)
-- Fold compile-time expressions
if V[a].const and not (is_proxy(V[a].const) or is_proxy(V[b].const)) then
assert(cdef.isimmconst(V[a]), 'VAR '..a..' must be numeric')
assert(cdef.isimmconst(V[b]), 'VAR '..b..' must be numeric')
if type(op) == 'string' then op = const_expr[op] end
vcopy(dst, a)
V[dst].const = op(V[a].const, V[b].const)
local src_reg = b and vreg(b) or 0 -- SRC is optional for unary operations
if b and cdef.isptr(V[b].type) then
-- We have to allocate a temporary register for dereferencing to preserve
-- pointer in source variable that MUST NOT be altered
reg_alloc(stackslots, 2)
vderef(2, src_reg, V[b])
src_reg = 2
vcopy(dst, a) -- DST may alias B, so copy must occur after we materialize B
local dst_reg = vreg(dst)
if cdef.isptr(V[a].type) then
vderef(dst_reg, dst_reg, V[a])
V[dst].type = V[a].const.__dissector
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF[op] + BPF.X, dst_reg, src_reg, 0, 0)
V[stackslots].reg = nil -- Free temporary registers
local function ALU_IMM_NV(dst, a, b, op)
-- Do DST = IMM(a) op VAR(b) where we can't invert because
-- the registers are u64 but immediates are u32, so complement
-- arithmetics wouldn't work
vset(stackslots+1, nil, a)
ALU_REG(dst, stackslots+1, b, op)
local function LD_ABS(dst, w, off)
assert(off, 'LD_ABS called without offset')
if w < 8 then
local dst_reg = vreg(dst, 0, true, builtins.width_type(w)) -- Reserve R0
emit(BPF.LD + BPF.ABS + const_width[w], dst_reg, 0, 0, off)
if w > 1 and ffi.abi('le') then -- LD_ABS has htonl() semantics, reverse
emit(BPF.ALU + BPF.END + BPF.TO_BE, dst_reg, 0, 0, w * 8)
elseif w == 8 then
-- LD_ABS|IND prohibits DW, we need to do two W loads and combine them
local tmp_reg = vreg(stackslots, 0, true, builtins.width_type(w)) -- Reserve R0
emit(BPF.LD + BPF.ABS + const_width[4], tmp_reg, 0, 0, off + 4)
if ffi.abi('le') then -- LD_ABS has htonl() semantics, reverse
emit(BPF.ALU + BPF.END + BPF.TO_BE, tmp_reg, 0, 0, 32)
ALU_IMM(stackslots, stackslots, 32, 'LSH')
local dst_reg = vreg(dst, 0, true, builtins.width_type(w)) -- Reserve R0, spill tmp variable
emit(BPF.LD + BPF.ABS + const_width[4], dst_reg, 0, 0, off)
if ffi.abi('le') then -- LD_ABS has htonl() semantics, reverse
emit(BPF.ALU + BPF.END + BPF.TO_BE, dst_reg, 0, 0, 32)
ALU_REG(dst, dst, stackslots, 'OR')
V[stackslots].reg = nil -- Free temporary registers
assert(w < 8, 'NYI: only LD_ABS of 1/2/4/8 is supported')
local function LD_IND(dst, src, w, off)
local src_reg = vreg(src) -- Must materialize first in case dst == src
local dst_reg = vreg(dst, 0, true, builtins.width_type(w)) -- Reserve R0
emit(BPF.LD + BPF.IND + const_width[w], dst_reg, src_reg, 0, off or 0)
if w > 1 and ffi.abi('le') then -- LD_ABS has htonl() semantics, reverse
emit(BPF.ALU + BPF.END + BPF.TO_BE, dst_reg, 0, 0, w * 8)
local function LD_MEM(dst, src, w, off)
local src_reg = vreg(src) -- Must materialize first in case dst == src
local dst_reg = vreg(dst, nil, true, builtins.width_type(w)) -- Reserve R0
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.LDX + const_width[w], dst_reg, src_reg, off or 0, 0)
-- @note: This is specific now as it expects registers reserved
local function LD_IMM_X(dst_reg, src_type, imm, w)
if w == 8 then -- IMM64 must be done in two instructions with imm64 = (lo(imm32), hi(imm32))
emit(BPF.LD + const_width[w], dst_reg, src_type, 0, ffi.cast('uint32_t', imm))
-- Must shift in two steps as bit.lshift supports [0..31]
emit(0, 0, 0, 0, ffi.cast('uint32_t', bit.lshift(bit.lshift(imm, 16), 16)))
emit(BPF.LD + const_width[w], dst_reg, src_type, 0, imm)
local function BUILTIN(func, ...)
local builtin_export = {
-- Compiler primitives (work with variable slots, emit instructions)
V=V, vreg=vreg, vset=vset, vcopy=vcopy, vderef=vderef, valloc=valloc, emit=emit,
reg_alloc=reg_alloc, reg_spill=reg_spill, tmpvar=stackslots, const_width=const_width,
-- Extensions and helpers (use with care)
func(builtin_export, ...)
local function LOAD(dst, src, off, vtype)
local base = V[src].const
assert(base and base.__dissector, 'NYI: load() on variable that doesn\'t have dissector')
assert(V[src].source, 'NYI: load() on variable with unknown source')
-- Cast to different type if requested
vtype = vtype or base.__dissector
local w = ffi.sizeof(vtype)
assert(const_width[w], 'NYI: load() supports 1/2/4/8 bytes at a time only, wanted ' .. tostring(w))
-- Packet access with a dissector (use BPF_LD)
if V[src].source:find('ptr_to_pkt', 1, true) then
if then -- Absolute address to payload
LD_ABS(dst, w, off +
else -- Indirect address to payload
LD_IND(dst, src, w, off)
-- Direct access to first argument (skb fields, pt regs, ...)
