blob: ef8acaa85ec05098eaeb9b44b2b9757aae816679 [file] [log] [blame]
Using rules_go on Windows
.. _--incompatible_enable_cc_toolchain_resolution:
.. _Installing Bazel on Windows:
This document provides a list of instructions for setting up Bazel to build
Go code on a Windows computer.
Most of the difficulty here is installing a compatible C/C++ toolchain. Cgo
only works with GCC and clang toolchains, so MSVC cannot be used. This is a
Go limitation, not a Bazel or rules_go problem: cgo determines types of
definitions by parsing error messages that GCC emits when compiling generated
See also `Installing Bazel on Windows`_, the official instructions for
installing Bazel.
Install and configure dependencies
* Install msys2 from This is needed to provide a bash
environment for Bazel.
* Follow the installation directions to the end, including
running ``pacman -Syu`` and ``pacman -Su`` in the msys2 shell.
* Install additional msys2 tools.
* Run ``pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc``. GCC is needed if you plan to build
any cgo code. MSVC will not work with cgo. This is a Go limitation, not a
Bazel limitation. cgo determines types of definitions by compiling specially
crafted C files and parsing error messages. GCC or clang are specifically
needed for this.
* Run ``pacman -S patch``. ``patch`` is needed by ``git_repository`` and
``http_archive`` dependencies declared by rules_go. We use it to add
and modify build files.
* Add ``C:\msys64\usr\bin`` to ``PATH`` in order to locate ``patch`` and
other DLLs.
* Add ``C:\msys64\mingw64\bin`` to ``PATH`` in order to locate mingw DLLs.
``protoc`` and other host binaries will not run without these.
* Set the environment variable ``BAZEL_SH`` to ``C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe``.
Bazel needs this to run shell scripts.
* Set the environment variable ``CC`` to ``C:\msys64\mingw64\bin\gcc.exe``.
Bazel uses this to configure the C/C++ toolchain.
* Install the MSVC++ redistributable from
Bazel itself depends on this.
* Install Git from The Git install should
add the installed directory to your ``PATH`` automatically.
Install bazel
* Download Bazel from
* Move the binary to ``%APPDATA%\bin\bazel.exe``.
* Add that directory to ``PATH``.
* Confirm ``bazel version`` works.
Confirm C/C++ works
Create a workspace with a simple ``cc_binary`` target.
.. code::
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository")
name = "rules_cc",
commit = "7e650b11fe6d49f70f2ca7a1c4cb8bcc4a1fe239",
remote = "",
shallow_since = "1578064657 -0800",
-- BUILD.bazel --
load("@rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl", "cc_binary")
name = "hello",
srcs = ["hello.c"],
-- hello.c --
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
return 0;
To build with MinGW, run the command below. Add the ``-s`` flag to print
commands executed by Bazel to confirm MinGW is actually used.
.. code::
bazel build --cpu=x64_windows --compiler=mingw-gcc //:hello
Future versions of Bazel will select a C/C++ toolchain using the same platform
and toolchain system used by other rules. This will be the default after the
`--incompatible_enable_cc_toolchain_resolution`_ flag is flipped. To ensure
that the MinGW toolchain is registered, either build against a ``platform``
target with the ``@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:mingw`` constraint such as
``@io_bazel_rules_go//go/toolchain:windows_amd64_cgo``, or define your own
target explicitly, as below:
.. code::
name = "windows_amd64_mingw",
constraint_values = [
You can build with the command below. This also ensures the MinGW toolchain is
registered (it is not, by default).
.. code::
bazel build --extra_toolchains=@local_config_cc//:cc-toolchain-x64_windows_mingw --host_platform=//:windows_amd64_mingw --platforms=//:windows_amd64_mingw --incompatible_enable_cc_toolchain_resolution //:hello
You may want to add these flags to a ``.bazelrc`` file in your project root
directory or in your home directory.
.. code::
build --cpu=x64_windows
build --compiler=mingw-gcc
build --extra_toolchains=@local_config_cc//:cc-toolchain-x64_windows_mingw
build --host_platform=//:windows_amd64_mingw
build --platforms=//:windows_amd64_mingw
build --incompatible_enable_cc_toolchain_resolution
Confirm Go works
* Copy boilerplate from rules_go.
* Confirm that you can run a pure Go "hello world" binary with
``bazel run //:target``
* Confirm you can run a cgo binary with the same set of flags and platforms
used to build a C target above.