blob: 9cd6534e7869152a23b5cff3d8013d67a4832449 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Rules for building wheels."""
def _path_inside_wheel(input_file):
# input_file.short_path is sometimes relative ("../${repository_root}/foobar")
# which is not a valid path within a zip file. Fix that.
short_path = input_file.short_path
if short_path.startswith("..") and len(short_path) >= 3:
# Path separator. '/' on linux.
separator = short_path[2]
# Consume '../' part.
short_path = short_path[3:]
# Find position of next '/' and consume everything up to that character.
pos = short_path.find(separator)
short_path = short_path[pos + 1:]
return short_path
def _input_file_to_arg(input_file):
"""Converts a File object to string for --input_file argument to wheelmaker"""
return "%s;%s" % (_path_inside_wheel(input_file), input_file.path)
def _py_package_impl(ctx):
inputs = depset(
transitive = [dep[DefaultInfo].data_runfiles.files for dep in ctx.attr.deps] +
[dep[DefaultInfo].default_runfiles.files for dep in ctx.attr.deps],
# TODO: '/' is wrong on windows, but the path separator is not available in skylark.
# Fix this once ctx.configuration has directory separator information.
packages = [p.replace(".", "/") for p in ctx.attr.packages]
if not packages:
filtered_inputs = inputs
filtered_files = []
# TODO: flattening depset to list gives poor performance,
for input_file in inputs.to_list():
wheel_path = _path_inside_wheel(input_file)
for package in packages:
if wheel_path.startswith(package):
filtered_inputs = depset(direct = filtered_files)
return [DefaultInfo(
files = filtered_inputs,
py_package = rule(
implementation = _py_package_impl,
doc = """
A rule to select all files in transitive dependencies of deps which
belong to given set of Python packages.
This rule is intended to be used as data dependency to py_wheel rule
attrs = {
"deps": attr.label_list(),
"packages": attr.string_list(
mandatory = False,
allow_empty = True,
doc = """\
List of Python packages to include in the distribution.
Sub-packages are automatically included.
def _py_wheel_impl(ctx):
outfile = ctx.actions.declare_file("-".join([
]) + ".whl")
inputs_to_package = depset(
direct = ctx.files.deps,
# Inputs to this rule which are not to be packaged.
# Currently this is only the description file (if used).
other_inputs = []
args = ctx.actions.args()
args.add("--name", ctx.attr.distribution)
args.add("--version", ctx.attr.version)
args.add("--python_tag", ctx.attr.python_tag)
args.add("--abi", ctx.attr.abi)
args.add("--platform", ctx.attr.platform)
args.add("--out", outfile.path)
args.add_all(ctx.attr.strip_path_prefixes, format_each = "--strip_path_prefix=%s")
args.add_all(inputs_to_package, format_each = "--input_file=%s", map_each = _input_file_to_arg)
extra_headers = []
extra_headers.append("Author: %s" %
if ctx.attr.author_email:
extra_headers.append("Author-email: %s" % ctx.attr.author_email)
if ctx.attr.homepage:
extra_headers.append("Home-page: %s" % ctx.attr.homepage)
if ctx.attr.license:
extra_headers.append("License: %s" % ctx.attr.license)
for h in extra_headers:
args.add("--header", h)
for c in ctx.attr.classifiers:
args.add("--classifier", c)
for r in ctx.attr.requires:
args.add("--requires", r)
for option, requirements in ctx.attr.extra_requires.items():
for r in requirements:
args.add("--extra_requires", r + ";" + option)
for name, ref in ctx.attr.console_scripts.items():
args.add("--console_script", name + " = " + ref)
if ctx.attr.description_file:
description_file = ctx.file.description_file
args.add("--description_file", description_file)
inputs = depset(direct = other_inputs, transitive = [inputs_to_package]),
outputs = [outfile],
arguments = [args],
executable = ctx.executable._wheelmaker,
progress_message = "Building wheel",
return [DefaultInfo(
files = depset([outfile]),
data_runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = [outfile]),
def _concat_dicts(*dicts):
result = {}
for d in dicts:
return result
_distribution_attrs = {
"abi": attr.string(
default = "none",
doc = "Python ABI tag. 'none' for pure-Python wheels.",
"distribution": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
doc = """
Name of the distribution.
This should match the project name onm PyPI. It's also the name that is used to
refer to the package in other packages' dependencies.
# TODO(pstradomski): Support non-pure wheels
"platform": attr.string(
default = "any",
doc = "Supported platforms. 'any' for pure-Python wheel.",
"python_tag": attr.string(
default = "py3",
doc = "Supported Python major version. 'py2' or 'py3'",
values = ["py2", "py3"],
"version": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
doc = "Version number of the package",
_requirement_attrs = {
"extra_requires": attr.string_list_dict(
doc = "List of optional requirements for this package",
"requires": attr.string_list(
doc = "List of requirements for this package",
_entrypoint_attrs = {
"console_scripts": attr.string_dict(
doc = """\
console_script entry points, e.g. 'experimental.examples.wheel.main:main'.
_other_attrs = {
"author": attr.string(default = ""),
"author_email": attr.string(default = ""),
"classifiers": attr.string_list(),
"description_file": attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
"homepage": attr.string(default = ""),
"license": attr.string(default = ""),
"strip_path_prefixes": attr.string_list(
default = [],
doc = "path prefixes to strip from files added to the generated package",
py_wheel = rule(
implementation = _py_wheel_impl,
doc = """
A rule for building Python Wheels.
Wheels are Python distribution format defined in
This rule packages a set of targets into a single wheel.
Currently only pure-python wheels are supported.
# Package just a specific py_libraries, without their dependencies
name = "minimal_with_py_library",
# Package data. We're building "example_minimal_library-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl"
distribution = "example_minimal_library",
python_tag = "py3",
version = "0.0.1",
deps = [
# Use py_package to collect all transitive dependencies of a target,
# selecting just the files within a specific python package.
name = "example_pkg",
# Only include these Python packages.
packages = ["experimental.examples.wheel"],
deps = [":main"],
name = "minimal_with_py_package",
# Package data. We're building "example_minimal_package-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl"
distribution = "example_minimal_package",
python_tag = "py3",
version = "0.0.1",
deps = [":example_pkg"],
attrs = _concat_dicts(
"deps": attr.label_list(
doc = """\
Targets to be included in the distribution.
The targets to package are usually `py_library` rules or filesets (for packaging data files).
Note it's usually better to package `py_library` targets and use
`console_scripts` attribute to specify entry points than to package
`py_binary` rules. `py_binary` targets would wrap a executable script that
tries to locate `.runfiles` directory which is not packaged in the wheel.
"_wheelmaker": attr.label(
executable = True,
cfg = "host",
default = "//experimental/rules_python:wheelmaker",