elseif V[src].source:find('ptr_to_ctx', 1, true) then
LD_MEM(dst, src, w, off)
-- Direct skb access with a dissector (use BPF_MEM)
elseif V[src].source:find('ptr_to_skb', 1, true) then
LD_MEM(dst, src, w, off)
-- Pointer to map-backed memory (use BPF_MEM)
elseif V[src].source:find('ptr_to_map_value', 1, true) then
LD_MEM(dst, src, w, off)
-- Indirect read using probe (uprobe or kprobe, uses helper)
elseif V[src].source:find('ptr_to_probe', 1, true) then
BUILTIN(builtins[builtins.probe_read], nil, dst, src, vtype, off)
V[dst].source = V[src].source -- Builtin handles everything
error('NYI: load() on variable from ' .. V[src].source)
V[dst].type = vtype
V[dst].const = nil -- Dissected value is not constant anymore
local function CALL(a, b, d)
assert(b-1 <= 1, 'NYI: CALL with >1 return values')
-- Perform either compile-time, helper, or builtin
local func = V[a].const
-- Gather all arguments and check if they're constant
local args, const, nargs = {}, true, d - 1
for i = a+1, a+d-1 do
table.insert(args, V[i].const)
if not V[i].const or is_proxy(V[i].const) then const = false end
local builtin = builtins[func]
if not const or nargs == 0 then
if builtin and type(builtin) == 'function' then
args = {a}
for i = a+1, a+nargs do table.insert(args, i) end
BUILTIN(builtin, unpack(args))
elseif V[a+2] and V[a+2].const then -- var OP imm
ALU_IMM(a, a+1, V[a+2].const, builtin)
elseif nargs <= 2 then -- var OP var
ALU_REG(a, a+1, V[a+2] and a+2, builtin)
error('NYI: CALL non-builtin with 3 or more arguments')
-- Call on dissector implies slice retrieval
elseif type(func) == 'table' and func.__dissector then
assert(nargs >= 2, 'NYI: <dissector>.slice(a, b) must have at least two arguments')
assert(V[a+1].const and V[a+2].const, 'NYI: slice() arguments must be constant')
local off = V[a+1].const
local vtype = builtins.width_type(V[a+2].const - off)
-- Access to packet via packet (use BPF_LD)
if V[a].source and V[a].source:find('ptr_to_', 1, true) then
LOAD(a, a, off, vtype)
error('NYI: <dissector>.slice(a, b) on non-pointer memory ' .. (V[a].source or 'unknown'))
-- Strict builtins cannot be expanded on compile-time
elseif builtins_strict[func] and builtin then
args = {a}
for i = a+1, a+nargs do table.insert(args, i) end
BUILTIN(builtin, unpack(args))
-- Attempt compile-time call expansion (expects all argument compile-time known)
assert(const, 'NYI: CALL attempted on constant arguments, but at least one argument is not constant')
V[a].const = func(unpack(args))
local function MAP_INIT(map_var, key, imm)
local map = V[map_var].const
vreg(map_var, 1, true, ffi.typeof('uint64_t'))
-- Reserve R1 and load ptr for process-local map fd
LD_IMM_X(1, BPF.PSEUDO_MAP_FD, map.fd, ffi.sizeof(V[map_var].type))
V[map_var].reg = nil -- R1 will be invalidated after CALL, forget register allocation
-- Reserve R2 and load R2 = key pointer
local key_size = ffi.sizeof(map.key_type)
local w = const_width[key_size] or BPF.DW
local pod_type = const_width[key_size]
local sp = stack_top + key_size -- Must use stack below spill slots
-- Store immediate value on stack
reg_alloc(stackslots, 2) -- Spill anything in R2 (unnamed tmp variable)
local key_base = key and V[key].const
imm = imm or key_base
if imm and (not key or not is_proxy(key_base)) then
assert(pod_type, 'NYI: map[const K], K width must be 1/2/4/8')
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.ST + w, 10, 0, -sp, imm)
-- Key is in register, spill it
elseif V[key].reg and pod_type then
if cdef.isptr(V[key].type) then
-- There is already pointer in register, dereference before spilling
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.LDX + w, 2, V[key].reg, 0, 0)
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.STX + w, 10, 2, -sp, 0)
else -- Variable in register is POD, spill it on the stack
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.STX + w, 10, V[key].reg, -sp, 0)
-- Key is spilled from register to stack
elseif V[key].spill then
sp = V[key].spill
-- Key is already on stack, write to base-relative address
elseif key_base.__base then
assert(key_size == ffi.sizeof(V[key].type), 'VAR '..key..' type incompatible with BPF map key type')
sp = key_base.__base
error('VAR '..key..' is neither const-expr/register/stack/spilled')
-- If [FP+K] addressing, emit it
if sp then
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.X, 2, 10, 0, 0)
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.ADD + BPF.K, 2, 0, 0, -sp)
local function MAP_GET(dst, map_var, key, imm)
local map = V[map_var].const
MAP_INIT(map_var, key, imm)
-- Flag as pointer type and associate dissector for map value type
vreg(dst, 0, true, ffi.typeof('uint8_t *'))
V[dst].const = {__dissector=map.val_type}
V[dst].source = 'ptr_to_map_value_or_null'
emit(BPF.JMP + BPF.CALL, 0, 0, 0, HELPER.map_lookup_elem)
V[stackslots].reg = nil -- Free temporary registers
local function MAP_DEL(map_var, key, key_imm)
-- Set R0, R1 (map fd, preempt R0)
reg_alloc(stackslots, 0) -- Spill anything in R0 (unnamed tmp variable)
MAP_INIT(map_var, key, key_imm)
emit(BPF.JMP + BPF.CALL, 0, 0, 0, HELPER.map_delete_elem)
V[stackslots].reg = nil -- Free temporary registers
local function MAP_SET(map_var, key, key_imm, src)
local map = V[map_var].const
-- Delete when setting nil
if V[src].type == ffi.typeof('void') then
return MAP_DEL(map_var, key, key_imm)
-- Set R0, R1 (map fd, preempt R0)
reg_alloc(stackslots, 0) -- Spill anything in R0 (unnamed tmp variable)
MAP_INIT(map_var, key, key_imm)
reg_alloc(stackslots, 4) -- Spill anything in R4 (unnamed tmp variable)
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.K, 4, 0, 0, 0) -- BPF_ANY, create new element or update existing
-- Reserve R3 for value pointer
reg_alloc(stackslots, 3) -- Spill anything in R3 (unnamed tmp variable)
local val_size = ffi.sizeof(map.val_type)
local w = const_width[val_size] or BPF.DW
local pod_type = const_width[val_size]
-- Stack pointer must be aligned to both key/value size and have enough headroom for (key, value)
local sp = stack_top + ffi.sizeof(map.key_type) + val_size
sp = sp + (sp % val_size)
local base = V[src].const
if base and not is_proxy(base) then
assert(pod_type, 'NYI: MAP[K] = imm V; V width must be 1/2/4/8')
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.ST + w, 10, 0, -sp, base)
-- Value is in register, spill it
elseif V[src].reg and pod_type then
-- Value is a pointer, derefernce it and spill it
if cdef.isptr(V[src].type) then
vderef(3, V[src].reg, V[src])
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.STX + w, 10, 3, -sp, 0)
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.STX + w, 10, V[src].reg, -sp, 0)
-- We get a pointer to spilled register on stack
elseif V[src].spill then
-- If variable is a pointer, we can load it to R3 directly (save "LEA")
if cdef.isptr(V[src].type) then
reg_fill(src, 3)
-- If variable is a stack pointer, we don't have to check it
if base.__base then
emit(BPF.JMP + BPF.CALL, 0, 0, 0, HELPER.map_update_elem)
vderef(3, V[src].reg, V[src])
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.STX + w, 10, 3, -sp, 0)
sp = V[src].spill
-- Value is already on stack, write to base-relative address
elseif base.__base then
if val_size ~= ffi.sizeof(V[src].type) then
local err = string.format('VAR %d type (%s) incompatible with BPF map value type (%s): expected %d, got %d',
src, V[src].type, map.val_type, val_size, ffi.sizeof(V[src].type))
sp = base.__base
-- Value is constant, materialize it on stack
error('VAR '.. src ..' is neither const-expr/register/stack/spilled')
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.X, 3, 10, 0, 0)
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.ADD + BPF.K, 3, 0, 0, -sp)
emit(BPF.JMP + BPF.CALL, 0, 0, 0, HELPER.map_update_elem)
V[stackslots].reg = nil -- Free temporary registers
-- Finally - this table translates LuaJIT bytecode into code emitter actions.
