blob: 89dc015ce5b29d73a6e5539315f49451e787ea43 [file] [log] [blame]
load(":known_shas.bzl", "FILE_KEY_TO_SHA")
load("//rust/platform:triple_mappings.bzl", "system_to_binary_ext", "system_to_dylib_ext", "system_to_staticlib_ext", "system_to_stdlib_linkflags", "triple_to_constraint_set", "triple_to_system")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:utils.bzl", "maybe")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
def rust_repositories(version = "1.44.0", iso_date = None, rustfmt_version = "1.4.8", edition = None, dev_components = False):
"""Emits a default set of toolchains for Linux, OSX, and Freebsd
Skip this macro and call the `rust_repository_set` macros directly if you need a compiler for
other hosts or for additional target triples.
version: The version of Rust. Either "nightly", "beta", or an exact version.
rustfmt_version: The version of rustfmt. Either "nightly", "beta", or an exact version.
iso_date: The date of the nightly or beta release (or None, if the version is a specific version).
edition: The rust edition to be used by default (2015 (default) or 2018)
dev_components: Whether to download the rustc-dev components (defaults to False). Requires version to be "nightly".
if dev_components and version != "nightly":
fail("Rust version must be set to \"nightly\" to enable rustc-dev components")
name = "rules_cc",
url = "",
sha256 = "8c7e8bf24a2bf515713445199a677ee2336e1c487fa1da41037c6026de04bbc3",
strip_prefix = "rules_cc-624b5d59dfb45672d4239422fa1e3de1822ee110",
type = "zip",
name = "rust_linux_x86_64",
exec_triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
extra_target_triples = ["wasm32-unknown-unknown"],
version = version,
iso_date = iso_date,
rustfmt_version = rustfmt_version,
edition = edition,
dev_components = dev_components,
name = "rust_darwin_x86_64",
exec_triple = "x86_64-apple-darwin",
extra_target_triples = ["wasm32-unknown-unknown"],
version = version,
iso_date = iso_date,
rustfmt_version = rustfmt_version,
edition = edition,
dev_components = dev_components,
name = "rust_freebsd_x86_64",
exec_triple = "x86_64-unknown-freebsd",
extra_target_triples = ["wasm32-unknown-unknown"],
version = version,
iso_date = iso_date,
rustfmt_version = rustfmt_version,
edition = edition,
dev_components = dev_components,
name = "rust_windows_x86_64",
exec_triple = "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc",
extra_target_triples = ["wasm32-unknown-unknown"],
version = version,
iso_date = iso_date,
rustfmt_version = rustfmt_version,
def _check_version_valid(version, iso_date, param_prefix = ""):
"""Verifies that the provided rust version and iso_date make sense."""
if not version and iso_date:
fail("{param_prefix}iso_date must be paired with a {param_prefix}version".format(param_prefix = param_prefix))
if version in ("beta", "nightly") and not iso_date:
fail("{param_prefix}iso_date must be specified if version is 'beta' or 'nightly'".format(param_prefix = param_prefix))
if version not in ("beta", "nightly") and iso_date:
print("{param_prefix}iso_date is ineffective if an exact version is specified".format(param_prefix = param_prefix))
def serialized_constraint_set_from_triple(target_triple):
constraint_set = triple_to_constraint_set(target_triple)
constraint_set_strs = []
for constraint in constraint_set:
return "[{}]".format(", ".join(constraint_set_strs))
def BUILD_for_compiler(target_triple):
"""Emits a BUILD file the compiler .tar.gz."""
system = triple_to_system(target_triple)
return """
load("@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust:toolchain.bzl", "rust_toolchain")
name = "rustc",
srcs = ["bin/rustc{binary_ext}"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
name = "rustc_lib",
srcs = glob(
allow_empty = True,
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
name = "rustdoc",
srcs = ["bin/rustdoc{binary_ext}"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
binary_ext = system_to_binary_ext(system),
staticlib_ext = system_to_staticlib_ext(system),
dylib_ext = system_to_dylib_ext(system),
target_triple = target_triple,
def BUILD_for_rustfmt(target_triple):
"""Emits a BUILD file the rustfmt .tar.gz."""
system = triple_to_system(target_triple)
return """
load("@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust:toolchain.bzl", "rust_toolchain")
name = "rustfmt_bin",
srcs = ["bin/rustfmt{binary_ext}"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
name = "rustfmt",
srcs = [":rustfmt_bin"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
binary_ext = system_to_binary_ext(system),
def BUILD_for_clippy(target_triple):
"""Emits a BUILD file the clippy's extracted files."""
