blob: d26c02f1a0a716d50c1adc3266197416513a947b [file] [log] [blame]
"""# Test suite
Aggregates multiple Starlark tests in a single test_suite.
load("//lib/private:util.bzl", "get_test_name_from_function")
load("//lib:unit_test.bzl", "unit_test")
def test_suite(name, *, tests = [], basic_tests = [], test_kwargs = {}):
"""Instantiates given test macros/implementations and gathers their main targets into a `test_suite`.
Use this function to wrap all tests into a single target.
def simple_test_suite(name):
name = name,
tests = [
Then, in your `BUILD` file, simply load the macro and invoke it to have all
of the targets created:
load("//path/to/your/package:tests.bzl", "simple_test_suite")
simple_test_suite(name = "simple_test_suite")
name: (str) The name of the suite
tests: (list of callables) Test macros functions that
define a test. The signature is `def setup(name, **test_kwargs)`,
where (positional) `name` is name of the test target that must be
created, and `**test_kwargs` are the additional arguments from the
test suite's `test_kwargs` arg. The name of the function will
become the name of the test.
basic_tests: (list of callables) Test implementation functions
(functions that implement a test's asserts). Each callable takes a
single positional arg, `env`, which is information about the test
environment (see analysis_test docs). The name of the function will
become the name of the test.
test_kwargs: (dict) Additional kwargs to pass onto each test (both
regular and basic test callables).
test_targets = []
for setup_func in tests:
test_name = get_test_name_from_function(setup_func)
setup_func(name = test_name, **test_kwargs)
for impl in basic_tests:
test_name = get_test_name_from_function(impl)
unit_test(name = test_name, impl = impl, **test_kwargs)
name = name,
tests = test_targets,