local BC = {
-- Constants
KNUM = function(a, _, c, _) -- KNUM
if c < 2147483648 then
vset(a, nil, c, ffi.typeof('int32_t'))
vset(a, nil, c, ffi.typeof('uint64_t'))
KSHORT = function(a, _, _, d) -- KSHORT
vset(a, nil, d, ffi.typeof('int16_t'))
KCDATA = function(a, _, c, _) -- KCDATA
-- Coerce numeric types if possible
local ct = ffi.typeof(c)
if ffi.istype(ct, ffi.typeof('uint64_t')) or ffi.istype(ct, ffi.typeof('int64_t')) then
vset(a, nil, c, ct)
elseif tonumber(c) ~= nil then
-- TODO: this should not be possible
vset(a, nil, tonumber(c), ct)
error('NYI: cannot use CDATA constant of type ' .. ct)
KPRI = function(a, _, _, d) -- KPRI
-- KNIL is 0, must create a special type to identify it
local vtype = (d < 1) and ffi.typeof('void') or ffi.typeof('uint8_t')
vset(a, nil, (d < 2) and 0 or 1, vtype)
KSTR = function(a, _, c, _) -- KSTR
vset(a, nil, c, ffi.typeof('const char[?]'))
MOV = function(a, _, _, d) -- MOV var, var
vcopy(a, d)
-- Comparison ops
-- Note: comparisons are always followed by JMP opcode, that
-- will fuse following JMP to JMP+CMP instruction in BPF
-- Note: we're narrowed to integers, so operand/operator inversion is legit
ISLT = function(a, _, _, d) return CMP_REG(d, a, 'JGE') end, -- (a < d) (inverted)
ISGE = function(a, _, _, d) return CMP_REG(a, d, 'JGE') end, -- (a >= d)
ISGT = function(a, _, _, d) return CMP_REG(a, d, 'JGT') end, -- (a > d)
ISEQV = function(a, _, _, d) return CMP_REG(a, d, 'JEQ') end, -- (a == d)
ISNEV = function(a, _, _, d) return CMP_REG(a, d, 'JNE') end, -- (a ~= d)
ISEQS = function(a, _, c, _) return CMP_IMM(a, c, 'JEQ') end, -- (a == str(c))
ISNES = function(a, _, c, _) return CMP_IMM(a, c, 'JNE') end, -- (a ~= str(c))
ISEQN = function(a, _, c, _) return CMP_IMM(a, c, 'JEQ') end, -- (a == c)
ISNEN = function(a, _, c, _) return CMP_IMM(a, c, 'JNE') end, -- (a ~= c)
IST = function(_, _, _, d) return CMP_IMM(d, 0, 'JNE') end, -- (d)
ISF = function(_, _, _, d) return CMP_IMM(d, 0, 'JEQ') end, -- (not d)
ISEQP = function(a, _, c, _) return CMP_IMM(a, c, 'JEQ') end, -- ISEQP (a == c)
-- Binary operations with RHS constants
ADDVN = function(a, b, c, _) return ALU_IMM(a, b, c, 'ADD') end,
SUBVN = function(a, b, c, _) return ALU_IMM(a, b, c, 'SUB') end,
MULVN = function(a, b, c, _) return ALU_IMM(a, b, c, 'MUL') end,
DIVVN = function(a, b, c, _) return ALU_IMM(a, b, c, 'DIV') end,
MODVN = function(a, b, c, _) return ALU_IMM(a, b, c, 'MOD') end,
-- Binary operations with LHS constants
-- Cheat code: we're narrowed to integer arithmetic, so MUL+ADD are commutative
ADDNV = function(a, b, c, _) return ALU_IMM(a, b, c, 'ADD') end, -- ADDNV
MULNV = function(a, b, c, _) return ALU_IMM(a, b, c, 'MUL') end, -- MULNV
SUBNV = function(a, b, c, _) return ALU_IMM_NV(a, c, b, 'SUB') end, -- SUBNV
DIVNV = function(a, b, c, _) return ALU_IMM_NV(a, c, b, 'DIV') end, -- DIVNV
-- Binary operations between registers
ADDVV = function(a, b, _, d) return ALU_REG(a, b, d, 'ADD') end,
SUBVV = function(a, b, _, d) return ALU_REG(a, b, d, 'SUB') end,
MULVV = function(a, b, _, d) return ALU_REG(a, b, d, 'MUL') end,
DIVVV = function(a, b, _, d) return ALU_REG(a, b, d, 'DIV') end,
MODVV = function(a, b, _, d) return ALU_REG(a, b, d, 'MOD') end,
-- Strings
CAT = function(a, b, _, d) -- CAT A = B ~ D
assert(V[b].const and V[d].const, 'NYI: CAT only works on compile-time expressions')
assert(type(V[b].const) == 'string' and type(V[d].const) == 'string',
'NYI: CAT only works on compile-time strings')
vset(a, nil, V[b].const .. V[d].const)
-- Tables
GGET = function (a, _, c, _) -- GGET (A = GLOBAL[c])
if env[c] ~= nil then
vset(a, nil, env[c])
else error(string.format("undefined global '%s'", c)) end
UGET = function (a, _, c, _) -- UGET (A = UPVALUE[c])
if env[c] ~= nil then
vset(a, nil, env[c])
else error(string.format("undefined upvalue '%s'", c)) end
TSETB = function (a, b, _, d) -- TSETB (B[D] = A)
assert(V[b] and type(V[b].const) == 'table', 'NYI: B[D] where B is not Lua table, BPF map, or pointer')
local vinfo = V[b].const
if vinfo.__map then -- BPF map read (constant)
return MAP_SET(b, nil, d, a) -- D is literal
elseif vinfo.__dissector then
assert(vinfo.__dissector, 'NYI: B[D] where B does not have a known element size')
local w = ffi.sizeof(vinfo.__dissector)
-- TODO: support vectorized moves larger than register width
assert(const_width[w], 'B[C] = A, sizeof(A) must be 1/2/4/8')
local src_reg, const = vscalar(a, w)
-- If changing map value, write to absolute address + offset
if V[b].source and V[b].source:find('ptr_to_map_value', 1, true) then
local dst_reg = vreg(b)
-- Optimization: immediate values (imm32) can be stored directly
if type(const) == 'number' then
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.ST + const_width[w], dst_reg, 0, d, const)
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.STX + const_width[w], dst_reg, src_reg, d, 0)
-- Table is already on stack, write to vinfo-relative address
elseif vinfo.__base then
-- Optimization: immediate values (imm32) can be stored directly
if type(const) == 'number' then
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.ST + const_width[w], 10, 0, -vinfo.__base + (d * w), const)
