blob: 193f464942cdbdf995e7da2c9e887262802eccb8 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package rules
import (
bf ""
const (
// goRulesBzl is the label of the Skylark file which provides Go rules
goRulesBzl = "@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl"
// defaultLibName is the name of the default go_library rule in a Go
// package directory. It must be consistent to DEFAULT_LIB in go/private/
defaultLibName = "go_default_library"
// defaultTestName is a name of an internal test corresponding to
// defaultLibName. It does not need to be consistent to something but it
// just needs to be unique in the Bazel package
defaultTestName = "go_default_test"
// defaultXTestName is a name of an external test corresponding to
// defaultLibName.
defaultXTestName = "go_default_xtest"
// defaultProtosName is the name of a filegroup created
// whenever the library contains .pb.go files
defaultProtosName = "go_default_library_protos"
// defaultCgoLibName is the name of the default cgo_library rule in a Go package directory.
defaultCgoLibName = "cgo_default_library"
// Generator generates Bazel build rules for Go build targets
type Generator interface {
// Generate generates a syntax tree of a BUILD file for "pkg". The file
// contains rules for each non-empty target in "pkg". It also contains
// "load" statements necessary for the rule constructors. If this is the
// top-level package in the repository, the file will contain a
// "go_prefix" rule.
Generate(pkg *packages.Package) *bf.File
func NewGenerator(c *config.Config) Generator {
var (
// TODO(yugui) Support another resolver to cover the pattern 2 in
r = structuredResolver{goPrefix: c.GoPrefix}
var e labelResolver
switch c.DepMode {
case config.ExternalMode:
e = externalResolver{}
case config.VendorMode:
e = vendoredResolver{}
return nil
return &generator{
c: c,
r: resolverFunc(func(importpath, dir string) (label, error) {
if importpath != c.GoPrefix && !strings.HasPrefix(importpath, c.GoPrefix+"/") && !isRelative(importpath) {
return e.resolve(importpath, dir)
return r.resolve(importpath, dir)
type generator struct {
c *config.Config
r labelResolver
func (g *generator) Generate(pkg *packages.Package) *bf.File {
f := &bf.File{
Path: filepath.Join(pkg.Dir, g.c.DefaultBuildFileName()),
rs := g.generateRules(pkg)
if load := g.generateLoad(rs); load != nil {
f.Stmt = append(f.Stmt, load)
for _, r := range rs {
f.Stmt = append(f.Stmt, r.Call)
return f
func (g *generator) generateRules(pkg *packages.Package) []*bf.Rule {
var rules []*bf.Rule
if pkg.Rel == "" {
rules = append(rules, newRule("go_prefix", []interface{}{g.c.GoPrefix}, nil))
cgoLibrary, r := g.generateCgoLib(pkg)
if r != nil {
rules = append(rules, r)
library, r := g.generateLib(pkg, cgoLibrary)
if r != nil {
rules = append(rules, r)
if r := g.generateBin(pkg, library); r != nil {
rules = append(rules, r)
if r := g.filegroup(pkg); r != nil {
rules = append(rules, r)
if r := g.generateTest(pkg, library); r != nil {
rules = append(rules, r)
if r := g.generateXTest(pkg, library); r != nil {
rules = append(rules, r)
return rules
func (g *generator) generateBin(pkg *packages.Package, library string) *bf.Rule {
if !pkg.IsCommand() || pkg.Binary.Sources.IsEmpty() && library == "" {
return nil
name := filepath.Base(pkg.Dir)
visibility := checkInternalVisibility(pkg.Rel, "//visibility:public")
return g.generateRule(pkg.Rel, "go_binary", name, visibility, library, false, pkg.Binary)
func (g *generator) generateLib(pkg *packages.Package, cgoName string) (string, *bf.Rule) {
if !pkg.Library.HasGo() && cgoName == "" {
return "", nil
name := defaultLibName
var visibility string
if pkg.IsCommand() {
// Libraries made for a go_binary should not be exposed to the public.
