blob: 038ee0e8c8720479271af2dcceb9f4be854aca24 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Utilities for `rules_python` pip rules"""
\"\"\"A generate file containing all source files used for `@rules_python//python/pip_install:pip_repository.bzl` rules
This file is auto-generated from the `@rules_python//python/pip_install/private:srcs_module.install` target. Please
`bazel run` this target to apply any updates. Note that doing so will discard any local modifications.
# Each source file is tracked as a target so `pip_repository` rules will know to automatically rebuild if any of the
# sources changed.
def _src_label(file):
dir_path, file_name = file.short_path.rsplit("/", 1)
return "@rules_python//{}:{}".format(
def _srcs_module_impl(ctx):
srcs = [_src_label(src) for src in ctx.files.srcs]
if not srcs:
fail("`srcs` cannot be empty")
output = ctx.actions.declare_file(
output = output,
content = _SRCS_TEMPLATE.format(
srcs = "\n ".join(["\"{}\",".format(src) for src in srcs]),
return DefaultInfo(
files = depset([output]),
_srcs_module = rule(
doc = "A rule for writing a list of sources to a templated file",
implementation = _srcs_module_impl,
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label(
doc = "A filegroup of source files",
allow_files = True,
set -euo pipefail
cp -f "{path}" "${{BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY}}/{dest}"
def _srcs_updater_impl(ctx):
output = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".sh")
target_file = ctx.file.input
dest = ctx.file.dest.short_path
output = output,
content = _INSTALLER_TEMPLATE.format(
path = target_file.short_path,
dest = dest,
is_executable = True,
return DefaultInfo(
files = depset([output]),
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = [target_file]),
executable = output,
_srcs_updater = rule(
doc = "A rule for writing a `srcs.bzl` file back to the repository",
implementation = _srcs_updater_impl,
attrs = {
"dest": attr.label(
doc = "The target file to write the new `input` to.",
allow_single_file = ["srcs.bzl"],
mandatory = True,
"input": attr.label(
doc = "The file to write back to the repository",
allow_single_file = True,
mandatory = True,
executable = True,
def srcs_module(name, dest, **kwargs):
"""A helper rule to ensure `pip_repository` rules are always up to date
name (str): The name of the sources module
dest (str): The filename the module should be written as in the current package.
**kwargs (dict): Additional keyword arguments
tags = kwargs.pop("tags", [])
name = name,
tags = tags,
name = name + ".update",
input = name,
dest = dest,
tags = tags,