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.STX + const_width[w], 10, src_reg, -vinfo.__base + (d * w), 0)
error('NYI: B[D] where B is not Lua table, BPF map, or pointer')
elseif vinfo and vinfo and V[a].const then
vinfo[V[d].const] = V[a].const
error('NYI: B[D] where B is not Lua table, BPF map, or pointer')
TSETV = function (a, b, _, d) -- TSETV (B[D] = A)
assert(V[b] and type(V[b].const) == 'table', 'NYI: B[D] where B is not Lua table, BPF map, or pointer')
local vinfo = V[b].const
if vinfo.__map then -- BPF map read (constant)
return MAP_SET(b, d, nil, a) -- D is variable
elseif vinfo.__dissector then
assert(vinfo.__dissector, 'NYI: B[D] where B does not have a known element size')
local w = ffi.sizeof(vinfo.__dissector)
-- TODO: support vectorized moves larger than register width
assert(const_width[w], 'B[C] = A, sizeof(A) must be 1/2/4/8')
local src_reg, const = vscalar(a, w)
-- If changing map value, write to absolute address + offset
if V[b].source and V[b].source:find('ptr_to_map_value', 1, true) then
-- Calculate variable address from two registers
local tmp_var = stackslots + 1
vset(tmp_var, nil, d)
ALU_REG(tmp_var, tmp_var, b, 'ADD')
local dst_reg = vreg(tmp_var)
V[tmp_var].reg = nil -- Only temporary allocation
-- Optimization: immediate values (imm32) can be stored directly
if type(const) == 'number' and w < 8 then
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.ST + const_width[w], dst_reg, 0, 0, const)
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.STX + const_width[w], dst_reg, src_reg, 0, 0)
-- Table is already on stack, write to vinfo-relative address
elseif vinfo.__base then
-- Calculate variable address from two registers
local tmp_var = stackslots + 1
vcopy(tmp_var, d) -- Element position
if w > 1 then
ALU_IMM(tmp_var, tmp_var, w, 'MUL') -- multiply by element size
local dst_reg = vreg(tmp_var) -- add R10 (stack pointer)
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.ADD + BPF.X, dst_reg, 10, 0, 0)
V[tmp_var].reg = nil -- Only temporary allocation
-- Optimization: immediate values (imm32) can be stored directly
if type(const) == 'number' and w < 8 then
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.ST + const_width[w], dst_reg, 0, -vinfo.__base, const)
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.STX + const_width[w], dst_reg, src_reg, -vinfo.__base, 0)
error('NYI: B[D] where B is not Lua table, BPF map, or pointer')
elseif vinfo and V[d].const and V[a].const then
vinfo[V[d].const] = V[a].const
error('NYI: B[D] where B is not Lua table, BPF map, or pointer')
TSETS = function (a, b, c, _) -- TSETS (B[C] = A)
assert(V[b] and V[b].const, 'NYI: B[D] where B is not Lua table, BPF map, or pointer')
local base = V[b].const
if base.__dissector then
local ofs,bpos = ffi.offsetof(base.__dissector, c)
assert(not bpos, 'NYI: B[C] = A, where C is a bitfield')
local w = builtins.sizeofattr(base.__dissector, c)
-- TODO: support vectorized moves larger than register width
assert(const_width[w], 'B[C] = A, sizeof(A) must be 1/2/4/8')
local src_reg, const = vscalar(a, w)
-- If changing map value, write to absolute address + offset
if V[b].source and V[b].source:find('ptr_to_map_value', 1, true) then
local dst_reg = vreg(b)
-- Optimization: immediate values (imm32) can be stored directly
if type(const) == 'number' and w < 8 then
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.ST + const_width[w], dst_reg, 0, ofs, const)
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.STX + const_width[w], dst_reg, src_reg, ofs, 0)
-- Table is already on stack, write to base-relative address
elseif base.__base then
-- Optimization: immediate values (imm32) can be stored directly
if type(const) == 'number' and w < 8 then
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.ST + const_width[w], 10, 0, -base.__base + ofs, const)
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.STX + const_width[w], 10, src_reg, -base.__base + ofs, 0)
error('NYI: B[C] where B is not Lua table, BPF map, or pointer')
elseif V[a].const then
base[c] = V[a].const
error('NYI: B[C] where B is not Lua table, BPF map, or pointer')
TGETB = function (a, b, _, d) -- TGETB (A = B[D])
local base = V[b].const
assert(type(base) == 'table', 'NYI: B[C] where C is string and B not Lua table or BPF map')
if a ~= b then vset(a) end
if base.__map then -- BPF map read (constant)
MAP_GET(a, b, nil, d)
-- Pointer access with a dissector (traditional uses BPF_LD, direct uses BPF_MEM)
elseif V[b].source and V[b].source:find('ptr_to_') then
local vtype = base.__dissector and base.__dissector or ffi.typeof('uint8_t')
LOAD(a, b, d, vtype)
-- Specialise PTR[0] as dereference operator
elseif cdef.isptr(V[b].type) and d == 0 then
vcopy(a, b)
local dst_reg = vreg(a)
vderef(dst_reg, dst_reg, V[a])
V[a].type = V[a].const.__dissector
error('NYI: A = B[D], where B is not Lua table or packet dissector or pointer dereference')
TGETV = function (a, b, _, d) -- TGETV (A = B[D])
local base = V[b].const
assert(type(base) == 'table', 'NYI: B[C] where C is string and B not Lua table or BPF map')