system = triple_to_system(target_triple)
return """
load("@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust:toolchain.bzl", "rust_toolchain")
name = "clippy_driver_bin",
srcs = ["bin/clippy-driver{binary_ext}"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
""".format(binary_ext = system_to_binary_ext(system))
def BUILD_for_stdlib(target_triple):
"""Emits a BUILD file the stdlib .tar.gz."""
system = triple_to_system(target_triple)
return """
name = "rust_lib-{target_triple}",
srcs = glob(
# Some patterns (e.g. `lib/*.a`) don't match anything, see
allow_empty = True,
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
binary_ext = system_to_binary_ext(system),
staticlib_ext = system_to_staticlib_ext(system),
dylib_ext = system_to_dylib_ext(system),
target_triple = target_triple,
def BUILD_for_rust_toolchain(workspace_name, name, exec_triple, target_triple,
stdlib_linkflags=None, default_edition = "2015"):
"""Emits a toolchain declaration to match an existing compiler and stdlib.
workspace_name: The name of the workspace that this toolchain resides in
name: The name of the toolchain declaration
exec_triple: The rust-style target that this compiler runs on
target_triple: The rust-style target triple of the tool
stdlib_linkflags: Overriden flags needed for linking to rust stdlib, akin to BAZEL_LINKLIBS
system = triple_to_system(target_triple)
if stdlib_linkflags == None:
stdlib_linkflags = ", ".join(['"%s"' % x for x in system_to_stdlib_linkflags(system)])
return """
name = "{toolchain_name}_impl",
rust_doc = "@{workspace_name}//:rustdoc",
rust_lib = "@{workspace_name}//:rust_lib-{target_triple}",
rustc = "@{workspace_name}//:rustc",
rustfmt = "@{workspace_name}//:rustfmt_bin",
clippy_driver = "@{workspace_name}//:clippy_driver_bin",
rustc_lib = "@{workspace_name}//:rustc_lib",
binary_ext = "{binary_ext}",
staticlib_ext = "{staticlib_ext}",
dylib_ext = "{dylib_ext}",
stdlib_linkflags = [{stdlib_linkflags}],
os = "{system}",
default_edition = "{default_edition}",
exec_triple = "{exec_triple}",
target_triple = "{target_triple}",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
toolchain_name = name,
workspace_name = workspace_name,
binary_ext = system_to_binary_ext(system),
staticlib_ext = system_to_staticlib_ext(system),
dylib_ext = system_to_dylib_ext(system),
stdlib_linkflags = stdlib_linkflags,
system = system,
default_edition = default_edition,
exec_triple = exec_triple,
target_triple = target_triple,
def BUILD_for_toolchain(name, parent_workspace_name, exec_triple, target_triple):
return """
name = "{name}",
exec_compatible_with = {exec_constraint_sets_serialized},
target_compatible_with = {target_constraint_sets_serialized},
toolchain = "@{parent_workspace_name}//:{name}_impl",
toolchain_type = "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust:toolchain",
name = name,
exec_constraint_sets_serialized = serialized_constraint_set_from_triple(exec_triple),
target_constraint_sets_serialized = serialized_constraint_set_from_triple(target_triple),
parent_workspace_name = parent_workspace_name,
def produce_tool_suburl(tool_name, target_triple, version, iso_date = None):
"""Produces a fully qualified Rust tool name for URL
tool_name: The name of the tool per
target_triple: The rust-style target triple of the tool
version: The version of the tool among "nightly", "beta', or an exact version.
iso_date: The date of the tool (or None, if the version is a specific version).
if iso_date:
return "{}/{}-{}-{}".format(iso_date, tool_name, version, target_triple)
return "{}-{}-{}".format(tool_name, version, target_triple)
def produce_tool_path(tool_name, target_triple, version):
"""Produces a qualified Rust tool name
tool_name: The name of the tool per
target_triple: The rust-style target triple of the tool
version: The version of the tool among "nightly", "beta', or an exact version.
return "{}-{}-{}".format(tool_name, version, target_triple)
def load_arbitrary_tool(ctx, tool_name, tool_subdirectories, version, iso_date, target_triple, sha256 = ""):
"""Loads a Rust tool, downloads, and extracts into the common workspace.
