blob: fc003f98c82751c4250f7211b71ec1c83076f5dc [file] [log] [blame]
"""Shared private utilities."""
def _do_nothing_impl(ctx):
_ = ctx # @unused
return []
do_nothing = rule(implementation = _do_nothing_impl)
def get_test_name_from_function(func):
"""Derives a suitable test name from a function.
This can be used for better test feedback.
func: (callable) A test implementation or setup function.
(str) The name of the given function, suitable as a test name.
# Starlark currently stringifies a function as "<function NAME>", so we use
# that knowledge to parse the "NAME" portion out. If this behavior ever
# changes, we'll need to update this.
# TODO(bazel-team): Expose a ._name field on functions to avoid this.
func_name = str(func)
func_name = func_name.partition("<function ")[-1]
func_name = func_name.rpartition(">")[0]
func_name = func_name.partition(" ")[0]
# Strip leading/trailing underscores so that test functions can
# have private names. This better allows unused tests to be flagged by
# buildifier (indicating a bug or code to delete)
return func_name.strip("_")
get_function_name = get_test_name_from_function