if a ~= b then vset(a) end
if base.__map then -- BPF map read
MAP_GET(a, b, d)
-- Pointer access with a dissector (traditional uses BPF_LD, direct uses BPF_MEM)
elseif V[b].source and V[b].source:find('ptr_to_') then
local vtype = base.__dissector and base.__dissector or ffi.typeof('uint8_t')
LOAD(a, b, d, vtype)
-- Constant dereference
elseif type(V[d].const) == 'number' then
V[a].const = base[V[d].const]
error('NYI: A = B[D], where B is not Lua table or packet dissector or pointer dereference')
TGETS = function (a, b, c, _) -- TGETS (A = B[C])
local base = V[b].const
assert(type(base) == 'table', 'NYI: B[C] where C is string and B not Lua table or BPF map')
if a ~= b then vset(a) end
if base.__dissector then
local ofs,bpos,bsize = ffi.offsetof(base.__dissector, c)
-- Resolve table key using metatable
if not ofs and type(base.__dissector[c]) == 'string' then
c = base.__dissector[c]
ofs,bpos,bsize = ffi.offsetof(base.__dissector, c)
if not ofs and proto[c] then -- Load new dissector on given offset
BUILTIN(proto[c], a, b, c)
-- Loading register from offset is a little bit tricky as there are
-- several data sources and value loading modes with different restrictions
-- such as checking pointer values for NULL compared to using stack.
assert(ofs, tostring(base.__dissector)..'.'..c..' attribute not exists')
if a ~= b then vset(a) end
-- Dissected value is probably not constant anymore
local new_const = nil
local w, atype = builtins.sizeofattr(base.__dissector, c)
-- [SP+K] addressing using R10 (stack pointer)
-- Doesn't need to be checked for NULL
if base.__base and base.__base > 0 then
if cdef.isptr(atype) then -- If the member is pointer type, update base pointer with offset
new_const = {__base = base.__base-ofs}
local dst_reg = vreg(a, nil, true)
emit(BPF.MEM + BPF.LDX + const_width[w], dst_reg, 10, -base.__base+ofs, 0)
-- Pointer access with a dissector (traditional uses BPF_LD, direct uses BPF_MEM)
elseif V[b].source and V[b].source:find('ptr_to_') then
LOAD(a, b, ofs, atype)
error('NYI: B[C] where B is not Lua table, BPF map, or pointer')
-- Bitfield, must be further narrowed with a bitmask/shift
if bpos then
local mask = 0
for i=bpos+1,bpos+bsize do
mask = bit.bor(mask, bit.lshift(1, w*8-i))
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.AND + BPF.K, vreg(a), 0, 0, mask)
-- Free optimization: single-bit values need just boolean result
if bsize > 1 then
local shift = w*8-bsize-bpos
if shift > 0 then
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.RSH + BPF.K, vreg(a), 0, 0, shift)
V[a].type = atype
V[a].const = new_const
V[a].source = V[b].source
-- Track direct access to skb data
-- see "Direct packet access"
if ffi.istype(base.__dissector, ffi.typeof('struct sk_buff')) then
-- Direct access to skb uses skb->data and skb->data_end
-- which are encoded as u32, but are actually pointers
if c == 'data' or c == 'data_end' then
V[a].const = {__dissector = ffi.typeof('uint8_t')}
V[a].source = 'ptr_to_skb'
V[a].const = base[c]
-- Loops and branches
CALLM = function (a, b, _, d) -- A = A(A+1, ..., A+D+MULTRES)
-- NYI: Support single result only
CALL(a, b, d+2)
CALL = function (a, b, _, d) -- A = A(A+1, ..., A+D-1)
CALL(a, b, d)
JMP = function (a, _, c, _) -- JMP
-- Discard unused slots after jump
for i, _ in pairs(V) do
if i >= a and i < stackslots then
V[i] = nil
-- Cross basic block boundary if the jump target isn't provably unreachable
local val = code.fixup[c] or {}
if code.seen_cmp and code.seen_cmp ~= ALWAYS then
if code.seen_cmp ~= NEVER then -- Do not emit the jump or fixup
-- Store previous CMP insn for reemitting after compensation code
local jmpi ='struct bpf_insn', code.insn[code.pc-1])
code.pc = code.pc - 1
-- First branch point, emit compensation code
local Vcomp = Vstate[c]
if not Vcomp then
-- Select scratch register (R0-5) that isn't used as operand
-- in the CMP instruction, as the variable may not be live, after
-- the JMP, but it may be used in the JMP+CMP instruction itself
local tmp_reg = 0
for reg = 0, 5 do
if reg ~= jmpi.dst_reg and reg ~= jmpi.src_reg then
tmp_reg = reg
-- Force materialization of constants at the end of BB
for i, v in pairs(V) do
if not v.reg and cdef.isimmconst(v) then
vreg(i, tmp_reg) -- Load to TMP register (not saved)
reg_spill(i) -- Spill caller-saved registers
-- Record variable state
Vstate[c] = V
Vcomp = V
V = table_copy(V)
-- Variable state already set, emit specific compensation code
-- Record pointer NULL check from condition
-- If the condition checks pointer variable against NULL,
-- we can assume it will not be NULL in the fall-through block
if code.seen_null_guard then
local var = code.seen_null_guard
-- The null guard can have two forms:
-- if x == nil then goto
-- if x ~= nil then goto
-- First form guarantees that the variable will be non-nil on the following instruction
-- Second form guarantees that the variable will be non-nil at the jump target
local vinfo = code.seen_null_guard_inverse and Vcomp[var] or V[var]
if vinfo.source then
local pos = vinfo.source:find('_or_null', 1, true)
if pos then