This function sources the tool from the Rust-lang static file server. The index is available
at: (or the path specified by
"${RUST_STATIC_URL}/dist/index.html" if the RUST_STATIC_URL envinronment variable is set).
ctx: A repository_ctx (no attrs required).
tool_name: The name of the given tool per the archive naming.
param_prefix: The name of the versioning param if the repository rule supports multiple tools.
tool_subdirectories: The subdirectories of the tool files (at a level below the root directory of
the archive). The root directory of the archive is expected to match
| version
| | target_triple
v v v
tool_subdirectories = ["clippy-preview", "rustc"]
version: The version of the tool among "nightly", "beta', or an exact version.
iso_date: The date of the tool (or None, if the version is a specific version).
target_triple: The rust-style target triple of the tool
_check_version_valid(version, iso_date, param_prefix = tool_name + "_")
# N.B. See to find the tool_suburl for a given
# tool.
tool_suburl = produce_tool_suburl(tool_name, target_triple, version, iso_date)
static_rust = ctx.os.environ["STATIC_RUST_URL"] if "STATIC_RUST_URL" in ctx.os.environ else ""
url = "{}/dist/{}.tar.gz".format(static_rust, tool_suburl)
tool_path = produce_tool_path(tool_name, target_triple, version)
archive_path = tool_path + ".tar.gz"
output = archive_path,
sha256 = FILE_KEY_TO_SHA.get(tool_suburl) or sha256,
for subdirectory in tool_subdirectories:
output = "",
stripPrefix = "{}/{}".format(tool_path, subdirectory),
def _load_rustfmt(ctx):
target_triple = ctx.attr.exec_triple
if ctx.attr.rustfmt_version in ("beta", "nightly"):
iso_date = ctx.attr.iso_date
iso_date = None
iso_date = iso_date,
target_triple = target_triple,
tool_name = "rustfmt",
tool_subdirectories = ["rustfmt-preview"],
version = ctx.attr.rustfmt_version,
return BUILD_for_rustfmt(target_triple)
def _load_rust_compiler(ctx):
"""Loads a rust compiler and yields corresponding BUILD for it
ctx: A repository_ctx.
The BUILD file contents for this compiler and compiler library
target_triple = ctx.attr.exec_triple
iso_date = ctx.attr.iso_date,
target_triple = target_triple,
tool_name = "rust",
tool_subdirectories = ["rustc", "clippy-preview"],
version = ctx.attr.version,
compiler_BUILD = BUILD_for_compiler(target_triple) + BUILD_for_clippy(target_triple)
return compiler_BUILD
def _load_rust_stdlib(ctx, target_triple):
"""Loads a rust standard library and yields corresponding BUILD for it
ctx: A repository_ctx.
target_triple: The rust-style target triple of the tool
The BUILD file contents for this stdlib, and a toolchain decl to match
iso_date = ctx.attr.iso_date,
target_triple = target_triple,
tool_name = "rust-std",
tool_subdirectories = ["rust-std-{}".format(target_triple)],
version = ctx.attr.version,
toolchain_prefix = ctx.attr.toolchain_name_prefix or DEFAULT_TOOLCHAIN_NAME_PREFIX
stdlib_BUILD = BUILD_for_stdlib(target_triple)
stdlib_linkflags = None
if 'BAZEL_RUST_STDLIB_LINKFLAGS' in ctx.os.environ:
stdlib_linkflags = ctx.os.environ['BAZEL_RUST_STDLIB_LINKFLAGS'].split(':')
toolchain_BUILD = BUILD_for_rust_toolchain(
name = "{toolchain_prefix}_{target_triple}".format(
toolchain_prefix = toolchain_prefix,
target_triple = target_triple,
exec_triple = ctx.attr.exec_triple,
target_triple = target_triple,
stdlib_linkflags = stdlib_linkflags,
workspace_name =,
default_edition = ctx.attr.edition,
return stdlib_BUILD + toolchain_BUILD
def _load_rustc_dev_nightly(ctx, target_triple):
"""Loads the nightly rustc dev component
ctx: A repository_ctx.
target_triple: The rust-style target triple of the tool
iso_date = ctx.attr.iso_date,
target_triple = target_triple,
tool_name = "rustc-dev",
tool_subdirectories = ["rustc-dev-{}".format(target_triple)],
version = ctx.attr.version,
def _load_llvm_tools(ctx, target_triple):
"""Loads the llvm tools
ctx: A repository_ctx.
target_triple: The rust-style target triple of the tool
iso_date = ctx.attr.iso_date,
target_triple = target_triple,
tool_name = "llvm-tools",
tool_subdirectories = ["llvm-tools-preview"],
version = ctx.attr.version,
def _rust_toolchain_repository_impl(ctx):
"""The implementation of the rust toolchain repository rule."""
