blob: 86099154859e6408a812dfdf31f887673e1b3ccf [file] [log] [blame]
"""Setup for rules_python tests and tools."""
load("@build_bazel_integration_testing//tools:repositories.bzl", "bazel_binaries")
# Requirements for building our piptool.
_piptool_install = "pip_install",
load("//:version.bzl", "SUPPORTED_BAZEL_VERSIONS")
load("//python/pip_install:repositories.bzl", "pip_install_dependencies")
def rules_python_internal_setup():
"""Setup for rules_python tests and tools."""
# Requirements for building our piptool.
# Because we don't use the pip_install rule, we have to call this to fetch its deps
# Depend on the Bazel binaries for running bazel-in-bazel tests
bazel_binaries(versions = SUPPORTED_BAZEL_VERSIONS)