visibility = "//visibility:private"
} else {
visibility = checkInternalVisibility(pkg.Rel, "//visibility:public")
rule := g.generateRule(pkg.Rel, "go_library", name, visibility, cgoName, false, pkg.Library)
return name, rule
func (g *generator) generateCgoLib(pkg *packages.Package) (string, *bf.Rule) {
if !pkg.CgoLibrary.HasGo() {
return "", nil
name := defaultCgoLibName
visibility := "//visibility:private"
rule := g.generateRule(pkg.Rel, "cgo_library", name, visibility, "", false, pkg.CgoLibrary)
return name, rule
// checkInternalVisibility overrides the given visibility if the package is
// internal.
func checkInternalVisibility(rel, visibility string) string {
if i := strings.LastIndex(rel, "/internal/"); i >= 0 {
visibility = fmt.Sprintf("//%s:__subpackages__", rel[:i])
} else if strings.HasPrefix(rel, "internal/") {
visibility = "//:__subpackages__"
return visibility
// filegroup is a small hack for directories with pre-generated .pb.go files
// and also source .proto files. This creates a filegroup for the .proto in
// addition to the usual go_library for the .pb.go files.
func (g *generator) filegroup(pkg *packages.Package) *bf.Rule {
if !pkg.HasPbGo || len(pkg.Protos) == 0 {
return nil
return newRule("filegroup", nil, []keyvalue{
{key: "name", value: defaultProtosName},
{key: "srcs", value: pkg.Protos},
{key: "visibility", value: []string{"//visibility:public"}},
func (g *generator) generateTest(pkg *packages.Package, library string) *bf.Rule {
if !pkg.Test.HasGo() {
return nil
var name string
if library == "" || library == defaultLibName {
name = defaultTestName
} else {
name = library + "_test"
return g.generateRule(pkg.Rel, "go_test", name, "", library, pkg.HasTestdata, pkg.Test)
func (g *generator) generateXTest(pkg *packages.Package, library string) *bf.Rule {
if !pkg.XTest.HasGo() {
return nil
var name string
if library == "" || library == defaultLibName {
name = defaultXTestName
} else {
name = library + "_xtest"
return g.generateRule(pkg.Rel, "go_test", name, "", "", pkg.HasTestdata, pkg.XTest)
func (g *generator) generateRule(rel, kind, name, visibility, library string, hasTestdata bool, target packages.Target) *bf.Rule {
// Construct attrs in the same order that bf.Rewrite uses. See
// namePriority in
attrs := []keyvalue{
{"name", name},
if !target.Sources.IsEmpty() {
attrs = append(attrs, keyvalue{"srcs", target.Sources})
if !target.CLinkOpts.IsEmpty() {
attrs = append(attrs, keyvalue{"clinkopts", target.CLinkOpts})
if !target.COpts.IsEmpty() {
attrs = append(attrs, keyvalue{"copts", target.COpts})
if hasTestdata {
glob := globvalue{patterns: []string{"testdata/**"}}
attrs = append(attrs, keyvalue{"data", glob})
if library != "" {
attrs = append(attrs, keyvalue{"library", ":" + library})
if visibility != "" {
attrs = append(attrs, keyvalue{"visibility", []string{visibility}})
if !target.Imports.IsEmpty() {
deps := g.dependencies(target.Imports, rel)
attrs = append(attrs, keyvalue{"deps", deps})
return newRule(kind, nil, attrs)
func (g *generator) generateLoad(rs []*bf.Rule) bf.Expr {
loadableKinds := []string{
// keep sorted
kinds := make(map[string]bool)
for _, r := range rs {
kinds[r.Kind()] = true
args := make([]bf.Expr, 0, len(kinds)+1)
args = append(args, &bf.StringExpr{Value: goRulesBzl})
for _, k := range loadableKinds {
if kinds[k] {
args = append(args, &bf.StringExpr{Value: k})
if len(args) == 1 {
return nil
return &bf.CallExpr{
X: &bf.LiteralExpr{Token: "load"},
List: args,
ForceCompact: true,
func (g *generator) dependencies(imports packages.PlatformStrings, dir string) packages.PlatformStrings {
resolve := func(imp string) (string, error) {
if l, err := g.r.resolve(imp, dir); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("in dir %q, could not resolve import path %q: %v", dir, imp, err)
} else {
return l.String(), nil
deps, errors := imports.Map(resolve)
for _, err := range errors {
return deps
// isRelative determines if an importpath is relative.
func isRelative(importpath string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(importpath, "./") || strings.HasPrefix(importpath, "..")