blob: 14fb75e5cfbf50c97cbe69d99ce067b44d06d790 [file] [log] [blame]
# _bazelrc is the bazel.rc file that sets the default options for tests
_bazelrc = """
build --verbose_failures
build --sandbox_debug
build --test_output=errors
build --spawn_strategy=standalone
build --genrule_strategy=standalone
test --test_strategy=standalone
build:isolate --
build:fetch --fetch=True
# _basic_workspace is the content appended to all test workspace files
# it contains the calls required to make the go rules work
_basic_workspace = """
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_rules_dependencies", "go_register_toolchains")
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//proto:def.bzl", "proto_register_toolchains")
# _bazel_test_script_template is hte template for the bazel invocation script
_bazel_test_script_template = """
echo running in {work_dir}
mkdir -p {work_dir}
mkdir -p {cache_dir}
cp -f {workspace} {work_dir}/WORKSPACE
cp -f {build} {work_dir}/BUILD.bazel
cd {work_dir}
{bazel} --bazelrc {bazelrc} --nomaster_blazerc {command} --experimental_repository_cache={cache_dir} --config {config} {args} {target} >& bazel-output.txt
exit $result
# _env_build_template is the template for the bazel test environment repository build file
_env_build_template = """
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//tests:bazel_tests.bzl", "bazel_test_settings")
name = "settings",
bazel = "{bazel}",
exec_root = "{exec_root}",
scratch_dir = "{scratch_dir}",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
name = "bazelrc",
srcs = ["test.bazelrc"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
def _bazel_test_script_impl(ctx):
go = go_context(ctx)
script_file = go.declare_file(go, ext=".bash")
if ctx.attr.go_version == CURRENT_VERSION:
register = 'go_register_toolchains()\n'
elif ctx.attr.go_version != None:
register = 'go_register_toolchains(go_version="{}")\n'.format(ctx.attr.go_version)
workspace_content = 'workspace(name = "bazel_test")\n\n'
for ext in ctx.attr.externals:
root = ext.label.workspace_root
_,_,name = ext.label.workspace_root.rpartition("/")
workspace_content += 'local_repository(name="{name}", path="{exec_root}/{root}")\n'.format(
name = name,
root = root,
exec_root = ctx.attr._settings.exec_root,
if ctx.attr.workspace:
workspace_content += ctx.attr.workspace
workspace_content += _basic_workspace.format()
workspace_content += register
workspace_file = go.declare_file(go, path="")
ctx.actions.write(workspace_file, workspace_content)
build_file = go.declare_file(go, path="")
targets = ["@" + ctx.workspace_name + "//" + ctx.label.package + t if t.startswith(":") else t for t in ctx.attr.targets]
output = "external/" + ctx.workspace_name + "/" + ctx.label.package
script_content = _bazel_test_script_template.format(
bazelrc = ctx.attr._settings.exec_root+"/"+ctx.file._bazelrc.path,
config = ctx.attr.config,
command = ctx.attr.command,
args = " ".join(ctx.attr.args),
target = " ".join(targets),
check = ctx.attr.check,
workspace = workspace_file.short_path,
build = build_file.short_path,
output = output,
bazel = ctx.attr._settings.bazel,
work_dir = ctx.attr._settings.scratch_dir + "/" + ctx.attr.config,
cache_dir = ctx.attr._settings.scratch_dir + "/cache",
ctx.actions.write(output=script_file, is_executable=True, content=script_content)
return struct(
files = depset([script_file]),
runfiles = ctx.runfiles([workspace_file, build_file])
_bazel_test_script = rule(
attrs = {
"command": attr.string(mandatory=True, values=["build", "test", "coverage", "run"]),
"args": attr.string_list(default=[]),
"targets": attr.string_list(mandatory=True),
"externals": attr.label_list(allow_files=True),
"go_version": attr.string(default=CURRENT_VERSION),
"workspace": attr.string(),
"build": attr.string(),
"check": attr.string(),
"config": attr.string(default="isolate"),
"_bazelrc": attr.label(allow_files=True, single_file=True, default="@bazel_test//:bazelrc"),
"_settings": attr.label(default = Label("@bazel_test//:settings")),
"_go_context_data": attr.label(default=Label("@io_bazel_rules_go//:go_context_data")),
toolchains = ["@io_bazel_rules_go//go:toolchain"],
def bazel_test(name, command = None, args=None, targets = None, go_version = None, tags=[], externals=[], workspace="", build="", check="", config=None):
script_name = name+"_script"
externals = externals + [
if go_version == None or go_version == CURRENT_VERSION:
name = script_name,
command = command,
args = args,
targets = targets,
externals = externals,
go_version = go_version,
workspace = workspace,
build = build,
check = check,
config = config,
name = name,
size = "large",
timeout = "moderate",
srcs = [":" + script_name],
tags = ["local", "bazel", "exclusive"] + tags,
data = [
def _md5_sum_impl(ctx):
go = go_context(ctx)
out = go.declare_file(go, ext=".md5")
arguments = ctx.actions.args()
arguments.add(["-output", out.path])
inputs = ctx.files.srcs,
outputs = [out],
mnemonic = "GoMd5sum",
executable = ctx.file._md5sum,
arguments = [arguments],
return struct(files=depset([out]))
md5_sum = rule(
attrs = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files=True),
"_md5sum": attr.label(allow_files=True, single_file=True, default=Label("@io_bazel_rules_go//go/tools/builders:md5sum")),
"_go_context_data": attr.label(default=Label("@io_bazel_rules_go//:go_context_data")),
toolchains = ["@io_bazel_rules_go//go:toolchain"],
def _test_environment_impl(ctx):
# Find bazel
bazel = ""
if "BAZEL" in ctx.os.environ:
bazel = ctx.os.environ["BAZEL"]
elif "BAZEL_VERSION" in ctx.os.environ:
home = ctx.os.environ["HOME"]
bazel = home + "/.bazel/{0}/bin/bazel".format(ctx.os.environ["BAZEL_VERSION"])
if bazel == "" or not ctx.path(bazel).exists:
bazel = ctx.which("bazel")
# Get a temporary directory to use as our scratch workspace
result = env_execute(ctx, ["mktemp", "-d"])
if result.return_code:
fail("failed to create temporary directory for bazel tests: {}".format(result.stderr))
scratch_dir = result.stdout.strip()
# Work out where we are running so we can find externals
exec_root, _, _ = str(ctx.path(".")).rpartition("/external/")
# build the basic environment
ctx.file("WORKSPACE", 'workspace(name = "{}")'.format(
ctx.file("BUILD.bazel", _env_build_template.format(
bazel = bazel,
exec_root = exec_root,
scratch_dir = scratch_dir,
ctx.file("test.bazelrc", content=_bazelrc)
_test_environment = repository_rule(
implementation = _test_environment_impl,
attrs = {},
environ = [
def _bazel_test_settings_impl(ctx):
return struct(
bazel = ctx.attr.bazel,
exec_root = ctx.attr.exec_root,
scratch_dir = ctx.attr.scratch_dir,
bazel_test_settings = rule(
attrs = {
"bazel": attr.string(mandatory = True),
"exec_root": attr.string(mandatory = True),
"scratch_dir": attr.string(mandatory = True),
def test_environment():