blob: 13a54aa7e19344286fc72964c456b6102151be38 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Create a repository to hold the toolchains.
This follows guidance here:
The "complex computation" in our case is simply downloading large artifacts.
This guidance tells us how to avoid that: we put the toolchain targets in the
alias repository with only the toolchain attribute pointing into the
platform-specific repositories.
def _toolchains_repo_impl(rctx):
build_content = """\
# Generated by toolchains_repo.bzl
# These can be registered in the workspace file or passed to --extra_toolchains
# flag. By default all these toolchains are registered by the
# python_register_toolchains macro so you don't normally need to interact with
# these targets.
for [platform, meta] in PLATFORMS.items():
build_content += """\
# Bazel selects this toolchain to get a Python interpreter
# for executing build actions.
name = "{platform}_toolchain",
exec_compatible_with = {compatible_with},
toolchain = "@{user_repository_name}_{platform}//:python_runtimes",
toolchain_type = "@bazel_tools//tools/python:toolchain_type",
platform = platform,
name =,
user_repository_name = rctx.attr.user_repository_name,
compatible_with = meta.compatible_with,
rctx.file("BUILD.bazel", build_content)
toolchains_repo = repository_rule(
doc = "Creates a repository with toolchain definitions for all known platforms " +
"which can be registered or selected.",
attrs = {
"user_repository_name": attr.string(doc = "what the user chose for the base name"),
def _resolved_interpreter_os_alias_impl(rctx):
(os_name, arch) = _host_os_arch(rctx)
host_platform = None
for platform, meta in PLATFORMS.items():
if meta.os_name == os_name and meta.arch == arch:
host_platform = platform
if not host_platform:
fail("No platform declared for host OS {} on arch {}".format(os_name, arch))
is_windows = (os_name == WINDOWS_NAME)
python3_binary_path = "python.exe" if is_windows else "bin/python3"
# Base BUILD file for this repository.
build_contents = """\
# Generated by python/repositories.bzl
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
alias(name = "files", actual = "@{py_repository}_{host_platform}//:files")
alias(name = "includes", actual = "@{py_repository}_{host_platform}//:includes")
alias(name = "py3_runtime", actual = "@{py_repository}_{host_platform}//:py3_runtime")
alias(name = "python_headers", actual = "@{py_repository}_{host_platform}//:python_headers")
alias(name = "python_runtimes", actual = "@{py_repository}_{host_platform}//:python_runtimes")
alias(name = "python3", actual = "@{py_repository}_{host_platform}//:{python3_binary_path}")
py_repository = rctx.attr.user_repository_name,
host_platform = host_platform,
python3_binary_path = python3_binary_path,
if not is_windows:
build_contents += """\
alias(name = "pip", actual = "@{py_repository}_{host_platform}//:bin/pip")
py_repository = rctx.attr.user_repository_name,
host_platform = host_platform,
rctx.file("BUILD.bazel", build_contents)
# Expose a Starlark file so rules can know what host platform we used and where to find an interpreter
# when using repository_ctx.path, which doesn't understand aliases.
rctx.file("defs.bzl", content = """\
# Generated by python/repositories.bzl
host_platform = "{host_platform}"
interpreter = "@{py_repository}_{host_platform}//:{python3_binary_path}"
py_repository = rctx.attr.user_repository_name,
host_platform = host_platform,
python3_binary_path = python3_binary_path,
resolved_interpreter_os_alias = repository_rule(
doc = """Creates a repository with a shorter name meant for the host platform, which contains
a BUILD.bazel file declaring aliases to the host platform's targets.
attrs = {
"user_repository_name": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
doc = "The base name for all created repositories, like 'python38'.",
def _host_os_arch(rctx):
"""Infer the host OS name and arch from a repository context.
rctx: Bazel's repository_ctx.
A tuple with the host OS name and arch.
os_name =
# We assume the arch for Windows is always x86_64.
if "windows" in os_name.lower():
arch = "x86_64"
# Normalize the os_name. E.g. os_name could be "OS windows server 2019".
os_name = WINDOWS_NAME
# This is not ideal, but bazel doesn't directly expose arch.
arch = rctx.execute(["uname", "-m"]).stdout.strip()
# Normalize the os_name.
if "mac" in os_name.lower():
os_name = MACOS_NAME
elif "linux" in os_name.lower():
os_name = LINUX_NAME
return (os_name, arch)