vinfo.source = vinfo.source:sub(1, pos - 1)
-- Reemit CMP insn
emit(jmpi.code, jmpi.dst_reg, jmpi.src_reg,, jmpi.imm)
-- Fuse JMP into previous CMP opcode, mark JMP target for fixup
-- as we don't knot the relative offset in generated code yet
table.insert(val, code.pc-1)
code.fixup[c] = val
code.seen_cmp = nil
code.seen_null_guard = nil
code.seen_null_guard_inverse = nil
elseif c == code.bc_pc + 1 then -- luacheck: ignore 542
-- Eliminate jumps to next immediate instruction
-- e.g. 0002 JMP 1 => 0003
-- We need to synthesise a condition that's always true, however
-- BPF prohibits pointer arithmetic to prevent pointer leaks
-- so we have to clear out one register and use it for cmp that's always true
local dst_reg = reg_alloc(stackslots)
V[stackslots].reg = nil -- Only temporary allocation
-- First branch point, emit compensation code
local Vcomp = Vstate[c]
if not Vcomp then
-- Force materialization of constants at the end of BB
for i, v in pairs(V) do
if not v.reg and cdef.isimmconst(v) then
vreg(i, dst_reg) -- Load to TMP register (not saved)
reg_spill(i) -- Spill caller-saved registers
-- Record variable state
Vstate[c] = V
V = table_copy(V)
-- Variable state already set, emit specific compensation code
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.K, dst_reg, 0, 0, 0)
emit(BPF.JMP + BPF.JEQ + BPF.K, dst_reg, 0, 0xffff, 0)
table.insert(val, code.pc-1) -- Fixup JMP target
code.reachable = false -- Code following the JMP is not reachable
code.fixup[c] = val
RET1 = function (a, _, _, _) -- RET1
-- Free optimisation: spilled variable will not be filled again
for i, v in pairs(V) do
if i ~= a then v.reg = nil end
if V[a].reg ~= 0 then vreg(a, 0) end
-- Convenience: dereference pointer variables
-- e.g. 'return map[k]' will return actual map value, not pointer
if cdef.isptr(V[a].type) then
vderef(0, 0, V[a])
emit(BPF.JMP + BPF.EXIT, 0, 0, 0, 0)
code.reachable = false
RET0 = function (_, _, _, _) -- RET0
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.K, 0, 0, 0, 0)
emit(BPF.JMP + BPF.EXIT, 0, 0, 0, 0)
code.reachable = false
compile = function ()
return code
-- Composite instructions
function BC.CALLT(a, _, _, d) -- Tailcall: return A(A+1, ..., A+D-1)
CALL(a, 1, d)
-- Always initialize R6 with R1 context
emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.X, 6, 1, 0, 0)
-- Register R6 as context variable (first argument)
if params and params > 0 then
vset(0, 6, param_types[1] or proto.skb)
assert(V[0].source == V[0].const.source) -- Propagate source annotation from typeinfo
-- Register tmpvars
return setmetatable(BC, {
__index = function (_, k, _)
if type(k) == 'number' then
local op_str = string.sub(require('jit.vmdef').bcnames, 6*k+1, 6*k+6)
error(string.format("NYI: opcode '0x%02x' (%-04s)", k, op_str))
__call = function (t, op, a, b, c, d)
code.bc_pc = code.bc_pc + 1
-- Exitting BB straight through, emit compensation code
if Vstate[code.bc_pc] then
if code.reachable then
-- Instruction is reachable from previous line
-- so we must make the variable allocation consistent
-- with the variable allocation at the jump source
-- e.g. 0001 x:R0 = 5
-- 0002 if rand() then goto 0005
-- 0003 x:R0 -> x:stack
-- 0004 y:R0 = 5
-- 0005 x:? = 10 <-- x was in R0 before jump, and stack after jump
-- Instruction isn't reachable from previous line, restore variable layout
-- e.g. RET or condition-less JMP on previous line
V = table_copy(Vstate[code.bc_pc])
-- Perform fixup of jump targets
-- We need to do this because the number of consumed and emitted
-- bytecode instructions is different
local fixup = code.fixup[code.bc_pc]
if fixup ~= nil then
-- Patch JMP source insn with relative offset
for _,pc in ipairs(fixup) do
code.insn[pc].off = code.pc - 1 - pc
code.fixup[code.bc_pc] = nil
code.reachable = true
-- Execute
if code.reachable then
assert(t[op], string.format('NYI: instruction %s, parameters: %s,%s,%s,%s', op,a,b,c,d))
return t[op](a, b, c, d)
-- Emitted code dump
local function dump_mem(cls, ins, _, fuse)
-- This is a very dense MEM instruction decoder without much explanation
-- Refer to for instruction format
local mode =, 0xe0)
if mode == BPF.XADD then cls = 5 end -- The only mode
local op_1 = {'LD', 'LDX', 'ST', 'STX', '', 'XADD'}
local op_2 = {[0]='W', [8]='H', [16]='B', [24]='DW'}
local name = op_1[cls+1] .. op_2[, 0x18)]
local off = tonumber(ffi.cast('int16_t', -- Reinterpret as signed
local dst = cls < 2 and 'R'..ins.dst_reg or string.format('[R%d%+d]', ins.dst_reg, off)
local src = cls % 2 == 0 and '#'..ins.imm or 'R'..ins.src_reg
if cls == BPF.LDX then src = string.format('[R%d%+d]', ins.src_reg, off) end
if mode == BPF.ABS then src = string.format('skb[%d]', ins.imm) end
if mode == BPF.IND then src = string.format('skb[R%d%+d]', ins.src_reg, ins.imm) end
return string.format('%s\t%s\t%s', fuse and '' or name, fuse and '' or dst, src)
local function dump_alu(cls, ins, pc)
local alu = {'ADD', 'SUB', 'MUL', 'DIV', 'OR', 'AND', 'LSH', 'RSH', 'NEG', 'MOD', 'XOR', 'MOV', 'ARSH', 'END' }
local jmp = {'JA', 'JEQ', 'JGT', 'JGE', 'JSET', 'JNE', 'JSGT', 'JSGE', 'CALL', 'EXIT'}
