blob: 63fec01cfe21efc7e972c30556810e1b38d0bed6 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Rules to verify and update pip-compile locked requirements.txt"""
load("//python:defs.bzl", "py_binary", "py_test")
load("//python/pip_install:repositories.bzl", "requirement")
def compile_pip_requirements(
extra_args = [],
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
requirements_in = None,
requirements_txt = None,
tags = None,
"""Generates targets for managing pip dependencies with pip-compile.
By default this rules generates a filegroup named "[name]" which can be included in the data
of some other compile_pip_requirements rule that references these requirements
(e.g. with `-r ../other/requirements.txt`).
It also generates two targets for running pip-compile:
- validate with `bazel test <name>_test`
- update with `bazel run <name>.update`
name: base name for generated targets, typically "requirements"
extra_args: passed to pip-compile
visibility: passed to both the _test and .update rules
requirements_in: file expressing desired dependencies
requirements_txt: result of "compiling" the file
tags: tagging attribute common to all build rules, passed to both the _test and .update rules
**kwargs: other bazel attributes passed to the "_test" rule
requirements_in = name + ".in" if requirements_in == None else requirements_in
requirements_txt = name + ".txt" if requirements_txt == None else requirements_txt
# "Default" target produced by this macro
# Allow a compile_pip_requirements rule to include another one in the data
# for a requirements file that does `-r ../other/requirements.txt`
name = name,
srcs = kwargs.pop("data", []) + [requirements_txt],
visibility = visibility,
data = [name, requirements_in, requirements_txt]
# Use the Label constructor so this is expanded in the context of the file
# where it appears, which is to say, in @rules_python
pip_compile = Label("//python/")
loc = "$(rootpath %s)"
args = [
loc % requirements_in,
loc % requirements_txt,
"//%s:%s.update" % (native.package_name(), name),
] + extra_args
deps = [
attrs = {
"args": args,
"data": data,
"deps": deps,
"main": pip_compile,
"srcs": [pip_compile],
"tags": tags,
"visibility": visibility,
# cheap way to detect the bazel version
_bazel_version_4_or_greater = "propeller_optimize" in dir(native)
# Bazel 4.0 added the "env" attribute to py_test/py_binary
if _bazel_version_4_or_greater:
attrs["env"] = kwargs.pop("env", {})
name = name + ".update",
timeout = kwargs.pop("timeout", "short")
name = name + "_test",
timeout = timeout,
# kwargs could contain test-specific attributes like size or timeout
**dict(attrs, **kwargs)