blob: 8d1cbe8d10d6c37866d2dbfa9509ce01a770c54d [file] [log] [blame]
"""Common code used by truth."""
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:types.bzl", "types")
def mkmethod(self, method):
"""Bind a struct as the first arg to a function.
This is loosely equivalent to creating a bound method of a class.
return lambda *args, **kwargs: method(self, *args, **kwargs)
def repr_with_type(value):
return "<{} {}>".format(type(value), repr(value))
def _informative_str(value):
value_str = str(value)
if not value_str:
return "<empty string ∅>"
elif value_str != value_str.strip():
return '"{}" <sans quotes; note whitespace within>'.format(value_str)
return value_str
def enumerate_list_as_lines(values, prefix = "", format_value = None):
"""Format a list of values in a human-friendly list.
values: ([`list`]) the values to display, one per line.
prefix: ([`str`]) prefix to add before each line item.
format_value: optional callable to convert each value to a string.
If not specified, then an appropriate converter will be inferred
based on the values. If specified, then the callable must accept
1 positional arg and return a string.
[`str`]; the values formatted as a human-friendly list.
if not values:
return "{}<empty>".format(prefix)
if format_value == None:
format_value = guess_format_value(values)
# Subtract 1 because we start at 0; i.e. length 10 prints 0 to 9
max_i_width = len(str(len(values) - 1))
return "\n".join([
"{prefix}{ipad}{i}: {value}".format(
prefix = prefix,
ipad = " " * (max_i_width - len(str(i))),
i = i,
value = format_value(v),
for i, v in enumerate(values)
def guess_format_value(values):
"""Guess an appropriate human-friendly formatter to use with the value.
values: The object to pick a formatter for.
callable that accepts the value.
found_types = {}
for value in values:
found_types[type(value)] = None
if len(found_types) > 1:
return repr_with_type
found_types = found_types.keys()
if len(found_types) != 1:
return repr_with_type
elif found_types[0] in ("string", "File"):
# For strings: omit the extra quotes and escaping. Just noise.
# For Files: they include <TYPE path> already
return _informative_str
return repr_with_type
def maybe_sorted(container, allow_sorting = True):
"""Attempts to return the values of `container` in sorted order, if possible.
container: ([`list`] | (or other object convertible to list))
allow_sorting: ([`bool`]) whether to sort even if it can be sorted. This
is primarly so that callers can avoid boilerplate when they have
a "should it be sorted" arg, but also always convert to a list.
A list, in sorted order if possible, otherwise in the original order.
This *may* be the same object as given as input.
container = to_list(container)
if not allow_sorting:
return container
if all([_is_sortable(v) for v in container]):
return sorted(container)
return container
def _is_sortable(obj):
return (
types.is_string(obj) or types.is_int(obj) or types.is_none(obj) or
def to_list(obj):
"""Attempt to convert the object to a list, else error.
NOTE: This only supports objects that are typically understood as
lists, not any iterable. Types like `dict` and `str` are iterable,
but will be rejected.
obj: ([`list`] | [`depset`]) The object to convert to a list.
[`list`] of the object
if types.is_string(obj):
fail("Cannot pass string to to_list(): {}".format(obj))
elif types.is_list(obj):
return obj
elif types.is_depset(obj):
return obj.to_list()
fail("Unable to convert to list: {}".format(repr_with_type(obj)))