local helper = {'unspec', 'map_lookup_elem', 'map_update_elem', 'map_delete_elem', 'probe_read', 'ktime_get_ns',
'trace_printk', 'get_prandom_u32', 'get_smp_processor_id', 'skb_store_bytes',
'l3_csum_replace', 'l4_csum_replace', 'tail_call', 'clone_redirect', 'get_current_pid_tgid',
'get_current_uid_gid', 'get_current_comm', 'get_cgroup_classid', 'skb_vlan_push', 'skb_vlan_pop',
'skb_get_tunnel_key', 'skb_set_tunnel_key', 'perf_event_read', 'redirect', 'get_route_realm',
'perf_event_output', 'skb_load_bytes'}
local op = 0
-- This is a very dense ALU instruction decoder without much explanation
-- Refer to for instruction format
for i = 0,13 do if 0x10 * i ==, 0xf0) then op = i + 1 break end end
local name = (cls == 5) and jmp[op] or alu[op]
local src = (, 0x08) == BPF.X) and 'R'..ins.src_reg or '#'..ins.imm
local target = (cls == 5 and op < 9) and string.format('\t=> %04d', pc + + 1) or ''
if cls == 5 and op == 9 then target = string.format('\t; %s', helper[ins.imm + 1] or tostring(ins.imm)) end
return string.format('%s\t%s\t%s%s', name, 'R'..ins.dst_reg, src, target)
local function dump_string(code, off, hide_counter)
if not code then return end
local cls_map = {
[0] = dump_mem, [1] = dump_mem, [2] = dump_mem, [3] = dump_mem,
[4] = dump_alu, [5] = dump_alu, [7] = dump_alu,
local result = {}
local fused = false
for i = off or 0, code.pc - 1 do
local ins = code.insn[i]
local cls =, 0x07)
local line = cls_map[cls](cls, ins, i, fused)
if hide_counter then
table.insert(result, line)
table.insert(result, string.format('%04u\t%s', i, line))
fused = string.find(line, 'LDDW', 1)
return table.concat(result, '\n')
local function dump(code)
if not code then return end
print(string.format('-- BPF %s:0-%u', code.insn, code.pc))
local function compile(prog, params)
-- Create code emitter sandbox, include caller locals
local env = { pkt=proto.pkt, eth=proto.pkt, BPF=BPF, ffi=ffi }
-- Include upvalues up to 4 nested scopes back
-- the narrower scope overrides broader scope
for k = 5, 2, -1 do
local i = 1
while true do
local ok, n, v = pcall(debug.getlocal, k, i)
if not ok or not n then break end
env[n] = v
i = i + 1
setmetatable(env, {
__index = function (_, k)
return proto[k] or builtins[k] or _G[k]
-- Create code emitter and compile LuaJIT bytecode
if type(prog) == 'string' then prog = loadstring(prog) end
-- Create error handler to print traceback
local funci, pc = bytecode.funcinfo(prog), 0
local E = create_emitter(env, funci.stackslots, funci.params, params or {})
local on_err = function (e)
funci = bytecode.funcinfo(prog, pc)
local from, to = 0, 0
for _ = 1, funci.currentline do
from = to
to = string.find(funci.source, '\n', from+1, true) or 0
print(funci.loc..':'..string.sub(funci.source, from+1, to-1))
print('error: '..e)
for _,op,a,b,c,d in bytecode.decoder(prog) do
local ok, _, err = xpcall(E,on_err,op,a,b,c,d)
if not ok then
return nil, err
return E:compile()
-- BPF map interface
local bpf_map_mt = {
__gc = function (map) S.close(map.fd) end,
__len = function(map) return map.max_entries end,
__index = function (map, k)
if type(k) == 'string' then
-- Return iterator
if k == 'pairs' then
return function(t, key)
-- Get next key
local next_key =
local cur_key
if key then
cur_key = t.key
t.key[0] = key
cur_key =
local ok, err = S.bpf_map_op(S.c.BPF_CMD.MAP_GET_NEXT_KEY, map.fd, cur_key, next_key)
if not ok then return nil, err end
-- Get next value
assert(S.bpf_map_op(S.c.BPF_CMD.MAP_LOOKUP_ELEM, map.fd, next_key, map.val))
return next_key[0], map.val[0]
end, map, nil
-- Read for perf event map
elseif k == 'reader' then
return function (pmap, pid, cpu, event_type)
-- Caller must either specify PID or CPU
if not pid or pid < 0 then
assert((cpu and cpu >= 0), 'NYI: creating composed reader for all CPUs')
pid = -1
-- Create BPF output reader
local pe = S.t.perf_event_attr1()
pe[0].type = 'software'
pe[0].config = 'sw_bpf_output'
pe[0].sample_type = 'raw'
pe[0].sample_period = 1
pe[0].wakeup_events = 1
local reader, err = S.t.perf_reader(S.perf_event_open(pe, pid, cpu or -1))
if not reader then return nil, tostring(err) end
-- Register event reader fd in BPF map
assert(cpu < pmap.max_entries, string.format('BPF map smaller than read CPU %d', cpu))
pmap[cpu] = reader.fd
-- Open memory map and start reading
local ok, err = reader:start()
assert(ok, tostring(err))
ok, err = reader:mmap()
assert(ok, tostring(err))
return cdef.event_reader(reader, event_type)
-- Signalise this is a map type
return k == '__map'
-- Retrieve key
map.key[0] = k
local ok, err = S.bpf_map_op(S.c.BPF_CMD.MAP_LOOKUP_ELEM, map.fd, map.key, map.val)
if not ok then return nil, err end
return, map.val[0])
__newindex = function (map, k, v)
map.key[0] = k
if v == nil then
return S.bpf_map_op(map.fd, S.c.BPF_CMD.MAP_DELETE_ELEM, map.key, nil)
map.val[0] = v
return S.bpf_map_op(S.c.BPF_CMD.MAP_UPDATE_ELEM, map.fd, map.key, map.val)
-- Linux tracing interface
local function trace_check_enabled(path)
path = path or '/sys/kernel/debug/tracing'
if S.statfs(path) then return true end
return nil, 'debugfs not accessible: "mount -t debugfs nodev /sys/kernel/debug"? missing sudo?'