_check_version_valid(ctx.attr.version, ctx.attr.iso_date)
BUILD_components = [_load_rust_compiler(ctx)]
if ctx.attr.rustfmt_version:
# Nightly Rust builds after 2020-05-22 need the llvm-tools gzip to get the libLLVM dylib
if ctx.attr.version == "nightly" and ctx.attr.iso_date > "2020-05-22":
_load_llvm_tools(ctx, ctx.attr.exec_triple)
for target_triple in [ctx.attr.exec_triple] + ctx.attr.extra_target_triples:
BUILD_components.append(_load_rust_stdlib(ctx, target_triple))
# extra_target_triples contains targets such as wasm, which don't have rustc_dev components
if ctx.attr.dev_components and target_triple not in ctx.attr.extra_target_triples:
_load_rustc_dev_nightly(ctx, target_triple)
ctx.file("WORKSPACE", "")
ctx.file("BUILD", "\n".join(BUILD_components))
def _rust_toolchain_repository_proxy_impl(ctx):
BUILD_components = []
for target_triple in [ctx.attr.exec_triple] + ctx.attr.extra_target_triples:
name = "{toolchain_prefix}_{target_triple}".format(
toolchain_prefix = ctx.attr.toolchain_name_prefix,
target_triple = target_triple,
exec_triple = ctx.attr.exec_triple,
parent_workspace_name = ctx.attr.parent_workspace_name,
target_triple = target_triple,
ctx.file("WORKSPACE", "")
ctx.file("BUILD", "\n".join(BUILD_components))
"""Composes a single workspace containing the toolchain components for compiling on a given
platform to a series of target platforms.
A given instance of this rule should be accompanied by a rust_toolchain_repository_proxy
invocation to declare its toolchains to Bazel; the indirection allows separating toolchain
selection from toolchain fetching
name: A unique name for this rule
version: The version of the tool among "nightly", "beta', or an exact version.
rustfmt_version: The version of rustfmt to be associated with the toolchain.
iso_date: The date of the tool (or None, if the version is a specific version).
exec_triple: The Rust-style target triple for the compilation platform
extra_target_triples: The Rust-style triples for extra compilation targets
toolchain_name_prefix: The per-target prefix expected for the rust_toolchain declarations
edition: The rust edition to be used by default (2015 (default) or 2018)
rust_toolchain_repository = repository_rule(
attrs = {
"version": attr.string(mandatory = True),
"rustfmt_version": attr.string(),
"iso_date": attr.string(),
"exec_triple": attr.string(mandatory = True),
"extra_target_triples": attr.string_list(),
"toolchain_name_prefix": attr.string(),
"edition": attr.string(default = "2015"),
"dev_components": attr.bool(default = False),
implementation = _rust_toolchain_repository_impl,
"""Generates a toolchain-bearing repository that declares the toolchains from some other
name: A unique name for this rule
parent_workspace_name: The name of the other rust_toolchain_repository
exec_triple: The Rust-style target triple for the compilation platform
extra_target_triples: The Rust-style triples for extra compilation targets
toolchain_name_prefix: The per-target prefix expected for the rust_toolchain declarations in the
parent workspace.
rust_toolchain_repository_proxy = repository_rule(
attrs = {
"parent_workspace_name": attr.string(mandatory = True),
"exec_triple": attr.string(mandatory = True),
"extra_target_triples": attr.string_list(),
"toolchain_name_prefix": attr.string(),
implementation = _rust_toolchain_repository_proxy_impl,
def rust_repository_set(
extra_target_triples = [],
iso_date = None,
rustfmt_version = None,
edition = None,
dev_components = False):
"""Assembles a remote repository for the given toolchain params, produces a proxy repository
to contain the toolchain declaration, and registers the toolchains.
N.B. A "proxy repository" is needed to allow for registering the toolchain (with constraints)
without actually downloading the toolchain.
name: The name of the generated repository
version: The version of the tool among "nightly", "beta', or an exact version.
iso_date: The date of the tool (or None, if the version is a specific version).
exec_triple: The Rust-style target that this compiler runs on
extra_target_triples: Additional rust-style targets that this set of toolchains
should support.
rustfmt_version: The version of rustfmt to be associated with the toolchain.
edition: The rust edition to be used by default (2015 (default) or 2018)
dev_components: Whether to download the rustc-dev components (defaults to False).
Requires version to be "nightly".
name = name,
exec_triple = exec_triple,
extra_target_triples = extra_target_triples,
iso_date = iso_date,
toolchain_name_prefix = DEFAULT_TOOLCHAIN_NAME_PREFIX,
version = version,
rustfmt_version = rustfmt_version,
edition = edition,
dev_components = dev_components,
name = name + "_toolchains",
exec_triple = exec_triple,
extra_target_triples = extra_target_triples,
parent_workspace_name = name,
toolchain_name_prefix = DEFAULT_TOOLCHAIN_NAME_PREFIX,
all_toolchain_names = []
for target_triple in [exec_triple] + extra_target_triples:
name = name,
toolchain_name_prefix = DEFAULT_TOOLCHAIN_NAME_PREFIX,
triple = target_triple,
# Register toolchains