-- Tracepoint interface
local tracepoint_mt = {
__index = {
bpf = function (t, prog)
if type(prog) ~= 'table' then
-- Create protocol parser with source probe
prog = compile(prog, {proto.type(t.type, {source='ptr_to_probe'})})
-- Load the BPF program
local prog_fd, err, log = S.bpf_prog_load(S.c.BPF_PROG.TRACEPOINT, prog.insn, prog.pc)
assert(prog_fd, tostring(err)..': '..tostring(log))
-- Open tracepoint and attach
table.insert(t.progs, prog_fd)
return prog_fd
-- Open tracepoint
local function tracepoint_open(path, pid, cpu, group_fd)
-- Open tracepoint and compile tracepoint type
local tp = assert(S.perf_tracepoint('/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/'..path))
local tp_type = assert(cdef.tracepoint_type(path))
-- Open tracepoint reader and create interface
local reader = assert(S.perf_attach_tracepoint(tp, pid, cpu, group_fd))
return setmetatable({tp=tp,type=tp_type,reader=reader,progs={}}, tracepoint_mt)
local function trace_bpf(ptype, pname, pdef, retprobe, prog, pid, cpu, group_fd)
-- Load BPF program
if type(prog) ~= 'table' then
prog = compile(prog, {proto.pt_regs})
local prog_fd, err, log = S.bpf_prog_load(S.c.BPF_PROG.KPROBE, prog.insn, prog.pc)
assert(prog_fd, tostring(err)..': '..tostring(log))
-- Open tracepoint and attach
local tp, err = S.perf_probe(ptype, pname, pdef, retprobe)
if not tp then
return nil, tostring(err)
local reader, err = S.perf_attach_tracepoint(tp, pid, cpu, group_fd, {sample_type='raw, callchain'})
if not reader then
S.perf_probe(ptype, pname, false)
return nil, tostring(err)
local ok, err = reader:setbpf(prog_fd:getfd())
if not ok then
S.perf_probe(ptype, pname, false)
return nil, tostring(err)..' (kernel version should be at least 4.1)'
-- Create GC closure for reader to close BPF program
-- and detach probe in correct order
ffi.gc(reader, function ()
S.perf_probe(ptype, pname, false)
return {reader=reader, prog=prog_fd, probe=pname, probe_type=ptype}
-- Module interface
return setmetatable({
new = create_emitter,
dump = dump,
dump_string = dump_string,
maps = {},
map = function (type, max_entries, key_ctype, val_ctype)
if not key_ctype then key_ctype = ffi.typeof('uint32_t') end
if not val_ctype then val_ctype = ffi.typeof('uint32_t') end
if not max_entries then max_entries = 4096 end
-- Special case for BPF_MAP_STACK_TRACE
if S.c.BPF_MAP[type] == S.c.BPF_MAP.STACK_TRACE then
key_ctype = ffi.typeof('int32_t')
val_ctype = ffi.typeof('struct bpf_stacktrace')
local fd, err = S.bpf_map_create(S.c.BPF_MAP[type], ffi.sizeof(key_ctype), ffi.sizeof(val_ctype), max_entries)
if not fd then return nil, tostring(err) end
local map = setmetatable({
max_entries = max_entries,
key ='$ [1]', key_ctype)),
val ='$ [1]', val_ctype)),
map_type = S.c.BPF_MAP[type],
key_type = key_ctype,
val_type = val_ctype,
fd = fd:nogc():getfd(),
}, bpf_map_mt)
return map
socket = function (sock, prog)
-- Expect socket type, if sock is string then assume it's
-- an interface name (e.g. 'lo'), if it's a number then typecast it as a socket
local ok, err
if type(sock) == 'string' then
local iface = assert([sock]
assert(iface, sock..' is not interface name')
sock, err = S.socket('packet', 'raw')
assert(sock, tostring(err))
ok, err = sock:bind(S.t.sockaddr_ll({protocol='all', ifindex=iface.index}))
assert(ok, tostring(err))
elseif type(sock) == 'number' then
sock = S.t.fd(sock):nogc()
elseif ffi.istype(S.t.fd, sock) then -- luacheck: ignore
-- No cast required
return nil, 'socket must either be an fd number, an interface name, or an ljsyscall socket'
-- Load program and attach it to socket
if type(prog) ~= 'table' then
prog = compile(prog, {proto.skb})
local prog_fd, err, log = S.bpf_prog_load(S.c.BPF_PROG.SOCKET_FILTER, prog.insn, prog.pc)
assert(prog_fd, tostring(err)..': '..tostring(log))
assert(sock:setsockopt('socket', 'attach_bpf', prog_fd:getfd()))
return prog_fd, err
tracepoint = function(tp, prog, pid, cpu, group_fd)
-- Return tracepoint instance if no program specified
-- this allows free specialisation of arg0 to tracepoint type
local probe = tracepoint_open(tp, pid, cpu, group_fd)
-- Load the BPF program
if prog then
return probe
kprobe = function(tp, prog, retprobe, pid, cpu, group_fd)
-- Open tracepoint and attach
local pname, pdef = tp:match('([^:]+):(.+)')
return trace_bpf('kprobe', pname, pdef, retprobe, prog, pid, cpu, group_fd)
uprobe = function(tp, prog, retprobe, pid, cpu, group_fd)
-- Translate symbol to address
local obj, sym_want = tp:match('([^:]+):(.+)')
if not S.statfs(obj) then return nil, S.t.error(S.c.E.NOENT) end
-- Resolve Elf object (no support for anything else)
local elf = require('bpf.elf').open(obj)
local sym = elf:resolve(sym_want)
if not sym then return nil, 'no such symbol' end
sym = sym.st_value - elf:loadaddr()
local sym_addr = string.format('%x%04x', tonumber(bit.rshift(sym, 32)),
tonumber(ffi.cast('uint32_t', sym)))
-- Convert it to expected uprobe format
local pname = string.format('%s_%s', obj:gsub('.*/', ''), sym_addr)
local pdef = obj..':0x'..sym_addr
return trace_bpf('uprobe', pname, pdef, retprobe, prog, pid, cpu, group_fd)
tracelog = function(path)
path = path or '/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe'
return, 'r')
ntoh = builtins.ntoh, hton = builtins.hton,
}, {
__call = function (_, prog) return compile(prog) end,